《Jensens Daughter (Jensen Ackles FF)》Back In Texas


The next few weeks flew by. We were back in Canada, filming and I was super busy all the time. It was Christmas break before I even realized. Dad and I were going back to Austin, Texas. Jared was in Texas too, but for his family. "Dad! Dad! DAAAAAD!" I shouted from the backyard.

"What?" He shouted from inside.

"Come outside with me!" I shouted. I heard silence that followed before he stuck his head out the open door and I smiled.

"I'm talking to your grandparents right now." He said.

"Awe, come on dad. I miss you! We're always too tired to talk. Just come chill with me!" I spoke. He chuckled and went back inside. I stood where I was and two minutes later he came back out with his flannel on. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He answered. I stood close to him and led him to the porch swing that was in the middle of the huge yard. We sat in the wooden swing and I laid on his shoulder and looked at the blue, cloudless sky and the grass that seemed to go on forever.

"I miss Texas." I said.

"Me to." Dad nodded.

"Acting is hard work. When do we have to go back?Before the new year or no?"

"Yeah, before." He nodded. I nodded slowly, then looked up at him.

"Guess what?" I said, smirking.

"What?" He questioned.

"I'm going to be thirteen in two days." I spoke. He shook his head.

"Don't remind me." He sighed.

"That's what I do." I told him, shrugging. He sighed and we talked for a while longer. J.J. and mom were inside but had to leave to see her family before Christmas. It made me upset that we never really see each other but hey, what can you do? I looked at my phone, which had no new notifications. "Can I ride a horse?" I asked.

"I don't see why not." Dad answered.

"Great! Wanna help me?" I asked. He nodded and we went out to the pasture. He helped me saddle up the horse and I effortlessly got on her. I patted the horses mane and smiled down at my dad. "Gosh! I miss this feeling." I smiled before I started took off. I rode the horse until it was time for dinner. I was really happy for tonights dinner! It was sloppy Joe night!


The next two days involved family and such, then, on December 21st...IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I was turning thirteen. I was finally an actual teenager. As soon as I woke up, I had a million texts. All from Mel. It was basically her saying 'happy birthday best friend' but she said it with many many many texts. I also got a text from James.

James;-P: Happy birthday! I'm really glad I'm in a relationship with such a great girl! A girl who makes me smile no matter what. A girl who cares more about family and friendships than anyone i've ever met. Miss you. Can't wait to see you when you come back.

I was so in love with this text. It was perfect. From the perfect boy. I honestly had no reason to dislike it. He put things so perfectly. Plus, he knows I'm not ready to say 'I love you' so he doesn't force me or make me feel weird by saying it.


I finally got out of bed and as soon as I did, I was ecstatic. "Happy birthday honey!" Dad shouting, handing me a plate of pancakes.

"Thanks, daddy." I smiled. We ate before he made me go get dressed and ready to leave. I just put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I ran back downstairs and smiled at my dad. "Okay! Now tell me where we're going!" I laughed. He shook his head and we ran out the house. I got in the car and we began driving to town.

We were in the car for a while before we finally stopped. "We're here!" He said. I was really confused.

"We're where?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"Hey! Sara!" A voice shouted. I turned to see Jared and Gen walking toward me.

"Hey. Where are we?" I asked.

"Did we beat them here?" Jared asked my dad.

"I guess. I mean, they are very busy." He shrugged.

"WHO?" I shouted. Dad just smiled at me.

"You'll see." He said. We stood around for about five minutes before a black car pulled up. I didn't know what was happening until I heard a voice that I recognized so familiar, I almost fainted.


"Is that the birthday girl?" A British accent asked. Just as I thought, the Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Harry Styles and Liam Payne stepped out the car. Zayn was sick. I remembered from a tweet.

"Yep. My baby girls turning thirteen!" My dad said. I just stood in a state of shock.

"I think I'm going to faint." I managed to get out.

"Don't. It would ruin the whole thing." Another voice said. Mel was stepping out the car One Direction just walked out of.

"Mel! You made it!" I ran to my friend and we hugged.

"Of course I did. I know for a fact that these guys give you life so...enjoy. I told your dad to do this so you owe me." She smiled. I punched her arm lightly and she pushed me forward lightly to where i was directly in front of the One Direction boys.

"Hi." Niall said.

"Hi." I grinned. I talked with them all until I got really comfortable around them then all my talking came out. Dad brought them back to our house and I was talking non-stop. Louis and I throwing shade, Niall and I talking food, Harry and I talking clothes, and Liam and I talking about anything in between. I was having a good time!

We were eating food when dad came in the kitchen. "Hey. I have another birthday present for you." He said. I nodded and he handed me a small box. I opened it and almost died. It was a gold pass to Indy Pop Con to see my favorite YouTubers!

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!" I shouted, hugging my dad. He chuckled and I let go.

"So, enjoying your birthday?" He asked. I nodded and looked back at the boys of One Direction.

"Yup." I nodded. "I miss working though...is that weird?"

"No." Dad laughed. "It just means you love what you do."

"Well...I do and I miss it." I said.

"Hey y'all! Wanna go out to eat with Gen and I?" Jared asked. I looked at the boys who nodded and i followed their lead.

"You going to come?" I asked my dad.

"Of course! I'm not leaving my little girl on her birthday." He said.

"I'm not a little girl anymore, dad." I smiled. He looked at me and also smiled.

"You'll always be my little girl." He said.

"You're so lame." I laughed.

"But you love it." He said.

"But I love it." I nodded. I hugged him and looked up at his face that was looking down at me. "We're such dorks." I whispered. He nodded and I stepped away from him and to Liam. "Carry me Lima!" I shouted. He chuckled and picked me up. "Bye losers!" I shouted as we walked out the house.

"Come back here with my baby girl!" Dad laughed, chasing Liam and I out the door. We ran around the yard as dad chased us. Jared soon joined in on trying to catch Liam and I. When Liam got tired, he passed me to Niall and I emotionally died! Little baby Niall was holding me. I was dead. When Niall got tired, he passed me to Harry. Then when Harry got tired I was passed to Louis. As Louis ran with me, since I was already dead, my character in Supernatural was salting and burning my body to kill my spirit. I was no longer on Earth. I was somewhere totally different. Purgatory? Hell? I don't know. Wherever ghosts go when they die.

"Alright. Can we just go now. I have fangirled to my max and am in desperate need of food." I called.

"Thank goodness. I'm so hungry." My dad said. He got in the car and Louis continued to carry me to the car.

"You're strong." I said. He smiled and I couldn't help but giggle.

We ate some food with the occasional interruption of someone coming up to us. Either for us or the guys or both. None of us were bothered though. We ate our food then when we finished, talked. At eight, One Direction left and Mel, dad, Jared and Gen all stayed at the table. "Have a good day?" Mel asked.

"Yeah. The best birthday ever." I nodded.

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