《The Immortal Cure》5. Explanation
I sat eating my chicken, lettuce and mayo sandwich with Riley, which seemed to take my mind off of all of the worries I seemed to have accumulated from the past three days.
All I wanted was to somewhat return my normal, beat down tragic life with my alcoholic mother, and glorious workplace environment with my over ecstatic best friend Clora.
I missed her. But some other part of me liked being here. Some twisted sick part.
I enjoyed having people serve me meals. I enjoyed having friends like Riley and Seth around to talk to like older brothers. I felt appreciated. But the thought of only being appreciated because I was some guinea pig crossed my mind endlessly, and beat down my happiness.
I sometimes ran Duke's words through my head
'You'll be well protected'.
It would make me smile.
Did he care about my safety and welfare, or did he simply want me and my blood all to himself? It brought me back to more of his words;
'Although there is a certain appeal to your blood that I've never endured before'.
What did that mean exactly?
"Rosie, pretty? Hey!" Riley's voice snapped at me, taking me from my minds adventure, as he stood above me at the table, his arm outstretched to lead me away.
He had decided to finally give me a tour of the home and I was eager to know each and every hidey hole, just in case.
"Humans, incapable to multi-task, thinking and listening, it isn't that hard" He continued, lightly teasing
"Anyway..." He continued
Riley showed me around the house, most of which I had already explored through running for exit routes. I'd only been introduced to about two rooms in which I hadn't yet seen. One was a few feet down from my own room. It was a bright open room, and contained a pool table, and other various entertainment games.
Pac-man caught my attention immediately, along with Donkey Kong.
The other room I had not yet seen was opposite the basement door. Riley refused me entry, and we simply stood at it.
"This room you shall never enter, ever!" He instructed.
I asked why, but he refused to answer, only giving me subtle clues.
"It's our special place. This room contains everything we need to survive" He spoke, winking at me.
I assumed already it had something to do with blood.
A blood bank maybe? Tied up donors? I narrowed my eyes at him, but didn't push the issue.
I planned to ask Duke next time we came across each other, which seemed rare.
He was always either gone, doing 'duties' or busy in his study. After all he had promised to tell me anything I wanted to know as a condition of me willingly staying put.
"Now what?" I asked as we dawdled our way back to Riley's room.
There was nothing to do on lockdown. I was limited to the home after Duke had instructed that I was not allowed to leave.
Not even to visit my friends, which I protested.
Our conversation always went the same way:
"They're going to be worried, they'll think I'd died" I tried
"No. Somehow people are finding out about just how immune you are to our gifts. You'll be taken the minute we release you" He'd spat back
I'd come to know Duke as a big ball of bi-polar. He'd be kind and once in a blue moon smile, five minutes later, he'd be gruff, angry, and stomp the house like he was trying to take out a lightning quick cockroach beneath his boots.
Seth and Riley would just tell me not to take it personally as the whole 'cure' thing had hit more nerves than they'd expected.
I wanted to know more, but like always I was denied.
"Whatever you want to do, we can finish up that final fantasy boss if you'd like?" Riley suggested as I sprawled out on his bed
"Yeah I guess so. Where's Seth?" I asked propping myself up on my elbows
"Someone called?" Seth flew into the room, causing me to jump
"You were reading my mind again Seth?" I spoke, narrowing my eyes
"Maybe" He shrugged walking towards me.
Riley seemed unfazed as he set the PlayStation up.
I'd had a go at Seth for lying to me about his ability. He just laughed, and bugged on Riley for 'dobbing' on him. He was only uncomfortable about me finding out because now he knew I was careful about what I thought about, nothing too raunchy or personal in particular.
"C'mon then pretty. Here" Riley sighed, throwing himself into his laying position on the sofa, holding out my controller. I walked towards him and snatched it, taking my usual spot leaning against the lounge he laid on, un-bothered by our closeness.
"And what am I supposed to do?" Seth snapped, seeming bothered by his outcast
"Go find something. It's my time with pretty now" Riley brushed him off.
They seemed to enjoy fighting over my time. It was something I wasn't used too, so I guess a part of me deep down enjoyed it.
"Rosie doesn't have designated times with you" Seth continued to argue playfully as he moved in front of our view of the TV.
"Dude, move" Riley demanded as I sighed and rolled my eyes.
Seth moved his hands to his hips and pouted.
Sometimes I wished there was another girl around, one that I could relax and chat with, without the silly bickering. My mind would then wander to Anna.
She was sweet, and I would have loved to get to know her, but she always seemed busy around the house.
"Can I ask you guys something? And can I actually get an honest answer?" I asked seriously and randomly, causing both boys heads to turn towards me
"What?" They asked in unison
"The truth this time?" I repeated eager for honesty
"Depends" They both spoke in same tune again, kind of creeping me out a little.
I rolled my eyes.
"Anna" I started, turning my body to watch their reactions intently.
Their happy faces dropped immediately
"How did she get her scars?"
"Come to think of it, sure. Riley you can have girl time" Seth smiled, speeding from the room, smiling widely as he did.
I turned my gaze back to Riley who rolled his eyes.
"I shouldn't tell you pretty..." He trailed off.
I watched him, without taking my gaze from his
"I won't say anything, I swear" I promised, keeping my face stern and serious
He shook his head and broke our gaze, and then he spoke in a whisper
"Duke..." He slowed, moving his head closer to mine re-attaching our eyes again
"Duke did that to her?" I asked, shocked as I kept my voice in a whisper like his
Riley nodded, "It was an accident. It was a long time ago. They were sort of seeing each other. But of course, they had to keep it quiet, vampires aren't really into the idea of vampire human relationships" He started
"One day, Duke had an argument with his father about Anna. He told Duke that it made them look terrible, and that if he continued to see her, he either had to change her, or cut off all communication to his family. Of course, Duke being Duke thought he could outsmart his father. He approached Anna one night, told her he had told his father he'd break it off and told her he wanted her to be the maid in his home. That way, he could still see her and still satisfy his father" Riley explained as he watched my face carefully
"She was furious. She wanted Duke to choose, her or his father. They got into an argument, and Duke lost it. He tore into her, hence the scars..." He continued, watching as my face froze in horror
"He tore into her?" I stumbled
"Pretty, vampires can only handle so much. It takes one moment of our concentration to slip and let our animal instincts take over. We were made to want one thing above everything in life. Blood" He seemed disgraced in himself as he hung his head down
"He loved her, but after the incident, he could never forgive himself
"After he realized what he'd done, he healed her, took her in. After that, he promised her that for the rest of her life, he'd have a home for her, money, work. She came from a broken family. She had nothing before Duke. After about a week of debating, she took it. But she has never forgiven Duke; she can barely look at him, vice versa"
"Why didn't Duke just get Grant to erase her mind?"
"Duke asked Anna that. But she refused. She spat in his face, and told him that she never wanted to forget the monster he was." He paused and brought his head back up to mine, a weak smile playing on his lips
"Anyway, I think she only wanted him for his riches" He continued as his eyes bore into mine
"That sucks" I mumbled, pausing at the irony of my words.
I now saw Anna in a different light, I couldn't blame her for being so scared and vicious about it all, along with Duke.
"That's why Duke got so mad when he found Ryde digging into you. I think it reminded him of what he'd done to Anna" Riley continued.
"That's completely different though. And I mean how does he survive anyway? Doesn't he have to drink from other people? How can he when it just reminds him of what he did to her?"
"That's why I can't show you the basement's opposite room. It's... I'm not supposed to even tell you any of this pretty" He groaned awkwardly as he pulled back and laid down on the lounge
I pulled myself up and leaned my crossed arms beside his as I leaned my head over his
"C'mon Riles. You've told me all of it. Tell me the rest. I swear, I won't say a word" I tried as I hovered my head closely over his
He gave me a small smirk
"I like it when you use that charming wit of yours" He raised his eyebrows suggestively.
"Seriously, c'mon" I edged, pushing
He sighed before continuing "It's just another small dining room. It's where Duke keeps a supply of blood"
I waited
"In bottles, he gets Grant to go out and get them from human's for him so he doesn't have to drain people anymore. It's actually come in handy. None of us really hunt anymore, except Ryde. We just indulge in the bottles of blood" He revealed as I watched his eyes search my face.
I think he expected me to shoot back in disgust. But I didn't. Somewhere deep down it actually made me feel better knowing that they weren't out devouring on helpless humans.
"Now what do I get out of telling you all this forbidden information?" He winked, squirming towards my face as he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and played along as I reached my nose down to touch his. I wasn't going to kiss him. I just wanted him to think I was. He seemed to smile even more as I closed the distance.
I was less than a second from pulling away when the bedroom door flung open causing my head to snap up.
It was Duke.
And he looked furious.
"Duke, hey!" Riley awkwardly greeted as he shot up from his comfortable position
Duke stormed towards us and lifted Riley up by his collar to his feet
"What do you think you're doing Riley?" He spat lowly, but calm
"Pretty and I were playing PlayStation. What's the problem?" Riley shrugged, seeming not bothered that this huge man - that I had no doubt could kill Riley - held him tightly by the shirt.
Duke's eyes shot from Riley to me.
I stood motionless in between the television unit and sofa.
"Is that true?" He asked, his eyes catching lethal hold into mine.
If looks could kill..
"Y-Yeah, we're trying to beat the third boss" I stumbled.
I had a feeling he knew I was lying. How could he have heard our conversation? I could only assume that was what it was about.
He'd heard Riley spill the beans.
He looked back towards Riley, releasing my eyes from his steel vice
"Keep your hands to yourself" He mumbled before slowly dropping Riley's now ruffled up collar
He turned his gaze back to me, "I suggest you don't get too involved with vampire's, you're in enough of a situation already" He warned "It's not worth it. Trust me"
I had a feeling his last words were significant of his own experience with Anna. I now understood. He was implying that Riley and I had had a little some-some going on. He was threatening me, along with Riley, to back off.
I opened my mouth to protest, to explain that there was nothing going on, but he was gone within a flash, leaving Riley and I standing in a daze.
"He thinks we're becoming involved. Personally I think he's just jealous" Riley cut in, winking at me as if Duke's threats were nothing more than a jumble of empty words
"That's insane. There's nothing going on. And how could he even think that?" I asked, creasing my eyebrows
"Maybe because he interrupted our near make out session" Riley continued as he looked me up and down
I rolled my eyes at him and crossed my arms
"I wasn't going to do it. I was just messing with you" I defended shooting him down in flames.
I realized I'd made the situation look bad.
He gripped his chest and faked a heartbroken sob.
"That's harsh. Way to let me down" He muttered as he walked back towards the sofa
Throughout the rest of my afternoon, Riley and I just continued playing games. He was mighty good and we'd advanced to the fourth boss within dinner time.
At about 7, Riley and Seth led me down to the kitchen as we were served with a plate full of vegetables, mashed potato, and steak. I loved steak. It was beautifully cooked.
I felt awkward around Anna. I knew the origin of her past. I felt anger towards her for being so harsh towards Duke. I mean, he didn't mean it; it was an accident, right? Yet I had to thank her, as she was kind to me.
Seth and Riley ate with me, chowing down and finishing their plates in about 10 minutes, as usual. It took me about half an hour to shove it all down.
"That was beautiful Anna. Thank you" I smiled at her as she washed up more plates and dishes.
I wondered where they all came from.
Maybe she just enjoyed washing already clean plates to make herself seem and look busy. Or just to avoid Duke.
"You're welcome" She smiled as she rounded the bench and took mine, Seth's and Riley's plates.
"I can help you wash them if you want" I offered, still feeling guilty that she'd prepared and cooked all my meals
"No, no. It's my chore, I don't mind. But thank you anyway" She protested, not meeting her eyes directly to mine
"Aren't you just the perfect little angel?" Seth teased, imitating a girl voice as he twirled in his seat
"You're a jerk" I spoke, narrowing my eyes at him
"Why thank you! "Seth sighed proudly
"Seth. Riley" A deep voice addressed from behind me, cutting off the light arguing.
We all turned our gazes around to Duke, who stood in the kitchen doorway, not even so much as glancing towards where Anna stood.
"Hey" Both Seth and Riley almost grunted in unison
"I need her for a bit" He pointed towards me
The boys just nodded as Riley got up and ruffled my hair before walking past Duke, and disappearing. I noticed as soon as he touched me Duke's body turned stiff, and he gave Riley a stop-it or watch-yourself look.
I stood up from my chair and followed Duke's retreating back.
Again, I wondered how old he was, early twenties maybe? In human years of course, I wasn't sure I wanted to know how long he'd been on this earth for just yet.
I trailed along behind Duke until we reached his study again. He motioned with a hand for me to take a seat in front of his desk, in which he sat behind. I felt a little nervous it felt too, formal, rather than casual
"I spoke to my father yesterday. I talked to him about you and what he thought I should do with you" He started, creating a lump in my throat
"And..." I tried to sound brave, but my voice seemed to disagree, crackling
"And, he is amazed. He's only ever heard of one other case similar to yours. A young boy named Thomas whose blood was similar to yours, a cure. I think it's fair to tell you what happened to him" He continued, his tone serious yet cautious.
"Thomas was kidnapped from his home. He was drained completely, along with his family. The vampire we believe is responsible is a wealthy empowered vampire. Full of greed and lust, he wanted nothing more than for his depressed vampire mother to get the one thing she desperately craved, her human life." He stopped and watched my expression.
I gulped and felt my hands grow sweaty, I felt agitated, scared, nervous. I rubbed my hands over the top of my thighs. He noticed as his face grew soft.
"I'm sorry for being so blunt, kid. But you have a right to know what we're up against"
"My name is Rosie. Not kid" I adjusted, becoming sick of the pet name he'd given me. I was no kid. I was eighteen. A woman, my curves were not those of a child.
He sighed, leaning forward with his elbows on the desk
"I choose not to become too comfortable with humans" He tried apologetically.
I considered asking if it were because of Anna. But quickly shut my mouth.
I nodded, "Because I could just die... right?" I asked "No attachments, no feelings, no emotions" I muttered, more talking to myself than I was to him.
I had found myself doing it when my father died. I figured that if I didn't become attached, I wouldn't be hurt as much in the end.
Maybe that's why I didn't have so many friends.
He narrowed his eyes at me, as if curious.
"I suppose so. Although you seem a lot smarter than Thomas was" He spoke carefully as he watched me intently.
I found myself staring into his eyes more than I probably should have. The golden swirls seemed to melt together, creating a deep mixture of dark browns and light caramels. I couldn't look away.
"So what's supposed to happen now?" I managed to ask, our gaze still locked
He blinked, and shifted his eyes away, feeling the tension we'd been holding
"My father said that you'll need to be under protection until we figure out what to do with you. Now that we have discovered what you are, you're under enormous threat. If someone so much as suggests what happened with Ryde, it won't take them long to put the pieces together." He explained, not risking to look into my eyes again
"My father seems to think that you're in that much danger that you should be moved to a more secluded location until we can come up with a plan" He sounded annoyed.
Like I was a huge burden he had to deal with.
"If it wasn't for Ryde... You wouldn't even have to deal with the burden of me" I let slip my thoughts out loud.
He seemed taken back as the words came out. "You are an interesting girl Rosie" He mumbled as he narrowed his eyes.
It was the first time I'd heard him use my name. And too be honest it felt strange. The way he'd said it created a flutter of butterflies inside my gut.
"Is that a bad or good thing?" I challenged
"Both" He replied quickly
"So what, are you going to send me away into a hidden forest with Riley or Seth?"
He smiled slightly. That heart wrenching smile tugging at me.
"Definitely not, especially now that I don't like how comfortable you and Riley are becoming" His smile disappeared
"Look, about that... Nothing happened. Nothing was going to happen. I was just messing with him" I rushed out in defence.
I didn't want him to think I was already hitting on and putting the moves on a vampire
"That's not what he thought" Duke rushed out as he leaned backwards in his chair, the muscles on his chest now fighting the pulling of his shirt
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