

hey were out standing in front of a tree, Bellona looking tired and frustrated, while Pavlos who had finely carved battle knives in hands, had a wide grin on his face.

The pair took turns in throwing knives far out to land smoothly on a tree, just like a game of darts, but this time, dangerous weapons were used.

"Y'know when you said 'we begin now' I thought for once you actually meant your words. I'm very much interested in knowing the reason as to why we're training with knives. I mean, why can't we train with swords or bow and arrows" Bellona let out a loud grunt, throwing a knife frustratedly at the Seven feet standing tree.

She tried taking out her pain on the trees, but whatever she did, the knives didn't seem to connect with them. Unlike Pavlos who did it effortlessly.

"You're not prepped for that" He responded.

He went behind her straightening her shoulders, then placing her in the proper position.

"Well, when will I be ready?" She asked immediately, turning around to face him.

"Well, if you stopped asking questions, you'd be ready in no time" He uttered in a serious tone.


He ignored her groans, grabbed a knife, then threw it immediately at one of the tall trees.

The knife pierced the tree, going in and stopping just about an inch.

"To fight and overcome, you need to focus" He began.

"That's the first thing you should take into consideration"

"I've seen tons of people fight with their eyes closed" Bellona joked in response.

"Bellona! Would you let me to teach you?" He snapped.

"Of course, Heavens!" She threw her arms in the air.

"Then focus! Now try the exact thing I did" He said to her.

She took a deep breath, placing her left foot before her right foot, with her right arm far behind her left arm, she tossed the knife at the tree.


A sharp gasp escaped her lips, as she watched the knife flying straight ahead, almost connecting with the face of a young man.

He approached from behind the tree, catching the knife just in time, holding it inches away from his face.

She sighed as soon as she realised it was Aiden, a villager like her whom she had been friends with ever since they were kids.

"Whoa" He chuckled, flipping the knife and resting it in his out-stretched palms.

The young lady stared at him in awe, completely amazed by his skills.

Pavlos who stood beside Bellona, watched with a smile growing on his lips.

Aiden soon approached them, smiling and holding the knife out.

"Aiden! To what do I owe this?" Pavlos uttered, a grin growing on his lips.

"Oh—only came to ask if I could take your horse for a ride" He replied.

"Sure! Just as long as she's fed, I'm alright with that" Followed the response.

Aiden nodded his head in response, turning to look at Bellona, then stretching the knife out.

"I believe this is for you"

He took a step closer to her, placing the knife carefully in her palms

"Focus" He whispered, pointing at his eyes.

He walked off, right after flashing a smile at them, and bidding goodbye.

"See, he gets it" Pavlos muttered.

"What's it about this 'focusing' stuff anyway" Bellona scrunched her face.

They were suddenly interrupted by someone coming from behind them.

They both turned to see Elpida, a maiden holding a basket filled with berries, hopping towards their direction.

"Hey!" She called out in an excited voice, her long black hair which went past her back, bouncing in different directions as she approached them.

She laid the basket down on the soft green grass, picking the berries out.


"I've been on the look for you all morning. Where 've you been?" Bellona asked.

"Well 'look' what I got, freshly plucked berries" She squealed.

"Know what I'm thinking" Bellona asked with a smile on her lips.

"No one ever knows what you're thinking, Belle" Elpida stated.

Bellona let out a chuckle, dipping her hands into the basket, taking out berries and stuffing them into her mouth.

"This is good" She moaned softly as the juice coming from the berries, slid down her tongue.

"It's the season" Elpida responded.

"Care for some, Pavlos?" She asked.

"You finally acknowledge my presence—Shocking" He replied in a flat tone.

"Sorryyy. Got lost in the goodness of the fruits" She reached out to touch his arms softly, while flashing a smile his way.

"You ignored me cause of this?"

"Oh, don't be like that. Come have some" She beckoned onto him.

"Much thanks, Elpida, but I decline politely. I deal with things that warm me up and and add to my great deal of feats. Y'know-

Elpida tossed a berry at his face which got him to stop talking.

"Don't you- He began, but was caught off by Bellona joining in and throwing berries at him, laughing in the process.

Pavlos shook his hair wildly, while red juice dripped down his face.

He packed a handful of berries, and was about throwing it at them, when they heard loud screams coming from the village.

Dropping all they had in their hands, they hurried over to where the noise came from, and in less than a moment, the cause of it all was revealed.

Soldiers, dressed in black armory were seen dragging some villagers away, while stomping on their crops and throwing out their food.

Bellona was quick to recognize them as Cedric's soldiers. A tyrant known and recognized by everyone far across the lands.

He was feared by a large deal of people mainly because of the things he did.

The leader of the soldiers who was sat on a tall brown horse, ordered for them to stop and ensure silence.

Everyone turned to look at him at the sound of his voice.

"People of Lorwich" He began. A slight grin on his lips, while his hands held tightly to the reins of his horse.

"King Cedric demands all eligible men come with us to Grirendra right now" He spoke in a loud voice which made the villagers cower.

"We're not giving our sons to you!" An old man from the crowd spoke.

The commander let out a soft chuckle, while ruffling his hair.

A scowl appeared on his face immediately, as he rested his gaze on the man who spoke.

"It's either you give them to us now, or you'll regret it later" He uttered in a low voice.

He quickly motioned for his soldiers to grab them, while stretching his shiny sword out.

Screams erupted everywhere, carts of food tumbling over as armed soldiers dressed in black dragged the boys away.

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