《The Immortal Cure》3. Cure
"You can go back to Riley now" Duke shooed as he waved me off with his hand
"Excuse me" I spat angrily, bravely standing my ground, folding my arms across my chest
He paused during his attempted exit and turned around, quickly stepping in front of me
"What?" He demanded angrily, his cool breathe catching on my face
"Tell me what that was about?" I told him, finding the courage I needed to stare straight back at him
"You failed your first test." He put simply, clearly not intimidated by me one bit
I narrowed my eyes and shook my head, "Failed my first test?" I repeated "What the hell does that mean?"
He took another step forward, leaving inches in-between our bodies and face.
I waited for a blast of anger to be unleashed.
I waited for curses to be spat in my face.
But instead I watched as he tilted his head sideways and studied my face with his eyes.
"Are you not afraid of me? Or are you just that idiotic?" He asked softly as he watched me. I felt my heart race in my chest, banging onto my ribcage. My ears went hot.
"Neither" I managed to answer, feeling my knee's giving way
I had to double take, when his lips slowly curled upwards, sending chills through my spine.
"Interesting" He mumbled, his breath catching on my nose
I narrowed my eyes, what was his deal?
"So, are you going to tell me what just happened or what?" I asked again, feeling more confident my courage had softened him
He still didn't move from his composure towering closely above me.
"Harriss couldn't read your thoughts" He answered, finally moving and stepping back towards the door he'd been heading towards earlier
"Read my thoughts?" I processed out loud
"That's correct" Duke answered as he opened the door and swiftly left me standing alone.
I stood motionless for a minute or two, confused, bewildered and unsure if I wanted to either chase him to discover more, or use this moment to attempt another escape.
Wisely, I decided to do what he had originally asked.
I made my way back upstairs. If I wasn't going to get clear answers from Duke, I'd get them from Riley, or Seth.
I debated which room to embark into, slowly walking along the narrow hallway.
"Hey!" Riley's voiced called from behind. I jumped, holding my heart.
"Don't do that" I breathed
"Sorry" He smiled apologetic
"So, Ready for Playstation?" He asked, as he walked ahead of me
"Sure" I nodded, coming to a sudden halt. Riley somehow noticed and turned on his heel.
"What's wrong?" He asked, tilting his head, reminding me of when Duke had done it.
I looked down at my clothes, and recognized my blood stained work shirt, along with my slightly ripped black tights, small spots of blood splattered across.
I shuddered at the thought, and looked up at Riley.
"I can run to your place and grab some of your clothes for you?" He suggested obviously noticing what I had
"Just gimme' an address and I'll pop over there now. It'll take me like 5 minutes. You can sift through games while I'm gone" He continued, smiling, pushing the bedroom door open that he was standing beside
"Really, five minutes?" I asked, narrowing my eyes
He winked "Vampire speed" He smugly smiled, as he raced towards me, standing in front of me in the blink of an eye.
After giving Riley an address he led me into his bedroom. It was very different to the rest of the home.
It was... him.
The walls were a dark blue, the roof white. The walls were covered in framed photographs of flowers, and probably family. There was a double bed in the middle of the room, lined with a matching deep blue quilt and pillows. The layout and design was the same as the room I'd stayed in. Only his sitting area was on the opposite side, the couches light blue. A black TV unit held up a black plasma TV, connected to a DVD player, Playstation and speakers.
'Boys and their toys' I thought to myself as I sifted through a cardboard box full of games Riley had shoved my way before he'd left. I stretched my neck out, and felt the sting in my neck's wounds. I hadn't noticed the burning pain quite as much up until now.
I considered travelling downstairs to the kitchen and asking Anna for some pain killers or something, but quickly decided against the idea.
Maybe I could ask Duke, seeing as he was the one in charge.
Something inside me feared him, and told me to stay away, but another side told me I wanted to see and know more.
I brushed the thought away and continued shuffling through the pile of games.
Eventually I settled for a later final fantasy game, and turned the TV and Playstation on, slipping the game inside. Just as I did, Riley came bursting back through the bedroom door. He had in hand, one of my large black suitcases, bulging at the sides from whatever he'd packed.
"Here you are pretty" He smiled plopping it down on his bed.
"That was fast" I smiled, hopping up from the floor in front of the playstation to unzip the suitcase
"How long am I really staying here for, in all honesty?" I asked
Rummaging through the suitcase, I could see almost every piece of clothing I owned somehow crammed inside.
I felt embarrassment wash over me, as I took note of my panties and bra's stuffed into one side.
"You have a nice collection" He raised his eyebrows at me, following my gaze to the undergarments
"Just don't let Seth see em'. He's a sucker for sexy" He winked, throwing himself on the sofa across from the TV.
"You have good taste in games too I see. We are going to get along great" He smiled, as I zipped the bag back up, walking towards him
"I'll play for a little while, and then can I go have a shower and change?" I asked, joining him at the TV, leaning against the couch he was sprawled across
"Sure thing" He continued as the game started up, and he handed me another controller.
We had been playing for about half an hour, and we were neck in neck with fighting our third boss when Seth came sprinting into the room. He was breathing heavily as he stood in the doorway, both Riley and my head snapped towards him.
I didn't know vampires needed to breathe, so why was he panting?
"What's up with you?" Riley asked, sitting up from the sofa, as we stared at him.
His face was twisted
"Go get Duke! Something has just happened to Ryde. It's unbelievable" He rushed out, still panting, as Riley and I stood
Seth's eyes flashed to me, "No! You stay here" He snapped
Suddenly I was anxious. Had he gotten out? Was I a dead woman walking?
"I'll be back soon, you can play something else if you want" Riley turned and smiled before disappearing with Seth
I sat motionless for a moment, and then the pacing began, the nail biting and the impatient bobbing of limbs.
Soon, I moved from the sofa and rushed towards the door, pressing my ear up against it. I could just make out the heavy footsteps of the boys.
I could tell by the light pounding of boots Duke was there too.
"That's impossible, it can't be..." Duke's voice trailed off, as I pressed myself closer to the door, hoping to hear more.
"I'm not sure; I was standing guard when he screamed out at me. It has to be Rosie ..." Seth's voice answered before disappearing along with the footsteps.
I wasn't going to just stand there, and I knew that Duke wouldn't tell me the entire story willingly. I had to get it on my own.
I slowly peeled the door open and ventured out, leaving the bedroom door slightly ajar, afraid I'd shut it too loudly.
I tip-toed down the hall to where I'd heard the voices trailing off.
I passed two doors and came to the end of the hall. From afar, it seemed as if the hallway had simply ended, but standing up close now, to the right I could see a small narrow wooden staircase leading down into a dark basement.
I trailed my way down the stairs, conscious of the creeks it made when I stepped on a certain stair.
I could hear the sound of the mens voices. I stopped at the bottom of the dark stairs, and came face to face with another door. I took another step closer, and pressed my ear lightly against it, listening to the loud voices inside.
"When did you start to notice the reaction?" Duke demanded
"I don't know... about four hours after I attacked that human" Ryde stumbled, his voice shaky
"How long did the process take?" Duke continued to press
"Not long, a matter of minutes. The pain from the steel cuffs and chains, it vanished within seconds, and it didn't burn anymore. Then I just felt uncomfortable, and I could start to feel the blood in my body warm. About a minute later, my body returned to a normal temperature. My senses returned to normal. Then... about five minutes later, my heart, it began. It began to beat. Fast. Like... like when I was human" Ryde's deep, happy voice carefully explained
What was he saying? He had returned to his human state?
But that was impossible, as far as I knew, no vampire would ever return to a normal human. I pressed my head further against the door, listening for more.
"It's that chick's blood, I'm telling you, she's another antidote" Ryde continued.
My eyes widened and I stumbled backwards from the door, my mouth gapping open.
I was the antidote? I was the cure? It couldn't be true. I was as normal as the average Joe blow.
Thoughts scrambled inside my brain. If they assumed I was the cure, I'd be doomed, a blood donor. All the vampires that existed would hunt for me, want to drain me.
I continued my pace backwards, my heels found the first step. I stumbled backwards, catching myself on the hand railing, causing a thud.
I turned on my footing as soon as I found my feet, and ran. I ran as fast as my legs could take me.
I had to get out of here. I had to go home. I couldn't be here any longer.
I sprinted down the hall, and made it to the end, when hard footsteps sounded behind me. I snapped my head around for a moment, and saw Duke standing above the basement stairs, watching me, his eyes wide.
Riley and Seth stood behind him.
I turned my head back around, and pelted down the stairs two at a time, careful not to trip.
Surely they'd stop me. Duke had seen me attempting to escape. He'd be here any moment now to stop me.
Surprisingly I made it to the double doors, and pulled the handles furiously as my breathing hitched. They were locked.
I turned around, and looked towards the stairs, no one.
There had to be another exit route. I ran towards the kitchen, and flashed past Anna.
I paid her no attention as I ran through the dining area, and searched around, landing on a pair of white French double doors leading to the backyard.
I sprinted towards them, and pulled at them frantically.
They were also locked.
I banged my fists against the doors, and turned, sucking in deep breaths of air I'd lost.
"Anna, is there any other doors around here, one's that aren't locked?" I rushed out, leaning against the bench towards her
She seemed unsure, and stuttered as she looked around the room.
"Please" I begged her once more, staring right into her eyes, pleading
"Yeah, there's a door in Duke's bedroom off of his study" She stumbled, scanning the area cautiously
I placed a hand on top of hers on the bench, "Thankyou" I weakly smiled, before darting back towards the main quarters.
I raced through the large living room and dodged the furniture as I pushed through the small study.
My eyes searched around, and found the same door that Duke had earlier retreated to. I pushed it open to reveal a large neat bedroom. I did a quick double check behind my shoulder and ran through.
I pushed the door closed behind me. I then turned around and took note of the already open double white French doors. They led to a small balcony, leading down into a small garden.
This was it. I could make it, surely.
Yet something in the back of my mind tugged at me. This was too easy.
I looked around the room, searching for someone ready to pound in on me, and tackle me into the floor. No one.
I took my chances and jogged towards the exit, as something hard stepped in front of me, just outside the doors. I slammed hard against it, and fell backwards, landing on my elbows and butt.
I rubbed my face, and looked up.
To no surprise, it was Duke, he was standing in the doorway, his arms firmly tightened and crossed against his chest. He looked down at me, almost amused.
I sighed and closed my eyes, lightly cursing myself. I should have known better.
"Going somewhere, kid?"
"Yes actually. I'm getting the hell out of here before you or any of your friends eat me" I spat, pushing myself up from my elbows to stand, careful of the distance in-between us
"Eat you?" He repeated, sounding humourless. His eyebrows creased "You can leave if you wish" He continued, my eyes widening with excitement "But you will have much more to fear than me, and my 'friends'" He continued matter of factly with a causal shrug
"I highly doubt it" I laughed, taking a step forward, eyeing the gap between him and the side of the door, determining if there was enough room for me to squeeze past
He noticed my gaze, and stepped aside. I watched in disbelief.
"You're seriously just going to let me leave?" I asked, unsure of what his master plan was
"Sure. But like I said, good luck. You won't last longer than a day without being captured by someone much worse than me, or Ryde. They will find you. And when they do, you'll be either dead within a few seconds, or used as a blood donor. Probably locked in a dungeon and dripped dry for as long as you live" He continued smugly
"You're just saying that" I spoke, eyeing him off
"Whatever you think, it's your choice" He sighed, still holding a strong poker face
I folded my arms across my chest and licked my lips. "And say that theoretically that was all true, and I decided to stay, then what?" I asked as I watched his expression carefully
"Wouldn't you and your friends do me the same torture?" I quizzed
He looked above my head, a smile tempting
"Well, for starters, you'd be well protected. No one could take you. And my friends and I aren't interested in torturing you, or taking your blood. But I guess that's for you to decide" He explained meeting my gaze
I watched him for a moment, weighing in my options. My brain seemed to slam against my head for me to just run and leave, and never look back. But something inside my body told me, that there was truth to his words. He was being honest, and I could tell.
The choice was to risk my life, over a vampire's words of warning, or to stay, and become accustomed to whatever hideous plans they had brewing.
"Fine, but I'll make you a deal" I started, clearing my head of thoughts before my it exploded.
"If I stay, I want the truth, about everything. I want to know what's going on when it's going on. You can't leave me in the dark. And I mean it. Everything" I emphasized, narrowing my eyes at him
The corners of his mouth turned upwards slightly as he tilted his head at me.
"I'm not obligated to tell you anything kid. But just this once, I'll agree" He nodded smugly as he moved away from the doors and returned through the bedroom door to the small study.
He was testing me, waiting for me to run while he was gone.
After a moment of staring out of the open doors, I turned back to follow him. He was seated behind his wooden desk, piled with paperwork, like the coffee table was.
His hands were clasped onto one another as he watched me walk towards the front of his desk and lean my arms against it.
"Now, tell me what exactly happened to Ryde" I demanded
"I think you already know seeing as you had your ear plastered against the basement door" He rushed
I rolled my eyes "So it's true then. I'm, a... an antidote, a cure?" I asked, unsure, fearing the words
He just nodded.
"But it didn't last all too long. The moment you left the basement running, Ryde's heart began to slow again. And about 2 minutes ago, he recovered completely back to himself"
"Back to himself?" I questioned curiously
"Yes, back to himself, his cocky out of control vampire self"
He and Ryde suddenly had something in common.
"So what does that mean?" I asked, dragging a nearby chair to the end of his desk to sit
"I'm not sure. It could either mean, your blood is simply a temporary cure, or Ryde just hadn't drunk enough of you"
I shuddered at both ideas and just sat there silently, not sure of what to do or ask next. It was about five minutes of pure awkward silence when I decided I couldn't take anymore just yet.
I made my way back down the hallway and gently pushed open Riley's door, but he wasn't there. I walked ahead, pulled my suitcase off the bed, and dragged it back towards my room.
I placed it down on the end of my bed, and shuffled through its contents, pulling out my toothbrush, a pair of long blue jeans, and a red and white striped t-shirt. I headed towards a right corner of my room, and pushed open a white door that I assumed to be the bathroom.
Everything inside looked like it hadn't been touched in years. It was clean, cold, and pristine white.
I threw my clothes on the basin bench, and looked myself up and down in the mirror.
My face was rough and I looked stressed and beat down. My clothes were torn, dirty and blood stained, along with my hair.
How was I supposed to shower with the bandage around my neck?
I poked at the dirty white bandage, and noticed that during my running around trying to escape, I'd obviously reopened my wounds, small blood trickled through the wrappings.
I walked back out of the room and towards my door, pulling it open.
I jumped back in surprise as Seth stood there smiling.
"You got to stop doing that" I spoke, holding onto my chest as my heart jumped
"Sorry" He smiled.
"I could sense you were looking for someone. What's wrong?" He asked
"You... sensed?"
"Yeah, we have extra sensory perception. If your heart so much as takes one out of tune beat, we can hear it" He smiled as he pushed his way through my doorway "So, what's up?"
"What do I do about this if I want to have a shower?" I asked, pointing to my neck
"Oh. I see. It's leaking isn't it? I can smell it" His lips pulled into a line, causing a surge of worry throughout my body.
"Relax. I've smelt better" He continued as he turned his head sideways to look at the contents of my suitcase that I'd left open.
He pulled out a lace black and pink pair of panties and dangled them on one finger.
"Nice" He commented, looking at me as he winked.
I walked towards him, swiped them from him, and zipped my suitcase back up again.
"Seth" I repeated, pointing towards my neck.
"Alright, alright, gimme' a sec" He rolled his eyes and as I blinked he was gone, but before I could blink again, he was back, sitting in the exact same spot on the edge of the bed
"Here" He held out a sheet of cling wrap
"What's this for?" I asked, taking it
He rolled his eyes again.
"Idiot, here" He spoke, taking it back off me, directing me to turn.
I felt him wrap the sheet around my neck, as it magnetically stuck to me.
"This looks so stupid" I laughed
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3rd place in Fantasy in the Open Door Awards hosted by Wattpad Star @grendelthegood-They were born in the utter blackness of the beginning. Their cries were the harmony in the world's first song. Rich, wild magic soothed them, like the gentle touch of a mother. It was said that their very presence was the beginning of what the world would become. For hundreds of years, the human race has been growing side by side with the Ancient species; dragons, elves, fae, and many more. Rhia Kincaid is a human paramedic with a good heart, a determination to help people, and just wants to get through the day with a smile on her face. Everything she knows begins to change when she meets Nolan Wes, a powerful vampire with several lifetimes full of secrets just trying to get away from the turbulence of politics. Little do either of them know that a war is on the horizon with crosshairs aimed directly at the heart of the known world.-This story has been given a Mature rating for sexual content. If you are reading this story, you are consenting that you are of the age of 17 and up.-"A story that convincingly blends the modern with the ancient, the magical and the mundane, our author smartly weaves together a setting, premise, and characters that engage!" ~ @grendelthegood"In a perfect book I need all the emotions, love, anger, anxiety, sadness, excitement. And you triggered every single emotion perfectly." ~ @Jackie-Blue"This has been the best Wattpad book I have ever read and I am so looking forward to everything that comes next!" ~ @Merl1nMagnuss3n-This book is under heavy edits. This version will remain as is until the second draft is complete. Enjoy!-Ancient Blood Series: Book 1Aprox. 175,000 words
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