《The Immortal Cure》8. Bruce
I wasn't sure where I was going exactly, after all I had no idea where I even was in Camden.
I'd been walking for a good twenty minutes down the same chipped up black tar road. Not so much as a car or truck had passed.
I had to come across something sooner or later didn't I?
I continued my powerful strides down the side of the road, squinting in the raging brightness of the sun.
Minutes passed, about another twenty as I continued down the narrow road, which seemingly led nowhere.
Eventually, I could just make out an old orange truck headed down the road towards me.
I continued walking, this time more cautiously. I kept my head down, yet alert as it came closer.
I felt my heart begin to bounce inside my chest as the truck neared me and began to slow down, pulling slowly up beside me as I walked.
"Hey there little lady, are you lost?" A man's voice from inside the truck asked
I looked up and inside were two men. They were both young and obviously from around the area as a small sticker was pasted to the side of the truck, written in red were the words 'Camden Coyotes' , followed by a pictured Coyote beneath it; their football mascot.
"No, I'm fine" I answered simply, trying to act casual
"You aren't from around here, you shouldn't really have a reason to be out here" The other man spoke this time. The first man that had spoken had dark brown bushy hair, the other a deep black crew cut.
"If you want a ride somewhere we'd be happy to help. It's a fair distance to the nearest town, and you happen to be going the wrong way" The first man spoke again
I stood and debated. How did I know these men weren't vampire's? How did I know they weren't followers of Ryde's? I took a look back to where I'd come from and sighed.
"Fine, but can I at least know your names first?" I asked curiously
"I'm Chuck, and this here's Bruce" The first man with brown hair signaled in between them
Bruce shuffled over beside Chuck who sat in the driver's side as he slung the door open for me
I hopped in, and kept my body as close to the door as possible
"Where are you headed from anyway? There's nothing out here besides rickety old houses" Chuck spoke, his body bouncing on the rough road.
"Oh, um, one of my old family friends lives here" I lied
I expected them to ask which house in particular, but they didn't.
The drive took about half an hour. We chatted about nonsense things.
They'd revealed that they lived in a house down the very end of my 'friends' street, and had lived there all their lives. Chuck was 22, and Bruce was 21, they were brothers. They were heading into town to grab some groceries when they'd come across me.
I felt comfortable with them to some extent. Chuck seemed really down to earth and a happy go lucky. Bruce on the other hand, he was nice, and friendly, but there was something about him I couldn't quite place my finger on.
When we pulled into what seemed like a town, a really, small town, Chuck pulled the car into a small parking lot, parking beside a large white building. One other vehicle that was parked in the middle of the lot, a dark black van sat beside us.
The van instantly gave me an unsettling feeling and I was right to have felt the way I did about it.
When I turned my head, a set of icy cold hands lept from behind me, one strongly held around my waist as the other snaked around my mouth covering my muffled screams. I kicked and struggled, terrified.
He was vampire, I could feel it, his coldness, his strength, this was one of Ryde's minions.
Another man jumped from the inside of the van's sliding doors and pulled open my car door, he quickly snatched up my ankles as they both dragged me into the back. I screamed, but it was useless, I kicked and wriggled, but it was as equally useless.
As the men pushed and shoved me into the back, I collapsed on the steel hard floor just as the sliding door slammed shut.
I stood up, only being knocked straight back down as the van skidded forward. It knocked my head against the doors, sending a blur and fuzz into my brain.
"Ryde's going to be pleased" The voice I recognized as Bruce's from beside me
"Ryde" I repeated as I found my knees and sat up, bracing myself against a wall
"He's looking forward to your arrival. His mother especially" He taunted
I didn't know what to say, there was nothing to say. I was on my way to my death. This was it.
It was then I remembered Seth's ability as I scrambled my brain for escape routes. All I had to do was let Seth in, tell him what had happened and where I was. I took a long breath in and closed my eyes.
Seth, Seth if you can hear me, please, help me, I don't know where I am. I'm in the back of a black van, Bruce and Chuck. They know Ryde I tried, concentrating
"What are you doing? Are you trying to contact your mind reading friend Seth? Good luck. He can't hear you" The man teased, laughing.
Did they have Seth already? How did he know what I was doing? How did he know Seth?
"My friend in the front seat has a wonderful ability too. He can block your friend's powers. So nice try, but it won't work" He continued smugly
I became frantic. I was definitely doomed. Small sobs began to escape my mouth as I let myself drop back down on the floor, my head in between my knees as I swayed from the rough driving.
I wasn't sure just how long I'd been sitting in the back, but I knew that by now, Duke or Riley would notice me missing. It had to be past 4pm. The sun was slowly setting from what I could see out of the small window behind Bruce's head.
Duke's father would be there, waiting for me.
I instantly regretted leaving. I'd caused them so much trouble. They'd be furious at me, furious at themselves. They'd treated me so well, like one of their own, and this is how I re-payed them, by getting myself killed.
I sighed and let the back of my head fall on the wall as I listened intently on the sounds around me.
Bruce was humming, as if he'd just picked up a winning lotto ticket.
I let my eyes fall closed and readied myself for what would be waiting on the other side of the doors when we'd stop.
Slowly, I was letting sleep overtake me.
My body began to relax when a quick jolt of the van sent me flying towards the opposite end.
I braced my hands in front of myself, catching my body before my face did.
What was going on?
Bruce seemed just as stunned as he looked through the small window behind his head.
The back of the drivers head was no longer in his normal place, instead someone else had joined him in the front seat as they wrestled over the steering wheel, grunting and groaning as they threw lightning fast punches in each others direction.
I immediately recognized Seth as he threw one last angry punch in the drivers jaw, sending him flying out of the door, a bang of his body colliding with the road. Seth took a hold of the steering wheel, and steadied the wobbling van.
Bruce became frantic. He quickly turned towards me and in the blink of an eye he had one arm tightened around my arms and torso, his other hand violently gripped at my neck. He thrashed quickly around, awaiting my saviours attacks.
The van slowed down, and I could tell Seth was pulling it to a stop on the secluded dirt road.
A crunch of gravel sounded beneath us, until we stopped. In a second the ignition was switched off, another second passed and Seth disappeared.
Then it was quiet, nothing but mine and Bruce's heavy breathing audible.
Bruce spun us around and backed himself up against the back wall, waiting for the exit routes of the car's sliding doors to burst open.
"I've got your girl! One move on me and I'll break her in half!" He screamed, light spit particles landing on my ear
The silence was broken when the same sliding door I'd been dragged into flew open, revealing us a picture of the outside; all we could see were trees.
Darkness had just foreclosed and all that hung in the air was light fog and the dim light of the approaching moon.
"I swear! I'll kill her!" Bruce once again threatened as I winced from his loud voice beside my ear.
"You're pathetic" I spat, as I started to wriggle against his grip.
If Seth was willing to risk his life for me, when I'd done nothing but cause him strife, I was going to fight back.
"Shut your face" Bruce spat as he took a fiercer grip on my neck, causing me to choke in desperation of air.
My eyes blurred with dripping tears. I attempted to suck in air my lungs were losing. Through blotchy vision I watched as Duke sprung in sight outside of the door. His stance was fierce and angry. His eyes had turned a deathly black color. His gaze frightened me, but he was on my side, I had to remind myself of that.
Bruce's grip once again tightened, causing me to shutter and struggle with more force. I couldn't breathe. He was cutting of my air supply, and fast.
"Let her go, right now" Duke's voice filled my ears, he was calm, yet his voice was tainted in warning.
"You kill her, this is all over" He continued, the same tone dripping with venom "Ryde will have you tortured for failing him, you and I both know that"
"If I let her go, let me walk" Bruce bargained
Duke nodded agreeing, lightly lightening his stance.
I knew he was lying, just by the look in his eyes. Surely Bruce could see that too?
I think we could both tell that Bruce wasn't too bright. He had one purpose, and that was Ryde. He clearly worshiped Ryde.
My last air pocket vanished from my throat as I choked more viciously. My eyes began to blur and flicker in and out of darkness.
I felt my limbs grow cold and fall lifeless by my side. I was dying, taking my last few hiccuped breathes, and then before I could succumb, something rammed hard against us, sending me flying back down on the steel cold floor. My eyes shot back open as I viciously inhaled, sucking in fresh air. A tingle flew up my lifeless limbs, as if springing them back to life. I turned my gaze just in time to witness Riley beside me tackling Bruce to the ground, throwing each other around like rag dolls. Quickly, I was torn away, a long pair of arms pulling me up. Before I could blink I was inside yet another car.
"Stay here" Duke demanded angrily as he sat me down on black leather seats in the car.
I did as I was told as the door slammed in my face, locking so I was unable to escape.
Through the tinted dark windows, Duke flew back to the other side of the van. I could hear wailing and a piercing scream before a snap noise.
Then it went quiet.
I scanned through the window in sight of movement.
For what was only a second, yet felt like an hour, Duke and Riley strode around the van in sight. They were covered in soot, or dust. It was grey and sprinkled lightly over them from their hair to their shoes.
Duke ran a hand through his hair, sending dust flying into the air as he ruffled it around. Riley did the same, but shook like a dog.
I slid myself back against the leather, allowing both men entrance to the car. Riley moved in first and weakly smiled at me, soon followed by Duke who however, was not smiling. He was angry, furious, and shot me an if-looks-could-kill glare.
He had reason.
Duke then tapped on a small window in front of the seats signalling the car into movement.
Oh boy was I in trouble.
I watched from the corners of my dropped gaze as Riley pulled dust from his hair and flung it on the floor.
"Stop" Duke snapped.
Riley dropped his hand and turned his face towards me. I bravely looked up and gave a weak smile.
"I'm sorry" I mouthed to him without sound in fear of murder from Duke's behalf.
He shrugged in return and smiled "Was something to do" He whispered as if he had nothing else better to do than save me and put himself in danger.
I smiled weakly towards Riley, quickly being cut off as Duke sneered.
I took a quick glance upwards in his direction. He had his arm leaned on the window panel, his fingers were fidgeting as his eyes quickly shot sideways at me.
The black had resolved lightly back into a golden caramel color.
"How do you feel?" Riley whispered, stealing my attention
I shrugged "Not too good"
"I meant your neck, does it hurt?" He asked, his fingers lifting my head up
It was sore, but I wouldn't complain, it was after all my own fault. I deserved it.
"I deserve whatever pain I get" I whispered back
He shook his head and his fingers ran from my jaw line to my neck, sending a cold shiver through my system.
I narrowed my eyes in pain as he lightly pressed his fingertips into my flesh.
"You're an idiot for what you did Rosie. But you didn't deserve this" Riley sighed before dropping his hands back into his lap.
There was no way I'd ever disappoint these people again. I couldn't put them through it, or myself. I sighed and rested the back of my head on the seat as I closed my eyes.
I awoke to Riley lightly shaking me. I groggily opened my eyes, and groaned as I rubbed my eyes. The car had stopped in the driveway.
"I'll carry you to bed" He spoke, before a pair of strong cold arms lifted me up in a cradling manner.
I watched with slit eyes as we moved up the pathway, and through the large doors into the familiar smelling place I'd come to know as home for the past week. I felt a wash of relief spread over my body as I let my head fall back onto Riley's chest.
I was safe, for now.
I let my eyes slowly drift back down as I felt Riley striding up the stairs and into my room. A few more steps and Riley lightly placed me down on the bed. I felt him spread my quilt over my body, whispering goodnight to me before he was gone.
I snuggled in against the pillows and inhaled strongly in the scent of the room, soon succumbing to the safety of darkness.
I stretched my limbs out wide as the light ray of sunshine sprawled into the room, gently touching my nose. I yawned like a lion, my eyes flickering open to greet punishment of some sort. My vision adjusted while I scanned around the room.
As expected Duke was sitting in his sofa chair, one leg propped up on the others ankle as his gaze met mine. He was free from dust and dressed in brand new clothes that consisted of a tight V-neck long sleeved dark grey shirt and dark blue jeans, greeting by his signature black combat boots.
I sat up and began to fidget with my hands in my lap waiting for the criticism.
I watched him intently as his lifted himself up from the chair and strode towards me, stopping at the beds side, arms across his chest
"I know it was wrong. And I'm sorry. It won't happen again, I swear. If there's a way to make it up to you, then I'll do it. Whatever" I started babbling
When no answer came, I looked up and met Duke's hard gaze as he looked down on me.
He shook his head and sighed. "You have no idea how furious I am at you..." He started, trailing off.
I opened my mouth to protest but his quick finger silenced me as he held it up.
"However, I hold myself somewhat responsible as I did not protect you well enough. If I scold you, I should also scold myself. Therefore, we will call it even. You will not be able to leave again, I will have my eyes on you twenty four seven. You've done it to yourself. You've lost whatever trust you had" He continued as he watched my face carefully.
My mouth slightly dropped as he spoke his words. Why was he being so kind to me? This wasn't like Duke. He should yell at me, scream at me. I had destroyed the trust he'd given me, I deserved a yelling at, yet I sighed a sigh of relief at his calmness.
"I really want to thank you Duke, and the others, if it weren't for you all, I, I would have died" I stumbled as I kept my head trained on my fidgeting hands in my lap
"Just, don't let it happen again" He spoke gently
I looked up and smiled weakly hoping to get one in return.
I did.
"On another note, my father is waiting downstairs to meet you. Can I trust you to shower and get ready without causing trouble?" He asked as he walked towards the door and stopped midway.
I nodded, earning a nod in response.
Once he left, I stood there for a moment, chewing my bottom lip. The thought of Duke staying nearby while I showered, made me shudder.
I wasn't sure why he had such an effect on me. I rarely became nervous around guys. Especially one's that tried to overshadow my ability to stand up for myself. Like Riley. There was no way I'd ever let him have it over me, no way. So why was it so hard to stay composed when Duke was near?
I cleared my head from thoughts and explored through my drawers, pulling out a simple pair of skinny jeans, and a throw over long sleeved dark grey jumper, somewhat matching the same shade of Duke's top.
I allowed myself to shower for a good ten minutes before hopping out. As I dried myself up, and blow dried my hair out, I had noticed that I had become victim to severe bruising around my neck where Bruce had had a hold of me. I leaned forward and examined the purple, brown marks. It was extremely unattractive.
I slipped my hair up into a loose low ponytail, letting it dangle mid-back before I left the room. I had no idea what Duke's father would be like. I had to admit I was nervous.
Slowly stepping down the stairs, from a Birdseye view into the lounge room, I could see a thin man standing beside Duke, Seth and Riley in the middle of the living room close by.
My heart began to beat frantically as I took the last few steps down and entered into the living room.
My eyes automatically scanned from Seth, Riley to Duke before finally landing on Duke's father. He might have been older, mid-thirties, but I could tell he'd been just as attractive as Duke once upon a time. His eyes were the same golden caramel color, his hair the same shade, but lighter slightly around his ears.
He was dressed formally in a dark blue suit, with a dark blue tie. He had rimmed black glasses and perfect pale features like his son.
I edged forward and stood in front of Duke and his father, Seth and Riley beside me.
"Rosalie. It's very nice to meet you, I'm Victor" He held his hand out, his mouth stern and held in a tight line.
He was posh and judgemental, I could already tell.
There was nothing warm about his face, or his hand shake, literally.
I smiled anyway "You too"
"Shall we?" He signaled for us to sit with his long arm
"Sure" I replied taking a seat opposite him, Riley, Seth and Duke also sitting.
I felt a little comfortable that I'd at least get to sit beside Riley. He was like a blanket that a small child clutched onto when they were afraid.
"You've been creating quite a bit of chaos these past few days, haven't you?" He started
Great start.
"Not on purpose Sir" I replied quickly, defending myself.
It wasn't my damn fault that a bunch of psychotic vampires were after my blood in the first place.
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