《The Kings Mate》Chapter 5


Malia POV

"Hey mom can I borrow the keys?" I ask her

"Yeah, but tell me where your going." she puts her glasses farther up the bridge of her nose and crosses her arms.

"I'm going to apply for a job." I say confidently.

"Okay fine. Here." she huffs and hands me the keys. I mutter a thanks and hurry out the door.

I drive down to crazy freeze. I look at the door to confirm that their is help that is needed, and their is.

I hope out and push the door open the bell chiming.

"Hi I'm here to apply for a job." I say to the girl who is behind the counter.

"Um actually on Thursdays we have free interviews so if you want one of those I can tell the manager." she says and points to the back door.

"Uh... sure that would be great." I smile and she goes through the door.

My mind immediately wanders back to Mason. Does he like me. He probably doesn't I mean who would like me. My hamster doesn't even like me.

"Hi I'm hearing word that you want an interview. I guy comes out. He's probably in his mid 20's. he's got dark hair, brown eyes, and dimples. Most girls would swoon over him but I look at him and just see a guy.

"Yeah." I Nod my head and smile.

"Okay," he smiles his dimples showing,"Right this way."

He moves to the side so I can walk through.i follow him into a back room with a desk. One chair on one side and one on the other. He did in the one behind the desk and I sit in the one that's in front.

"So why do you want to work here?" He ask me graving a clip board.

"Well, I really love frozen yogurt, I just moved here and don't have any money." I tell him honestly.

"Okay so what's your name?" He ask after scribbling down on his clip board.

"Malia Taylor Brown."

"Okay so do you have criminal records?" He swivels back and forth in his chair.


"Nope, I've never even had a detention." I smile proud of my self. truth is if I even got in trouble in school my mom would punish me.

"Great. Okay, do you have any questions for me about the job?" He says and puts his elbows on the desk.

"Actually yes, I was wondering how much I would get paid if I got the job?"

"Since you'd be the only real person working here... around $9.50 an hour. So around minimum wage." He answer smugly.

"What do you mean only real person?" I arc an eye brow

"Uh this is a family business so, and my other brother and sister who are twins just went to collage so we needed someone to work here." he tells me.

"Okay well that's the only question I have." I say and out my hands in my lap.

"Okay, and I would also like to say that you got the job." He says and stands up.

"What do you mean got the job?" I ask and stand up too.

"Well you seem like the perfect candidate and we've had the sign up for over a month and you and one other guy are the only ones who applied. And the other guy pretty sure had flees." He says with a small chuckle.

"Okay," He tell him a little shocked.

"Hey what size shirt are you?" He asks

"Small? why?" I say a little confused.

"We are getting new shirts supplied. Oh and we have a shirt in the back so until we can get the new order in I guess you'll be wearing that one." He tells me and holds out his hand so I shake it.

"Can you start Sunday?" He asks

"Uh... yeah." I nod my head.

"Okay great, see you Sunday." he smiles

"See you Sunday." I say and head out the door.

I pass the counter and walk out the door.

I step into my cat and buckle myself in. I let out a sigh.

Today didn't go to bad. I got a job, I think I got some friends, and it's only my first day.


So far so good.


I walk down the street with my back pack on my way to school. It's only a 15 minute walk so I figured why not get the exercise. That and my mom had to go to work and my dad well he left a few days ago for work and won't be here until tomorrow. FYI he's a fire fighter that stays over night incase a fire were to happen in the middle of the night. I don't know why their aren't night shifts and say shifts. But oh well.

As a turn a corner a beat up blue jeep stops next to me. The window winds down and Mason sit there with sunglasses and a smile.

"Need a ride?" He smiles showing his white teeth.

"Sure." I smile back. Does this not know what he does to me. I feel like a dinosaur is walking around inside of me.

"Hop in." he motions his head to the passenger seat. I walk around the car and hop in. he speeds away to school.

"You know how weird this is?" I say with a slight laugh and he looks at me then back to the road.

"How is this weird."

"Well my names Malia, and in Teen wolf their is a girl named Malia. And her boyfriend, Stiles, owns a beat up blue jeep. Just like this one." I tell him and giggle every now and then at the concept.

"Yeah except I've never been possessed and my best friend is not a werewolf." he smiles.

That feels like a lie. Like I have this feeling he just lied to me. Is he a... no, no. that's not real maybe I'm just sleep deprived. I am thinking way to much about this boy.

"You watch teen wolf?" I ask surprised.

"No... well sorta. It's Cameron's favorite show. And she's always watching it so it's really the only thing to watch." he answers and pulls into school grounds.

"Is Cameron your sister?" I ask him unbuckling my seat belt.

"No. But we all live on the same street... and we uh... we just alternate houses." He says clearing his throat.

"Oh." I say and out my hand in the door handle.

"You have English first right." he asks.

"Yeah." I answer back and we leave the car and walk into school together.

"Okay great, so do I." He smiles and I smile back. I look at the ground and blush a little.

We walk into school and we wait awhile and just talk about things. I found out He has a brother and a sister, his favorite color is blue, and that he works at target on Sunday's Monday's and Wednesday days.

The bells rings and I follow him into class.

"Okay class today we will be doing Romeo and Juliet, so who ever your sitting next to will be your partner. You have to make a poster about what you thought the concept of the book was. And what you learned from it." The teacher says and walks around the class passing out old damaged Romeo and Juliet books. I look to my left and smile.

"Hey I guess we're partners." I say to Mason.

"Yeah I guess we are." he smiles back. He rips out a piece of paper and starts to write numbers on it. He slides it over to me and I look at it. It's his number. I rip off the bottom of the paper and write my number on it and hand it to him.

"Thanks, and If you want you can sit with me and my friends at lunch today. Don't worry if you think they don't like you. Cause they do." he tells me.

"Sure. I would like that." I tell him smile and nod.

"Great. I guess we should read now." he says looking at everyone else who is reading.

"Yeah I guess." I laugh and pick up my book and begin to read. I look over at him Smile and look back to my book.

Oh my god. Mason what did you do to my heart.



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