《KINGS✔》I N K 2 2 ✔


I'm fucking free.

Finally after 7 and a half years I'm actually free.

I told the boys that I'm not out until tomorrow because I have things to do before I go to the clubhouse.

I need to get my girl back, I knew she would of waited for me. She's loyal but I couldn't do that to her, I couldn't of let her wait 7 years then resented me when I got out.

Maybe she already does hate me, I broke up with her in the worst way possible but I needed to.

In prison you don't have protection, nobody has your back and I realised that with the club.

I thought they were my brothers but to let me get my sentence extended whilst they get to go home to their family's while I was fighting for them? Nah that's when I realised there was no such thing as brotherhood.

They knew I was a in love with Khloe, they knew I would of done everything for her but for them to run after the fight, they ain't men their cowards.

Kings ain't no fucking brotherhood it's a shambles.

Killer was the only one who stayed back and pulled me off the man, they checked the CCTV cameras and saw that, that's why he didn't get his sentence extended. I respect that man for doing that, the rest can suck a dildo.

When we last spoke on the phone she said she was renting a little house just outside of London so that when I'm out she's here for me, I'm kind of praying she's still there.

But when I finally got to the address I've memorised for 5 years I realised that the house is empty and I knew she wouldn't go to the clubhouse, she absolutely hates going if I'm not there.


Which means she's either at her mothers or she's back in Belfast.

It doesn't matter if that woman is in Belfast I would still go, I would go half way across the country for that woman.

She's my life. Although we've spent half of our relationship with me being inside we were still together.

So I made my way to Lorraine's house.

When I got there I was happy to see a car outside.

I knocked and waited for an answer.

When Lorraine finally answered I smiled nervously.

'Hey ma.' I said.. when me and Khloe we're together she made me call her ma, she said I'm part of the family.

'What are you doing here?' She said smiling hugging me.

'I got out earlier, I want my life back.'

'Do the boys know your out?' Which made me slightly annoyed, I don't give a shit if they did anyway.

'No. I want to see Khloe first, is she here?' I said which made her frown.

'Hunny, she moved back to Belfast.'

'Can I have her address? Please ma I'm desperate.' I said pleading her.

'I'm not allowed, if I do she won't let me see her again. Try her office baby.' she said before shoo'ing me again.

So I made my way to my flat to get changed and get my passport, I booked the flights on the way. I didn't waste any time making myself look nice.

I just wanted to see my baby!

4 hours later I was finally in Belfast, I was making my way to the office.

It took about half an hour to finally get there and I knew Khloe wouldn't still be open this late but I needed to check, as I was about to get out the cab I saw her running into a car then it started to move.


'Please follow that car.' I said which made the cab driver look at me strangely.

'I'll pay you extra.' I said through gritted teeth.

So off we went..

We finally pulled up outside a beautiful house and I saw Khloe running out of the car into the house.

'I hope you know what your doing. That will be £22.50.' he said as I was getting out.

I gave him a £50 and told him to keep the change.

I was really nervous to knock, I didn't know if she would slam the door in my face or if she would punch and kick me.

So I finally knocked.

What I didn't realise was a beautiful little girl would open the door.

'Hi Mr!' She squealed. She looks just like me? I was confused.

'Bailey what have I told you about opening the door without me!' Khloe's beautiful voice travelled through the house whilst I heard footsteps.

'Sorry mummy, Mr here is so tall! Are you the jolly green giant?' She said seriously which made me laugh.

'Bail-' Khloe started to say until she saw me.

'Blake.' She said narrowing her eyes at me.

'Hey Khlo'. I said smiling nervously.

'Hey that's my daddy's name!' The little girl said loudly which made Khloe pale.




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