《Jensens Daughter (Jensen Ackles FF)》Swimming at Jareds


"So, you have been to a One Direction concert?" I asked Olivia, smiling.

"Yeah. It was great. You haven't?"

"Nah. Always doing something." I shrugged.

"Like what?" Devon asked.

"Well....during the weekdays over summer I would spend time with my dad. He would always be doing stuff. I liked going to conventions with him. Weekdays during winter, if I wasn't in school here in L.A., I was homeschooled in Canada as dad shot Supernatural. Weekends if family, or conventions. It's weird." I explained. "I had the chance to go to a concert last year but the some stuff with Supernatural came up. However, I did meet them on my thirteenth birthday."

"That sounds super fun!" Olivia squealed.

"It is I guess." I nodded.

"I witnessed them on set last week, it was really fun." James said. Everyone laughed as I sipped my milkshake.

"So, what about you guys?" I asked.

"Well, I was a costar in another movie. I guest stared in a TV show. They were both fun." Devon said.

"Yeah. This is my first movie." Olivia said.

"Me too!" James nodded. They did a high five and I smiled.

"Well....I'm a costar on my TV series and the movie and I tell you what. It's honestly exhausting, super fun, but exhausting." I told them.

"Why?" Olivia asked.

"Well....people kinda expect me to be great because of my dad. They expect me to act great, sing great, like everything he does when in reality I'm not as great as he is. I mean....my dad is awesome! He's my role model. I could never be as great as he is. I am great but not as much as he is. I guess it's the expectation. And the stress levels of reshoots and stuff." I said.

"Makes sense. Kids are always expected to be like their parents." Devon said.

"Yeah. My mom's an orthodontist so everyone expected me to be like that but I was not dealing with peoples mouths." Olivia laughed.

"Yeah." James nodded. Sighing, I shrugged.

"It's great being in Supernatural though. The fandom is so great. There is no drama like in the 1D fandom. Everyone loves each other." I said.

"Yeah. I can also say that is true." Devon said. We continued to talk for a while when somehow the conversation drifted over to Helen.

"Don't worry about the way she talks and stuff. I haven't figured her out yet but don't pay attention to negativity." Olivia said.

"Yeah, I get that. But....I don't know." I sighed.


"She just likes making other people upset." Devon shrugged.

"But how can we be sure? Maybe she wants attention because she normally doesn't get any." I questioned.

"It's best to stay out of that anyways." James told me. Sighing, I plopped my chin in my hands.

"I guess." I muttered. Then Jared dropped Olivia and Devon off and took James and I to his house to chill in the pool. Well....after we stopped by James' house to get his bathing suit. I walked in his house all bossly and hugged Tom and Shep. "Hey boys!" I said happily as they jumped in my arms, wanting to be picked up. Since Shep is the youngest, I picked him up. "Want to go swimming with us?" He nodded his head rapidly and I giggled. I set him down and he ran off to put his bathing suit.

"Me too?" Tom asked.

"Of course." I grinned. His smile stretched across his face and he also ran off.

"So....this is James, huh?" Gen grinned. I nodded and smiled.

"Nice to meet you." James smiled, offering his hand to shake. Gen took it but made a weird face. I knew it was because he actually offered his hand.

"Nice to meet you too." She said.

"Are you going to get in with us? Jared is." I questioned.

"Sure. I don't want the boys bothering you too much." She chuckled. I smiled and shrugged.

"I wouldn't mind too much." I shrugged.

"I know you wouldn't." She smiled. I grinned and went to the guest room to change into my swimming suit. It was a nice swimming suit. I loved it. I looked super good in it too. I walked out the room and into the room where everyone else was. The nice thing about my boyfriend is that he didn't look at my body and get all happy. No. He just smiled at my face and grabbed my hand.

"You ready to get sunburnt?" He laughed.

"I don't get sunburnt man. I'm always in the sun! I'm Texan!" I joked. He laughed and shook his head.

"I think you're crazy. You definitely sunburn." He chuckled.

"Yeah....okay. But I tan the next day so..." I smiled and shoved him over slightly. We walked outside to the pool and I laid my towel on the lawn chair Jared had bought specifically for me. I sat down and was going to just lounge but that's when I felt Jared arms wrap around me. I knew what was coming. "Jared! No!" I squealed before I hit the icy cold water. When I surfaced, I glared at him as he laughed. I wiped the water out of my eyes and shook my head. "You want to play dirty huh?" I questioned. He laughed more and I glared at him. "It's on." I swam to the edge of the water and looked at Gen who nodded. James nodded and I nodded. We all walked on each side of him, edging him closer and closer to the pool.


"Oh, come on, y'all." Jared chuckled nervously. We got him tight against the edge and he held his hands up. The edge of his heels were off the deck and over the water. I stared right in his eyes and smirked as the two boys ran up and pushed their father into the pool. When he surfaced, the first thing he did was grab his sons and pull them into the pool. I grinned and shook my head. This was my family away from family. Then, I attempted to push James in the pool, but on the way down, he grabbed me and dragged me in the pool with him. When I surfaced, I splashed him in his laughing face.

"You jerk." I chuckled. He shrugged and I splashed him some more, laughing along with him. Then we play fought Jared. That's one of my favorite things to do when Jared and dad is in the pool is to fight with them. It's fantastic! As we were fighting, Gen had the boys. Jared splashed us, dunked us and ran away. James and I splashed, jumped on, got dunked many times and we (more like I) tried kicking. I've always done it. He can take it! Hes a giant! To put it in Crowley's words, 'a giant moose baby.' After a while, Gen and Jared wanted spouse time in the pool so James and I watched the boys. We played sharks with them and taught them to play Marco Polo. We were on teams teams of course. Then, the boys and Gen went inside while Jared, James and I all stayed in the pool. But we were calm. We were just hanging on the edge of the pool talking.

"Hows school?" I asked James.

"It's okay. Teachers are strict. Eighth grade is going to be hard." He sighed.

"Yeah, I bet. You're a year before starting high school." I nodded.

"Yeah. I wish you were there though." He sighed.

"I know." I smiled. "But you'll be okay. Besides, I'm always a text away....unless I'm shooting a scene." He chuckled and nodded.

"That's true." He said. We sat in the water in silence for a bit before I sighed. Jared was staring at us from the other side. "Hes as protective as your dad." James laughed, noticing.

"Yeah. He practically is my other father. Ridiculous." I chuckled. He glared at us and I shook my head. He swam over and squeezed in between James and I.

"So, how did the audition go? I never got the details." He smirked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I raised my eyebrow and chuckled.

"Oh Padapunzel....aren't you nosey?" I laughed.

"Padapunzel?" He chuckled.

"Yes. You are basically the boy version of Repunzel, I just used your last name because Jarpunzel didn't sound as good." I smiled.

"But Padapunzel does?"

"Well....the Supernatural fandom calls you Sampunzel sooo...." my voice trailed and he shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"Okay." He nodded. "But really. Who was it?"

"It was okay. The people are nice." I told him. He smiled and looked at James.

"And you play his girlfriend?" He asked. I nodded and he nodded along. "Alrighty then. Have you guys already gotten the script?"

"No. It's supposed to be mailed to us." James spoke. He nodded and smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you two are working your way up." He said.

"Yeah. You were on Gilmore Girls." I laughed.

"And your dad was on a lot of stuff!" Jared exclaimed.

"Yeah. I know, Dean!" I laughed, using his Gilmore Girls name. At that moment, he began chasing me but I swam away quickly, giggling. That was a good day. I actually did end up burnt. I was ripe and red as a tomato. Hurt pretty bad but Gen put Aloe on it. It burned more to be completely honest but it helps after a while. Dad came and got James and I and took James home before we proceeded know our own way. Dad and I were talking when I sighed and looked at him seriously. We had just gotten to the house and was sitting outside when I looked at him. He looked at me and I sighed again.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I was quiet for a minute before I broke my serious gaze and smiled.

"I think we should have ice cream and watch a movie after dinner." I grinned. He laughed and nodded.

"We'll definitely do that." He said. "It's been a while." I nodded and we walked inside, ready for our night.

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