《Cole Johnson x Reader》23


I walk with a sigh as i look around, swining the machete around.

"Hey!" I hear. I turn and see Melanie.

"It's you" I gag.

"Why are you working with Cole? join me. And you can have your dream life. You can start over. No psycotic brothwr, no asylum, no murders. The perfect life"

I scoff.

"Nah" She sighs.

"Fine. You're a fucking idiot"


"What kind of try hard clut is this shit?" I ask, as i look around.

"None of your buisness" Then she finishes tying me up.

"I hope you know that Cole's not coming"

"He's a big terminator fan. He'll be back"

I scoff.

"Yeah i doubt it."

"People will do anything to get what they want. And Cole wants you. Me and you are the same y'know. The way he look sat you. he used to look at me the same way"

I scoff again.

"Did you know that he kissed me that night, while you were busy getting stabbed, he was hanging out in my bathroom, and instead of saving you, he decided to get it on with me"

"You're such a bad liar! And he's not coming!"

"By the way" She stands infront of me, then wipes her bleeding nose. "You are not prettier then me" I grunt, then headbutt her.

"Ah you bitch!!" But her phone starts ringing.

"Ahhh, who could that be?" Then she answers the phone. "Hey Cole... Pirates Cove. Be here in 20 minuites, or she's dead, follow the smoke"

I grunt.

"You were my friend Mel. I actually liked ranting about boys with you. Which is shocking, cuz it's me obviously"

"We were kids!"

"I was gone for 2 years!"

She roles her eyes.

"And just for some followers? Seriously?"


"I've always wanted to be an influencer!"

"It's not that hard! you're just lazy! Now let me go twatface!"

"MELANIE!!" We hear?!


"Ah, look who finally decided to show up. and in 10 minuites wow. You must really love her"

"Y/n you okay?"


"Is this where you want me?! Here i am! Take my blood, kill me, whatever. I'm so sick of this shit!"

"Lay a hand on him and i swear-"

"Oh my god Y/n do you ever shut up?"

"Do you ever close your legs? Cuz i've been smelling fish for a while dude"

"Okay you have me! let her go!"

"Not until i deliver"

"Deliver? To who?!"

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