《The Immortal Cure》23. Sacrifice
I watched in lightning quick speed as three men entered the house. They were already being thrown around, crashing into furniture only to quickly recover.
I worried that Duke couldn't take on all three of them at once. It would be impossible.
I was sure that it was Ryde and Dodge here with us. The other, I wasn't sure about.
My breathing became heavy, so I clamped a hand over my mouth, terrified that if I breathed too loudly they'd hear me.
I could see Ryde's vicious features. He was in a crouch position, his familiar bone chilling fangs protruding from his mouth as he snarled towards his enemy, Duke.
Dodge was standing back, as if enjoying the entertainment in front of him.
He was tall, burly but held professional about the way he stood.
The only thing that singled him out as a vicious vampire were his razor fangs and pasty skin.
My eyes snapped back to the scene as Duke threw the man off his back with so much force that the man collided with the side of the wood cabin, a hole gapping.
Duke hurriedly turned his attention to Ryde.
It was frightening to see Duke the way he was in that moment. His eyes were black. His face was snarled upwards, his teeth were sharp and terrifying. He was circling Ryde as Ryde taunted him with a beckoning finger.
"Can't have her all to yourself" He snarled, edging Duke to attack him first "She tasted so good that night I almost killed her, I bet she'll taste just as good when I drain her dry" He continued, causing me to shutter
Duke growled and then he lunged forward. But just as quick, the other man came rushing back into the room, attacking from behind. Thankfully, Duke was faster, spinning around in time to throw him back out the cabin hole.
Without hesitation Duke turned back towards Ryde, sending forceful bone crunching punches into his stomach and face. He attempted to grip Ryde's neck, but Ryde would slip free and fight back.
During a chance opportunity, Duke struck, punching Ryde with so much force in the stomach, it send him flying against the fireplace. His clothes caught alight, fire bursting through the fabric. Duke took a step towards him, lifting him up by the neck and twisting his other hand around his head, ready to crack it to the side.
Ryde began frantically trying to pry Duke's fingers away, but he was too weak in comparison. He was snarling his teeth inches from Duke's face, desperate.
I waited for the crack to sound as I squeezed my eyes shut. But it didn't come.
Instead, I heard cackling followed by another whoosh of wind fluttering through the room.
I peeled my eyes open, and to my horror, I could see that Dodge had Duke by the neck, holding his head as if ready to snap it. The unknown man was wrapping steel chains around his wrists. Ryde was already up, the fire put out, he was quickly sending his balled fists into Duke's stomach for revenge.
"Enough!" Dodge demanded as he glared at Ryde
Duke's eyes were now held tightly on mine as I locked gaze with him.
My heart tore through my chest and I felt like I was going to be sick.
"Settle down Duke, settle down" Dodge sighed lightly as Duke wriggled in his tight grip.
I knew that there was no chance of him getting loose. It was three against one. I had expected it to happen.
"Just tell us where the girl is, and I will let you live son" Dodge tried calmly, holding his arm around his neck, the other hand on top of his head, ready to twist it
"I know she's here somewhere, I can smell it. But I would much rather you tell me than to have to tear up this lovely house. After all, my brother did help to build it" Dodge continued, Duke finally stopping his wriggling, his eyes melting into a soft gold as he stared at me
Duke didn't say anything. Of course he wasn't going to give me up. I was sure he'd rather die than give me up. But either way, dead or alive, they were going to find me.
"Fine, have it your way" Dodge shrugged, casually "Rosalie Jean" He called "I know you are somewhere in this home. If you reveal yourself now, I will let your handsome protector free. If not, well, he will be no more than a pile of dust" Dodge threatened while I continued to clamp my hand over my mouth, sobs threatening
Duke was looking directly at me, and his mouth instantly formed the word 'don't'.
"One more chance young lady" Dodge called out one more time, my body quivering.
I didn't move, not that I didn't want to, it was because I couldn't. My feet refused to budge. It was like my mind was gone, separated from my body.
"Fine" Dodge groaned out as if bored and casual. I watched as Dodge gripped Dukes head heavily with his arms, seconds from pulling his perfect head from his shoulders.
This was it, if I didn't move, Duke would die, and I couldn't let that happen. Despite his hard gaze and roughly shaking head, I forced my body out of hiding, moving from underneath the table, presenting myself to the vampires that held Duke in his death grip.
Shaking with fear, Dodge lightly laughed, pleased. I kept my eyes on Duke, who wriggled forcefully, his teeth grit as he scolded me
"No Rosie!"
His eyes were pained, if he'd just been staked through the heart, by me, by me and my actions.
"Don't, don't hurt him" I shook, stumbling as I ripped my gaze away from Duke to stare at Dodge.
I couldn't look at Duke's eyes anymore, they were too disappointed with me.
"Please... I'm here, just... just let him go" I tried, stumbling out the words as my knees trembled.
It was times like these I wished Ryde had killed me when he had the chance. I was now standing face to face with my fate.
The Vampires that would kill me.
I felt angry and defeated as I took another step forward.
"Please" I pleaded
Dodge smiled, gesturing a quick nod for Ryde to take me. Before I could move another inch, Ryde had my hands twisted around my back holding me with his face pressed close to my neck and ear.
"Good to see you again blood-bag" He whispered, sending chills through my body
I winced, but didn't fight
"Now let him go. You've got me" I spat, my focus on getting Dodge to let go of Duke.
I didn't dare look towards him as Dodge smirked, and then slowly, he turned his head towards Dukes ear.
"Let us leave, or I'll have Ryde here sink his teeth into her flesh before either one of you can blink" He warned, almost spitting into his ear
"Tell him. Tell him to keep his filthy paws to himself" Dodge now spoke to me, ensuring surrender
I did as I was told, feeling satisfaction in knowing that I was able to stop Duke or anyone else from becoming dust over me.
"Duke, do what he says. Don't try to save me, I'm not worth it, so just, don't, please" I told him, moving my eyes towards his.
He began to struggle against Dodge's grip again, I could see that his eyes were desperate.
I pleaded as I stared straight into his face until finally he stopped wriggling. A minute later, Dodge finally slowly released his grip, leaving the chains wrapped around his hands in some hope of containing him.
The mystery vampire now stood beside me for extra reassurance. I kept my eyes trained in between Duke and Dodge.
"Be a good little boy now Duke" Dodge teased, Duke now standing free from his grip, shaking the chains off as he glared at the three vampires that had me in their possession.
He took a step towards me, and instantly Ryde gripped my hair, pulling my face to the side as my neck bared raw and ready.
"Duke, don't" I begged once more, fearful that dodge would grow annoyed and take him out "Back off" I continued as Ryde slowly began to pull me from the room, alongside the other vampire in tail of Dodge.
Ryde pulled me out of the front door, his hands cold on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry" I mouthed to Duke as he breathed heavily, watching me until Ryde pulled me from his view.
From that moment on, all I wished for was his safety and my own quick and easy death. Nothing else mattered anymore. Duke was safe, his family and friends were safe. Everything would be okay.
Soon, I'd be dead, I would be greeted by my father and mother waiting for me on the other side.
Eventually, maybe one day, Duke would meet me there too, and I could tell him just how sorry I was for everything I had done.
I would not regret my decision. It was what I had to do to save Duke.
I felt proud that I'd had the bravery and selflessness to sacrifice myself for a Vampire.
There was something inside me that told me it was what I had to do. I was willing to throw myself in the fire to save him, and in that moment, I realised that I had deep feelings for Duke. I hadn't wanted to acknowledge it before, but now, before I would die, I would accept it.
For the next hour I sat in the backseat of a car with Ryde and the other vampire sitting alongside me. I stared out the window, rubbing my wrists where Ryde had instantly bruised them with his steel grip.
I kept alert and when the ride was over, I was dragged back out into view of a large abandoned house.
It was dark and the sun was now completely gone. I couldn't make out where I was, only that it was secluded enough to hide me away for god only knew how long.
"Home sweet home" Ryde joyfully laughed as he held me by my wrists again, shoving me down the gravel path towards the shaky damaged house.
I stumbled and near fell more than twice while I was forcefully being pushed at a quick pace.
When the four of us reached the front door, Ryde pushed it open, allowing us entry into the dark and ominous house.
It was just as dark inside as it was outside, and I was sure I was being led down a hallway. We quickly reached a set of stairs that led downwards, I knew it had to be a basement.
"Now you can feel my pain" Ryde whispered in a happy tone as he pushed me down the stairs, causing me to stumble.
I caught myself on the hand rail and was urged further down.
Once the stairs had ended, I was directed towards the middle of the room. Ryde gave me a final push, letting go of me as I fell to the ground.
There was a flicker of light, and my eyes squinted, adjusting to Ryde who stood beside me, a dangling light bulb above him.
He was glaring down at me and grinning. I remained still on the floor, my hands stinging from the coldness beneath me.
"Give it a rest Ryde" Dodge gestured with a hand as he came down the stairs carrying a large black box.
Dodge walked towards me and dropped the box gently beside me, crouching to meet my face.
"Ever been to a blood bank?" He asked
"No, I haven't" I answered as he unclasped the box, revealing its horrific contents.
There were scissors, scalpels, vials, tubes and of course, needles that were of all shapes and sizes. It made my skin crawl.
I was going to be their blood-bag, just like Ryde had teased.
"Well, that sucks for you then doesn't it, because this is exactly what it is going to be like, except a little more intense" He smiled, as though he was trying to be nice, only coming off as creepy.
He reached for the box and pulled out a small needle flicking it gently before turning to Ryde who still stood nearby
"Get the lady a chair, don't be rude" He demanded, earning a scoff as Ryde flew back up the stairs
"You'll have to excuse his manners" Dodge smiled, only making me more terrified of his casualness of the situation. How many times had he done this?
His eyes were a deep red, his hair neat and combed back, black. Just as I was about to spit some smart remark back to him, Ryde returned with a wooden garden chair, he walked towards us and dumped it in front of me.
"Have a seat" Dodge gestured as he stood.
I didn't move.
"Do as I say Rosalie" This time, his voice was more demanding as he stared down at me.
I obeyed.
I sat in the chair and held my arms close in front of me.
"Now, are you going to make this difficult and stay still or do I have to restrain you?" He asked, stepping in front of me and taking a grip of my arm
I tried to pull it from his grip, instantly realizing I'd answered his question.
He sighed, and clicked his fingers towards Ryde, who out of nowhere threw him some rope.
Dodge grabbed both my arms and tied them down to each arm of the chair. The rope was tight and making my fingers pulse with intense blood flow, probably only giving them an advantage.
"Just relax" Dodge spoke flatly, holding the needle up towards the skin of the inside of my arm.
I moved my face away and tightly squeezed my eyes shut, earning a snicker from Ryde.
I felt the sharp sting in my arm as the needle penetrated through my flesh digging its way into my blood flow. Instantly I felt the blood drip down my arm. He obviously wasn't a professional at what he was doing.
I held my breath and kept in the threatening sobs as he pressured the needle further in, adjusting it as I assumed he attached a tube to its end.
Bravely I opened an eye and sure enough that was exactly what he was doing. The tube ran along until it reached a vial attached to the bottom.
He had the nerve to smile up at me, "Easy done. Now I warn you, it may take a couple of goes to get the amount we need. It's all trial and error at the moment. We may possibly start selling it off for reasonable prices if it's as good as Ryde says it is" He continued, my stomach hurling
"Oh it's good. I'm having a difficult time restraining myself right now" Ryde licked his lips, viciously staring at my arm and the blood escaping
"All in good time my brother" Dodge spoke as he stood and walked towards him "C'mon. Let her be, I'll get Archer to watch over her for the night" He continued, swinging my brain into connect mode.
I remembered Parry and Riley had mentioned Archer. He was vicious, angry and would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
I turned my head away from my arm again and rest it on my opposite shoulder. It didn't take long before I began to feel light headed and dizzy. I felt the need to lean forward and vomit, but pushed it back in thought that I probably wasn't going to be fed here, so needed what was already in my stomach.
I opened my eyes, just in time to see Archer walk down the stairs and stand against the opposite wall to me. He looked bored as he folded his arms across his chest and sighed, staring at me.
I scoffed at him and closed my eyes again.
"I have a question" Archer's deep masculine voice spoke. I kept my eyes closed and just shook my head.
"Why the hell, would you give yourself up for a Vampire?" He asked, seemingly amused
"What do you care?" I asked, still not opening my eyes
"Because unlike you, he's good, he doesn't treat me like this" I spoke, opening my eyes and gesturing towards him and then my dripping arm
He only smiled, "He's still a Vampire kid. He still kills people like you, and I'm sure if he had the chance he'd take a sip from you. Vampires do not care for anything but themselves and their hunger" He shook his head
"Maybe not one's like you" I shot back, narrowing my eyes at him
"Honey, we are all the same" He smiled, mocking my expression
I didn't say anything, just shook my head and shut my eyes, leaning on my shoulder.
I thought about Duke and the rest of the group, how they would be planning to rescue me. I knew they were, but it was practically impossible. It was dangerous.
They had no idea where I was. It was then that I had realized I could channel Seth. Talk to him, and let him know what was going on and where I was.
I concentrated really hard and tightly held my eyes together focusing on nothing but Seth and letting him in.
I explained, trying to convey as much information as I could remember.
Suddenly, I stopped concentrating when another cold arm was at mine, pulling the tube free from the needle as they stuck a cap on the end, taping the needle tightly down for next session. It was Dodge.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, leaning forward to look at my face closely "You're pale"
It hadn't felt like long, but I knew that I'd been trapped now for a few hours.
"You just took half my blood" I shot back, not really in the mood to play damsel in distress
"You haven't lost your fire, that's a good sign" He smirked, amused at my words
"Why don't you just drain me, take what you need in one go?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him
"Because I'm smarter than that" He started, tapping his temple "Your blood recovers. Why take it all now when we could have double, or triple within the next few months? I mean what about after a year? Imagine how much I'd have then" He continued, seemingly proud that he could hold me at his dispense for years on end
"You know how sick and twisted that is right? You should be disgusted in yourself" I spat, never taking my eyes from his.
His face turned hard and the smile disappeared.
Within a flash he'd backhanded me across the face, sending blood trickling down my bottom lip.
"Keep your remarks to yourself" He spat back, glaring angrily at me before leaving.
I suddenly felt that Duke's mood swings were nothing in comparison.
I wasn't sure as to how long I'd been down in the basement. But I was going to assume about two days had passed. I had watched and waited for Duke, Riley and the others to burst through the doors and save me before I was well and truly dead. But they didn't.
Dodge was becoming more vicious towards me, only because my remarks were becoming a daily habit, earning myself a few more backhands, bruising, and blood spills from either my nose or lips.
Ryde occasionally watched over me during the day, circling me as my blood was continuously drained. About three times a day it was done.
I was becoming weak and fragile, and I was sure that soon enough I'd be dead. I wasn't as strong as they had assumed. Internally, I was giving up. I wouldn't last years, and at this point, I wasn't going to last months.
Archer seemed to be the lucky one that spent most of his time watching over me. He would make conversation, but it only ended up in a heated argument. He had been trying to convince me that Duke was simply keeping me to himself for obvious reasons, but I refused to believe it.
Unfortunately though, I was worried that by the rate it was going, with my blood loss throughout the days, I'd start to hallucinate and maybe begin to believe that it was true.
I shook the thoughts from my head.
In a way, I didn't want Duke to find me, I wanted them to move on, forget about it. It was just another opportunity for them to be killed.
That was another part of the sacrifice I'd made for them.
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