《UnExpected Odyssey》Pearl's Devotion


I prayed to Krishna for every single member of my family and for my sweet peevish bestie,Smrithi. It is she ,who tagged him as my lover, so, she deserves a good prayer from my side.

I hugged and smiled at the thought.

She is that amazing who is capable of making a person huff and smile at her mere thought

Same goes for my Krishna as well. I winked at Krishna with a sly smile

Krishna is my all time great lover. Okay , I know that sounds the core of craziness,but live with that guys, let's face the reality. I am just a crazy girl who loves to live like this.

The perk of loving Krishna lies here. He knows well that I love him. And that is the best thing a girl could ever come up with. For her lover to be cognizant of her love. Even though he is not present beside me in person, he is with me as a soft breeze and calm soothing of my heart.

What else a girl like me needs. This is the best feeling I have ever experienced in my life. Feeling comforted and soothed in a miraculous way. He is a great pacifier to me.

So this crazy girl fell head over heels for this sweet, mind boggling and charming deity.

I watched the mesmerizingly mind boggling and handsome God standing in all his graciousness on his peedam( Divine throne). I smiled at the transcendent deity and began my customary verbose libretto.

( I have never pleaded for anything from you, But now I have one request to you. Do you want me or are you happy with your so called gopis? If you want me please help me from this unending labyrinth you placed me in. I am begging before you please save me. If what I happen to hear from my elders is true , I don't want that abhorring fate for myself this early. I know you are known for your mischief and case-hardened nature. But keep one simple thing in your mind from a very tender age you were the only one who ruled my heart. You too know the reason. There is no one as handsome and mischievous as you are ,out here. You are one handsome man I have ever seen in my life. Don't think that I am flattering. But this is the universally accepted truth.I just did the work of stroking it by acknowledging it. I know you get to see a lot of beauties on a daily basis. And I am nothing before them. Still no beauty will ever have craze or ardent depth of devotion for you as I have. you will never get a girl like me among them. You too know that as well. )

I whipped out my threatening spiel against God Krishna. We converse like this. Since a baby I had been like this.

Seeing this crazy side of mine Smrithi branded Lord Krishna as my eternal lover. I never tried to correct her. Because I feel this as an honour to be known like that and live in a spiritual way. I know that is way too deep a thinking. But I like to take life and everything that way.


I gazed at the exquisitely ornated statue of Lord Krishna. I don't have a statue of krishna with me. Only his baby photo, with a laddoo in his chubby pinkish baby palm, is with me. And how I adore that innocent baby you know. He never failed to bring a smile on my face whenever I gaze at that innocent child God. This also reminds me of my childhood.

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whatever despair or disdain I used to face would burst like a bubble when I watch his innocent smile and mischievous glint in his eyes. Krishna helped me a lot with my small struggles in life.

So like this goes my love saga with baby krishna. Yup I like baby Krishna. See when I fell in love with him I too was a baby like him. So His baby face never grew in my mind though years passed by .Though in outer shell I am a grown up girl but still my heart is like a baby who fell in love with this cute baby God. That baby is still afresh in my heart. So by now you understood how retarded a girl this pearl is.

But hey! come on, accept the truth darlings. let us face it.I am just a crazy kid of this gen.

Suddenly two rough hands closed my eyelids interjecting my thought chain . I gasped a bit at this sudden unanticipated move.

"Who is that?" I enquired in a hoarse and shaky voice, I know it is some known one as so many people are assembled here no one will pluck up the courage to do so publicly . Also with Ben it is nearly impossible for any outsider to touch me like this. His eyes and ears always soars around me when we are out.

I tried to rummage through my brain to decipher who this person is. I felt my hand on that person's hand. When my prying hand touched the dial of his watch. my closed eyes widened inwardly with glee.

"Alvin!!!" I screamed with elation and joy.

"This is bad kichu !" I heard a sad voice which I recognized as steeve's. Wow!!! My cousins are here already !! Joy!!

Steeve freed me from his clasp . I turned around jumping up and down holding steeve's hands with bubbling spirit on seeing my sweet twin cousins.

Alvin and steeve are my twin cousins from North. my Chithappa's kids. They are good at Hindi and always we converse in Hindi. At times they speak Tamil. But their tongue is more attuned to Hindi language and North Indian food than south Indian


"Yay!!! Hoo!! Monkeys !! You already here?" I asked excitedly while pumping my fist up and smacking both on their arms by turn.

They smirked at me while ruffling my hair.

" we are here already. How come we not. When . ( yes witch ! When witch is here her minions should be here to back her na?) Alvin said excitedly yet tauntingly. Steeve smacked him on the back.

" ( Just stop with that vin. She is just a baby dont call her witch. She is my sweet baby doll) Steeve said while smoothening my hair fondly.I smiled at Steeve while sticking my tongue out at Vin. He made face at me.


Steeve has a great soft corner for me unlike Alvin. Vin likes me as well. But he loves to show his love for me through tauntings like Ben. But steeve shows his care and concern genuinely and openly without snide remarks.

Among the twins steeve is soft,elegant and calm while Alvin is a bit vigour,mordacious and flamboyant like Smrithi.

Whenever I interact with vin I feel like I am talking to Smrithi. He is just a boyish copy of Smrithi. You should see how Smrithi and Alvin bicker when Smrithi comes to stay with us.They are just good at darting biting sarcasm and snide remarks at each other like a verbose shower.

"You didn't recognize me ?" Steeve said pouting pulling me out of my temporary lost stance. Wow that is cute a gesture from stee. I laughed hitting his hand.

"That is why elders say never live in borrowed feathers and in your case never live on borrowed watch" I said winking at Alvin.

He mirrored my expression while smirking. Steeve looked baffled and clueless.He gave me a confused smile

" (omg bro you have vin's watch on your wrist)and When I felt the watch I thought you to be vin. Simple" I said teasingly knocking steeve's head and pointed my gaze towards his wrist.

"Girl you are amazing. Just by a watch you recognized who it is?" Steeve said in an amazed voice.

I arched my eyebrow up at him. Now what is the big deal in this. Vin's Rolex watch always captured my fascination.

So it is as simple as that. Also there are not many people in my family who use Rolex watch.

Even Ben is not that interested in such stuff. He has a pocket watch and that too an antediluvian piece

It was my gift for him on his seventeenth birthday. Being a crazy history student such stuff can be kept in prone to happen category.

I turned my attention towards Steeve who kept grinning like an idiot.

"Duh! What is the biggie in that donkey. I always had my two big brown eyes on vin's watch so isn't that obvious to identify it." I retorted like it is nothing.

"Come lets go from here." Alvin said impatiently.

He is not that pious. Actually he is scared of chithi. Chithi is a bit strict in religious stuff. So Alvin is scared to cross the chithi has drawn around him. Steeve is not that scared. He obeys and respects chithi a lot though. But he also cares for us along with that.

"I will come vin. Let me pray for some more time. You can wait outside the temple. I need to have a word with Sridhar uncle. Can you please wait outside?" I asked looking at Alvin. He seemed to be thinking.

"We will be here chutki. .( you pray peacefully. Meantime We will have a chat with Ben ) Saying so steeve gripped Alvin neck with a warning smile and hauled him towards Ben.

I watched the twins for sometime before turning to pray silently.

"Kichu ! " ( How are you doing child. It is going to be a long time since we had seen)

I snapped open my eyes to see Sarathi Anna standing with a genuine smile before the temple. He is the (priest)of this temple. Sridhar uncle's son.

He gave me some ( holy water) which I received in my palm and drank a bit and sprinkled the rest on my head while praying to God.

" kichu." I extended my palm and took the that is a semi wet sandalwood paste, kumkum a few flowers and a beautiful leaf of Krishnatulsi ensembled within a small leaf of (Banana leaf)

"!" I gasped when he blessed me with this phrase.. This is not the usual blessing he gives me.Such blessings are given to married women.

Now what does that mean?

"Kichu need to have a word with you. It is a small request. Wait I will come after settling other devotees" He said suddenly I nodded politely and moved to a corner.

I put the sandal paste on my forehead with the tip of my ring finger. I put kumkum below my bindi.I took the krishna tulsi and stuck it beneath the knot of my hair.

I went towards Ben and looked at him. He bend forward making it easy for me to put the prasadham on his forehead. I smiled and put the paste on his forehead. Ben grinned at me.

"For me?" Steeve asked while leaning forward. I hesitated a bit.

"No, leave it Stee, Chithi won't like. I don't want to go against chithi. please" I said in a pleading tone.

Chithi is so very stringent a person when it comes to religious matters. Still she manages to give a blind eye towards my love for Krishna and my passion regarding Hinduism but not to her sons.

I sulked a bit not knowing what to do.

But stee looked at me for a moment before taking the prasadham and putting it on his forehead.

I stood aghast staring at Steeve. He smirked at me while patting my cheek.

"This is god's grace kichu.And my mom will only be happy to learn that her son managed to get god's blessings like this. Yeah mom is a bit orthodox but not evil to deny God's blessing in the name religious nonsense" Steeve explained with a smile.

"hmm. someone is courageous today" I said playfully

steeve laughed throwing up his head.

",(wow) you have grown up a bit Chutki," Alvin said in an appreciative voice interrupting our talk.

"Still I reach only near your elbows monkeys. How you guys are managing to be this tall?" I asked pouting a bit.

they laughed like they heard a joke.

Like you salvage to be this short" Alvin shot back while Ben and steeve laughed to their heart's contend.

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