《The Immortal Cure》10. History
Riley and Seth seemed to have taken off after our group discussion.
I didn't plan on spending much time hanging around Duke. He was in another foul mood.
So, after much thought, I decided to make my way down to the kitchen, where Anna sat at the dining room table.
The windows surrounding the room were wide open, letting in a light breeze swaying the curtains. She sat with her legs crossed propped up on another chair, sucking in deep drags of a cigarette in between her small fingers. That explained the windows.
I tried to make my presence known without startling her, lightly stepped forward, my converse tapping lightly on the floorboards. She jerked around violently, ready to throw her cigarette into the trash bin as her eyes caught sight of me.
"Sorry for startling you" I defended as I crept forward, taking a seat across from her; well away from the angle in which her smoke was being blown. Her body relaxed, and she gave me a weak smile.
"That's okay, I just thought you were Duke, he hates me smoking in here" She spoke as she took another long drag
I leaned back in my seat and watched her as she narrowed her eyes out of the windows.
"Do you ever do anything else beside cook and clean?" I asked, breaking the thick awkward silence
"Nope" She answered simply as she popped her p
"How come?" I continued, edging for information
She shrugged, and exhaled another puff of smoke, it twirled in patterns out into the wind.
"I enjoy playing bingo with my grandparents when I get the chance" She admitted as she pushed her cigarette on the inside of the trash can
"That's good" I mumbled, looking out the window towards the green grassed backyard
Another awkward silence dared to settle before I cut it off
"How well do you know Duke?" I asked, already knowing the truth.
I wanted to see what she would reveal to me.
She gave me a sideways glance before sighing.
"I used to know him well. We used to be, involved. But certain circumstances changed everything" She willingly admitted
She surprised me with her honesty.
"Oh?" I simply urged her for more
She scoffed
"We dated for awhile. But things got out of hand and he..." She pointed to her scars with a gentle gesture
I acted shocked and bulged my eyes out like I hadn't heard the news before
"He did that?" I asked, continuing the charade
She nodded "Yeah, after that I could never forgive him. To be honest, I'll never forgive him. Being attacked and mauled by someone you thought loved you isn't really easy to forget, or forgive" She continued as she angled her body towards me, her legs slumping back onto the floor from the chair they rested on
"I can see your point"
It was honest. I could see her point. It was like the way my mother had turned. I thought she loved me, until she turned to drinking. For that I'd never forget, or forgive.
"Besides, what we had wasn't real. His brother on the other hand..." She trailed off, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
This time my eyes widened naturally.
What was she talking about?
"I haven't heard anything about Duke's brother. Nobody ever mentions him" I casually answered, keeping myself composed to gain what I and obviously Riley had missed.
"Of course they don't. He's Victors favourite over Duke. Darius is, everything a girl could dream of" She continued as I sat forward resting my hands on my folded fists, waiting for her to continue
"Darius is tall, charming, handsome, blue eyes, brown hair. As soon as I met him, about two years ago, I felt something different about him that I had never felt with Duke. It was like, electricity rushing around our bodies, dragging us towards each other" She started as she looked upwards as if daydreaming "A few months after I met him, we just seemed to connect. Talking to him was the most comfortable, easiest thing to do. We are so similar in so many ways, and the more we hung out, the closer we got..." She trailed of for a moment before turning her gaze back to me
"Eventually one thing led to another, after that, I felt guilty for being with Duke, and the only reason I accepted his offer to live here, was because I thought it would keep me close to Darius" She confessed
"Did Duke ever, did he ever find out?" I asked careful not to push the trust she'd given me already
"No, he still doesn't know" She smirked, somehow disgusted but proud in herself
"Will you ever tell him?" I edged
She shook her head
"There's really no point now is there" She stood up and beginning to shut all the Windows.
I had a feeling our conversation was over.
I was grateful that she'd given me the information she had. Although something about what she had told me made me furious.
She'd cheated on Duke, and then promised herself not to forgive him for what he had done to her when she had done something horribly bad to him as well.
She hadn't ever told him the truth. Didn't he have a right to know?
It was his brother, and he loved her, how could she be so heartless to lie to Duke the way she had.
"You want something to eat?" Anna spoke, snapping me from my thoughts
I shook my head, and smiled weakly "No thanks"
I made my way from the room, trying to keep my thoughts in control. It was overwhelming.
Trailing through the kitchen and into the staircase quarters, I stood just outside of the drawn back French doors to the living room. I began poking my head cautiously around the corner in search of Duke.
He was casually lying on the sofa he'd been sitting on during our discussion, his arms outstretched over his head as his hands dangled off the end of the couch. His long legs were propped up on the opposite end of the couch arm. He was still, and quiet, and I could see his chest lightly and slowly rising and falling.
Was he asleep? Did vampires even sleep? I thought they didn't, seeing as there was always one wide awake in my room while I slept.
I edged myself forward, keeping careful silence of my shoes as I snuck forward.
I stopped for a moment, and thought that sneaking up on a vampire probably wasn't a good idea. He could easily suspect he was being ambushed and attack me.
I continued tip-toeing forward, slowly reaching the sofa he was sprawled across.
He sure looked like he was asleep. His eyes were shut, his lips slightly parted as he breathed.
Did they even need to breathe?
I stopped beside where he lay, and bent slowly down edging my face closer to him.
I stared at his perfect features, my heart fluttering in my chest nervously.
He sure was beautiful. How could Anna have cheated on him? He was everything Darius was. He was charming, when he wanted to be, he was tall, and he was extremely handsome.
Truly he was the most attractive thing I'd ever seen, that's for sure.
I thought about Darius. I'd never even met the brother before, but I was sure he wouldn't compare to Duke.
Suddenly, Duke's eyes snapped open, pulling me from my thoughts as I pulled my head back in surprise and embarrassment.
A small smile curled upwards on his lips.
Obviously his bad mood had taken a lunch break.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he still lay perfectly still.
I felt my cheeks flush a light strawberry colour, but still remained beside him.
"Were you even asleep? Do vampires sleep?" I asked changing the topic so I wouldn't have to answer to his rhetorical question.
I'm sure my 'no' reply would have been busted due to my cheeks anyway.
"I was. And yes, we sleep. But unfortunately for you, I'm a light sleeper" He continued as his eyes met mine, creating the same jolts of electric currents in my system.
I rolled my eyes, but still stared at him
"What were you doing anyway?" He asked as he finally moved, leaning up on his elbows
"Nothing, just, I wasn't sure if you were sleeping, cause I didn't think vampires ever slept. You're always wide awake while you sit in my room when I sleep every night" I was blabbing nervously.
"Mh-hm" Was his answer as he smiled smugly, that charming, perfect smile that tugged at me to move closer
"What do you think I was doing?" I challenged
"I may have had my eyes closed, but I can still feel every flutter of emotion your little heart feels" He smiled as he stared intently at me
"And what exactly is that?"
"Admiration, curiosity, want, need.." He spoke carefully and slowly, never moving his gaze from mine
"Want, Need?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows questioningly
I didn't even know that's what I had felt. Unless wanting to move closer to him counted.
Seductively, his smile grew, his white teeth coming into view "That's what I said"
"Right" Was all I could say.
I was aware of our close proximity, but I couldn't bring myself to move away, something about this man kept me drawn into him, wanting more needing to be close.
That's when It registered; Want, need.
I mentally slapped myself.
"You should be more careful around me" He spoke, breaking me from my trance
"And why is that?"
"Because one day, you'll either have a heart attack or faint from the mere presence of me" He told me as he sat up, smug and proud of the reactions he was producing from me
I rolled my eyes "You seem pretty confident in yourself"
"You're the one giving your feelings away" He quickly responded, lifting himself higher up in front of me
"I'm not giving you anything" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"If you didn't want me to find out how you really felt around me, then you would block me out"
"It's harder than you think" I tilted my head sideways
"Or, I'm just far too inviting to resist" He continued smirking
"You sound like Riley right now" I replied. "Must be where he gets his arrogance from"
"Mh-hm" He murmured again in his smooth voice.
He continued to slowly raise himself up, bringing our faces dangerously close. He was now about an inch from nose to nose contact while his eyes searched mine.
His breath was brushing against my face, and I braced myself for what would happen next.
My body screamed for more, betraying me.
Instead of pursuing the moment, he pulled away, and within the blink of an eye he was standing about a meter away from me.
His smile was gone, his face serious
"You should go and eat something" His voice returned to the normal gruffness
I stared at him in confusion for a moment
"I'm not that hung-"
"Just go" He cut me off, angrily.
I guess his bad mood was back from lunch.
I stomped past him towards my room.
There may have been something unexplainable going on between him and I. But there was also a heavy part of me that grew more and more frustrated.
He was hot and cold, and I hated it.
There was no need for it, and I guess that's why I felt so comfortable and trusting in Riley. I knew he wasn't like that, and he never would be.
After Duke's sudden outburst, I lay in my room for an hour or so, running things over in my head again and again.
I was sick of Duke's split personality, it was doing my head in. Yet, his forever reeling comment about my fluttering heart captivated me, and told me he didn't mind my silly school girl reaction towards him.
I eventually peeled myself up and headed back towards the kitchen.
I ate a bowl full of noodles. Something I was used to eating at home, quick and easy.
Afterwards, I headed back up to the hallway, where in flew Riley.
I felt happy to see him. He always knew how to brighten up my day and make me smile in the most horrid of moments.
We were battling it out in his room on final fantasy when I suddenly spoke my thoughts out loud
"What's Darius like?"
This caught Riley's attention as he pressed pause and turned his questioning look towards me.
"Darius, well... He's, ah... quite the ladies man" He turned it into a joke, earning himself a not-letting-go-so-easy look.
"I'm serious Riley" I pushed, not smiling at his attempt to dismantle the topic.
"He's a bit of an ass. He likes power, money, and enjoys putting Duke down" He answered
"Why is that?" I asked
He shrugged
"I'm not sure. To be honest, I think he's always been jealous of Duke. Especially when Duke had Anna on his arm"
"Makes sense" I muttered all too loudly.
"What do you mean pretty?" He asked, catching my comments secret agenda
"Well, she's a... she's a pretty girl. Why wouldn't he be jealous?" I lied, hoping he'd believe it
He shrugged again
"She's not that great. I mean, there was always something else that I had in mind as to why he was jealous of him with Anna, but I've never been sure enough" He continued, causing a lump to rise in my throat. Did he know?
"Like what?" I pushed, more eager than ever as I leaned upwards towards him
He gave me a surprised look
"Why so interested?" He chirped as he pressed a quick finger to the tip of my nose
"Just curious" I lied again, swiping his hand away
"Well... my theory is that Darius had a huge thing for Anna. He wanted her all to himself, but Duke had already stolen her heart up. That's why Darius was always picking on Duke's confidence" He guessed.
Spot on
"Did Duke know Darius had a thing for her?"
"I don't even know if that's how Darius felt, but if he did, Duke wouldn't have had an idea. He was far too in love with Anna to notice, he only saw what he wanted to see" Riley's words seemed to sting even more.
Duke was so in love with Anna, and there she was sleeping with his brother when he was completely oblivious.
How could she do it?
I turned my body around, in fear of what my face would give away. I wanted to scream at her. It was twisted and everything inside of me wanted to tell Duke. Here he was thinking he hadn't deserved her, feeling guilty for what he had done, when all along, she was unfaithful and probably didn't even deserve his love.
"Duke is a tough nut to crack. Once he falls for a girl, it's hard for him to let go, he'll do anything for his girl. I sometimes wish I had the commitment and love that he has, instead I like to tease and play my cards" He turned it into a joke again.
I suppose this was just a Riley thing.
It did after all make me smile.
"Maybe its cause he's older, and he's experienced more" I suggested in an attempt to drop the seriously aggravating conversation.
"Eh, plenty of time for that when you're immortal isn't there?" He smiled as he turned his head back toward the game and un-paused it.
It was hard to concentrate on the intense game play Riley and I had going on with the angry thoughts that fluttered in my head.
It was like a puzzle inside my mind, where I tried to connect the pieces, but none of them fit.
I'd figured that either Duke was pulling himself from me, because he was still madly in love with Anna, or he was simply afraid of getting himself into another humans life.
I figured that Riley had sensed the affair, but was too afraid to mention it to Duke, fearing he'd crush the happiness Duke had.
At about midnight, Duke came into Riley's room, his hands shoved into his jean pockets as he stood at the door.
"Bedtime" He spoke, like he was addressing a small child that had school the following morning.
"I'm not five" I retorted, shooting him a glance before turning back to Riley who was still on the sofa as if Duke hadn't spoken.
"Riley" Duke continued sternly
Riley was then back into obey mode, switching the game off and standing with a sigh.
I gave him a what-are-you-doing stare before he shrugged and smirked
"See you tomorrow pretty" He commented as he pushed me gently in the back towards the exit
I turned before I was pushed completely out, and stared at Riley "Why are you so eager to rid me?"
"Cause why?"
He leaned in towards me
"Because I'm thirsty" He spoke slowly, licking his lips
I screwed my face up and turned back around towards the door, knowing exactly what he had meant.
I slid past Duke's form in the doorway, careful not to touch him or look at him as I passed.
I hoped that Seth was on night watch tonight. I was having conflicted thoughts as I felt angry at Duke for brushing me off and giving me the cold shoulder, yet feeling sorry and sympathetic as he'd been lied to, and cheated on by the one person he trusted the most.
But, of course, myself, being Rosalie, the one who gets the opposite of what she wishes for, ended up with Duke following in tail.
I entered my room and sighed, rubbing my temples as I stood in front of my clothes cupboard. I watched in my peripheral vision as Duke strode towards the windows, double clicking them locked before taking his usual seat in the small lounge room.
I pulled out a pair of tracksuit pants and a loose white shirt as I headed towards the bathroom to change, locking the door behind me.
I stared at myself in the mirror and braced my arms against the bench, tightly squeezing my eyes shut. This was too much. I couldn't stop my brain from racing. I couldn't stop it from repeatedly running things over in my head, trying so desperately to put the puzzle pieces together. Something felt wrong. Dangerously wrong.
I'd think of Ryde and his disciples and the fact that I'd always be under watch, or guard as my life could be swept out from under me.
I opened my eyes and stared at my reflection. I tilted my neck sideways and glanced over the fading brown bruising around my neck.
By now I could make out the fingertips that had so viciously grasped me, and choked the near life out of me.
I felt a wave a nausea hit me like a double Decker bus, as I braced myself heavily on the bench, images of Ryde's attack and Bruce's attack flashing through my mind.
Twice, I'd nearly died twice already within a week and a few days. How was I supposed to make it over 24 years old?
Truth was it was impossible, how was I supposed to have a normal happy life when I was always under threat? I'd always have to look over my shoulder and stay alert even at the most important moments of my life.
I could imagine myself paranoid, going insane as I frantically twisted around in search of a threat at the most precious of times; my wedding, my mother's funeral, my children's births. Would my own kids be what I was? I couldn't do that to them. I couldn't risk it.
I snapped my head back to my reflection and pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail, tugging on my loose comforting clothes.
I turned the tap on and splashed cold water over my face as I felt a mix of warm tears escape my eyes and elope with the cold water dripping from my face.
I pulled a hand towel from the top draw and pat dry the moisture on my face, trying to compose myself to retreat back to bed in front of Duke.
My hands lightly shook and my hand towel slipped from my fingers when a small knock to the bathroom door. I quickly bent back down to retrieve it as Duke's voice spoke through the barrier.
"Are you okay?" His voice was soft, calm.
I bet he could sense my mood.
"I'm fine" My voice cracked and gave my nervousness away
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