《Cole Johnson x Reader》11


"Yo, so you went crazy right?" Diego asks Cole. Everyone stays silent.

"Diego shut up" I say.

"You like saw a blood cult or some shit"

"Diego shut up" i say again.

"Cole's his own homie. He can speak for himself N/n"

"Well, i mean. i-i'm not supposed to talk about it"

"Yeah so shut up Diego" Melanie adds.

"Ah c'mon bro! I gots to know! You saw dudes killing folks mixing the bloods?"

"AHHH!!" Samuel screams, and i cover Coles ears, as we watch Bee impale Samuel in the head.

"W-well i mean, they never got far enough to m-mix the bloods"

"Diego shut the fuck up" I say sternly.

"Cole do you want a drink? I'll get you one okay" Mel says to him, and starts getting him a drink.

"What was in it for the cult? must have been good. Something worth killing for"

"No, please no!" The cop cries out as Max walks towards him.

"MAX LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" I yell, still trying to get out of the ropes.

Max looks at me, and smirks, then grabs the pole in the cops eye, before shoving it all through his skull, splitting it open.

"Guys! Shut up!!" I yell, but they ignore me.

"Yeah, i mean i'd have to be promised everything i've ever wanted. my dream life bro"

"Drill faster!!" I yell at Cole as he traps Sonya in.

"I'M COMING TO GET YOU!!" She screams. But he finally finishes drilling, and we take a step back. But suddenly a huge explosion goes off, throwing me and Cole in the air. We groan, as we slam our backs into the floor.

"I'M STILL ALIVE MOTHER FU-" But another one goes off.

"Stop talking about it, Cole didn't come here to talk about a stupid blood cult and a crappy devil's book"


"We just wanna talk!" John yells, but trys to grab Cole, before i could think i qickly push him away, but he suddenly trips on the car. Me and Cole scream, and look over the banister, as he falls, then lands his neck on a trophy, inpaling him. We scream, but i look at my hands, hat are drenched in blood.

"HOLY SHIT!!" I scream.

"How do you know that?" Cole asks Melanie.

"What?" She chuckles.

"I didn't tell you about the devil's book"

My eyes widen, and i look up at her.

"Cole, yes you did, remember?"

"No i didn't. How do you know about the book Melanie!?"

"Cuz i signed my name in it Cole" My eyes widen, then she pulls out a huge hook and cuts Boom Boom's neck open. Me and Cole scream, as we crawl back a little.

"Melanie what the fuck!?" I shout, as Boom Boom collapses onto the floor.

"i made the same deal" She says.

"You've gotta be shitting me. Noooo" I groan.

"I thought we were gonna do this in the bathtub not on my face!!" Diego whines.

I look down at Boom Boom. But see the hook. I turn to Cole and he nods.

"My uncles gonna kill me!!" Jimmy yells, then starts to rub in the blood.

"Hey! hey!! Whoah!" They turn to me. "You dab it not rub it in you fucking idiot!"

"Thanks" Then he starts dabbing it.

"Mix the blood of the sacrificed. With the blood of the inncent boy" Then she turns to me. "And the innocent girl"

"You were supposed to take your meds, drink a little wine, then pass out!!" Jimmy yells.

"But you didn't! So now we're gonna have to take your blood, and then kill you" She smiles. "See Cole, Y/n. you're not crazy." She laughs.

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