

Sunset came faster than day, while cocks crowed and horses neighed, people made sure to pray, ensuring they stayed longer than they thought they may, far out in the lone kingdom of Grirendra.

The shadow of the sun was cast on the fine walls of King Cedric's Palace, soldiers moving around, seeing to the safety of their King.

Over here in the massive throne room of the palace, dozens of soldiers were knelt down before the one person they feared.

The dark eyes of Cedric twitched, as he stared at the commander kneeling in front of him.

Low breaths escaped his lips, while he took few steps closer to the soldiers. His black boots clopping as he approached them slowly, the sound of it making them tremble on their knees.

"So you're telling me—stops abruptly to stare the commander square in the eye—that a few villagers overpowered my best warriors?" He spoke softly, tilting his head to the side a little, while bringing his face closer to the Commander's.

The Commander dare not look him in the eye. Instead, he turned his head to the side, staring out the throne room windows, for fear of what could happen.

The Dark robe with touches of gold, which was worn perfectly on Cedric's body, seemed to glisten as he moved around the silent throne room.

There was a golden dagger which was strapped to his left boots, mainly for protection.

A dagger that spoke of power. One so unique at that, and the one thing he used for his kills, alongside his caltrop, a favorite weapon of his.

"My lord, they had magic" Commander Zamarion uttered in a wavering voice.

Cedric's head snapped to look his way immediately, deciphering what he just heard.

The Commander bent his head low, gripping his sword tight as the King approached him slowly.


"Is that magic I hear ye say?" Cedric asked in the usual calm voice of his.

"Yes my lord. We tried our best to outtake them, but the magic was just too strong. We even lost some of our best soldiers"

"How can it be?.........All sorcerers and magicians work for me. There is not one in the lands that I do not know of" Cedric uttered.

"There were two actually. An old man and a girl. A witch, I presume. It was the most powerful sorcery I've ever seen, my lord" Zamarion reported.

"I want them found immediately!" Cedric yelled.

His loud voice caused total silence in the room, as all the soldiers had their heads bent.

Long platinum blonde hair which went past the shoulders of his tunic, swayed softly as his voice boomed.

The dark expression on his face soon changed, while he gazed at the commander.

"Oh and Zamarion, do not forget the plan you've got to execute" He said in a soft voice, like he wasn't yelling few seconds ago.

"At once, my lord"

He bowed to the king immediately, joining the soldiers hurrying out of the room, while Cedric went over to sit on the massive throne.

The manner in which Cedric's mood switched was what scared a lot of people. This minute he would yell at you, and the next, he would give you a smile. A smile that covered up his emotions, hiding the things he could do to you in a blink of an eye.

Cedric brought his attention to the doors being pushed open, followed by Kyle Brennan walking towards him.

"You sent for me, Cedric" Kyle said.

He was one of the few people who could call Cedric by name and go away with it. Though they hunted and joked together, Kyle still awarded him the respect he deserved for being the king.


"Yes Kyle. You're the only one I trust. Do have a seat" Cedric responded.

He sat down immediately, while one of the waiting maids served him wine in a goblet.

He took a sip from it, turning all attention to the king.

"There's something I would like you to do" Cedric spoke

"Whatever it is, my lord" Kyle replied.

Cedric's fingers rested on his chin as he watched Kyle closely. He squinted his eyes a little, as if trying to see through him, and immediately, he shook his head then began speaking.

"I want you to set off to Zorllonah, to meet the King and Queen. Tell the king not to forget our bargain. As long as his people pay their respects and taxes to me, his kingdom remains safe"

"I thought our soldiers sent a message to them already" Kyle said immediately.

"Yes they did. But I want you to go there and meet them yourself. The king will understand how dead serious I am, once you meet them. And also don't forget to send my regards to his wife, Queen Veda"

A quick shadow appeared over his face mixed with a slight grin.

"Yes my Lord"

Kyle gave a curt bow, then walked out of the throne room the same time Commander Zamarion walked in.

"Once Kyle leaves, you execute the plan. He shouldn't know about it, Zamarion. This is a task that must be done carefully" Cedric warned.

Zamarion nodded and turned to leave, but was stopped immediately by the voice of Cedric.

"Zamarion!" He called

"Yes my lord"

"Do. not. fail. me"

Though Cedric's voice was low, Zamarion could feel the dangers that came with it. One mistake and he could be swept off the face of the earth.

The powers of King Cedric. He thought to himself.

He could feel the sweat beneath the gloves he wore on his palms. The nervousness and silence that englobed everywhere, made him hurry out of the throne room right after giving a bow to the king.

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