《Cole Johnson x Reader》14


"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere." She replies, but looks at my outfit. "Nice outfit"

"Thanks" But we hear some birds? Me and Phoebie jump, but continue looking around.

"Hey is that fire?" I raise an eyebrow, then look at where she's looking. Then see fire.

"Sir!!" She yells.

"Phoebie no!" But she ignores me.

"Sir! Hi!"

"Hi?" He stands up.

"Hi, i don't mean to intrude but i could really sue your help.Is there anyway, you could give us a lift back into town?"

"Yeah, yeah i can do that. It's gonna take a minuite cuz my uh, wifes gone to go get some firewood"

"Thanks!" I grab Phoebies shoulders and turn her to me.

"Phoebie, listen i don't trust him"


"For all we know he could also be apart of the cult? Or be a murderer, or even could be a nonse. Okay? Were you ever taught the saying 'Don't talk to strangers'?"

"C'mon Y/n i'm sure it'll be fine" I nod, then we walk over. Phoebie trys to sit down next to him, but i move her and sit there instead. i don't trust him and i want to keep her safe.

"Thanks again" Phoebie smiles.

"It's no problem" He smiles, which makes the hair on my neck stand up.

"You girls like fish?"

"Uh yeah" She replies for me. He turns to me.

"You're a quiet one" I nod, and pull the end of my skirt down a little. "Nice outfit"

I nod again.

"I like snapper"

"Snapper? Cool" I turn to Phoebie.

'Let's go' I say in lip sinc.

'No' She replies.

"What are you girls doing out here alone?"

I gulp, and cross my arms, covering my boobs.

"look i'm really sorry, i don't mean to bother, but is there anyway you know when your wife is coming back?" She asks.


"No" He replies. then smirks at me. "She left 10 years ago"

"Aw shit" I mumble, then try to stand up but he grabs my shoulder.

"Hey, hey, calm down"

"No! We have to go! No!" He carrys on trying to touch me, but i just keep slapping his hands away.

"Sir! Leave her alone!!" Phoebie shouts.

"Shut up you peice of shit!" he yells, then he grabs my boob. I shriek, then slap him round the face but before i could do anything he grabs my hand and pulls me towards him. I gag, then slap his hands away more.

"Don't touch me you dickhead!!" I yell, but he tries to touch me up again, making me slap him again.

"Don't be shy little fish~" He smirks, grabbing my wrists.

"You probably have a tik tak dick you bitch!!"

"Hey! Are you making S'mores?" We look at Cole and i smile. "I love S'mores, y'know i think the trick to a perfect S'more is to balance the heat balance out between the marshmellow, the chocolate, and the cracker! I absolutly love S'mores, i eat them just for PLEASUREEEE!!" I chuckle, as we listen to it echo.

"Hey. This is a private party" He says.

"Okay great, we'll just take our private parts and be on our way" Then Cole lowers his hat, then grabs my hand. and drags me away. Phoebie follows as we run to the car.

"C'mon! Get in!!" Cole yells.

We all get in, and i pant, as i sit in the front seat.

"you okay?" Cole asks.

"I FEEL LIKE CUTTING OFF MY TIT!! DOES THAT FEEL OKAY?!" Then we turn and see Sonya holding a flamethrower, causing all of us to scream.



Then Sonya turns to him.

"Silence rapist" Then she suddenly sets him on fire. I grin.

"FUCK YEAH SONYA!!" I grin. But she turns to us with a wink. Before pointing it at us and shooting it out. We scream, and Cole starts driving, but hits Sonya?! We scream, as she roles over the car roof, and crashes behind us.

"Reverse!!" I shout, as she stands up. He does, and we hit her again. But we watch as she slowly starts standing up.

"How the fuck is she still alive?!" Phoebie shouts, as we run her over again, but she gets on the window. We scream as she licks the window.


"GET HER OFF!!" Me and Phoebie yell at Cole, but he crashes her right into a rocky wall. we pant, but a syrfboard, at a rabid speed, falls down, and chops her head off. We all scream, and watch as her blood scatters all over, and her head falls off the surfboard.

"Holy shit! That was awesome!!" I laugh.

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