《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》29. The Awkward next morning


The next morning, Anaya was the first one to wake up. She stretched her arms and winced. Slowly, she massaged her nape. Now, she will have to adjust to this. This was going to be her life till the time they divorce. She removed the duvet and slid her legs down. Looking up, she found Maaz sound asleep. His arms and legs spread out and he occupied the whole bed. She crinkled her nose in disgust. She had never liked him but whatever respect she had for him was now lost.

She kept looking at him as she wondered about his wild night, last night. Even though he was married for a divorce, he slept with other women.

'Disgusting.' She whispered to herself and looked away. As she was about to get up, her mobile rang. She inwardly groaned and picked up the phone.

Ma Calling!!!

Anaya looked at Maaz's sleeping figure. He was disturbed by the ring but doesn't wake up and simply stirred in his sleep. She quickly picked up the call and hurried inside the bathroom.

'What happened, Ma? Why did you call me so early in the morning?' She asked in urgent whispers.

'I wanted to call you last night itself but—Your father and I were very restless the whole night.' She informed. Her voice sounded stern. Anaya was perplexed. What was the urgency?

: Then, why didn't you call me yesterday?

: Your father had fallen ill because of so much stress.

Anaya gasped, - 'What? Is he alright now?'

: Yes, but he won't be if you keep troubling him like this.

Anaya was taken aback, - 'Me? It was you people who forced me to get married to Maaz.' She reminded her.

: We know. But we got you married for the money. In case, you forgot.

: Even if I forget, I don't think you guys will let me.

: Good. (pause) I hope you didn't get carried away last night (Anaya rolled her eyes) Remember he won't have any trouble moving on, life will be as normal to him as always. But your life will change, forever--


Before she could say further, Anaya irritably interrupted her, - 'What do you want, Ma?'

There was a stern silence for a second before her mother spoke,

: Just remember you are supposed to marry Sheeraz after this divorce is over. Just stay away from your husband, keep your virginity and honor intact for Sheeraz. Understood.

Anaya's mouth dropped open; she couldn't believe her mother could be so blunt. She took a moment to compose herself and then replied, - 'But Ma, Maaz is my husband.'

'Only on papers.' Ma was quick to respond. Anaya sighed and fell against the bathroom door. It was a waste trying to knock sense into her mother, out of fear she always does everything her husband tells her too.

'Beta,' – Her voice softened, - 'Listen to me, please. Else your father will kill us both. Please.'

Anaya's expressions changed as well, she straightened, - 'Okay, Ma.' She paused and then added, - 'And don't worry nothing happened and I promise I will keep my word.' She assured in a soft tone. Her mother then began thanking her and Anaya smiled sadly to herself.


Anaya showered and got dressed in three-fourth sleeved knee-length turquoise Kurtha and cigarette pants. It proved difficult to dress in the bathroom and the tinkling sound of her blue and white bangles annoyed her. She reminded herself to get used to this now. By the time, she combed her hair, applied kohl and maroon lip gloss, delicate gold nose hoop ring, wore beige stilettos, packed her office handbag; Maaz was still fast asleep. After she was done, she glanced at him and clicked her tongue in irritation and then walked out of the room.

She was hungry for breakfast, but she felt awkward. But as she hurriedly made her way towards the main entrance, but she dashed into Rashid. He was startled to see her. She was surprised as well; he was awake so early in the morning. Then, noticing his black tracksuit she knew he had been exercising.

Father and son are so different. Son is fast asleep like a dead man while his father is working so hard. No wonder he is so fit – Anaya thought to herself as she eyed her father-in-law.


'What happened, Anaya? You are going to work?' He asked looking at her from top to bottom. Anaya clenched the sling of her handbag and nodded.

'So early?' He asked. She looked at him and nodded again.

'Actually sir, I have to take the metro then cab. The office is far away.' She informed. Rashid nodded thoughtfully.

'You can wait for Maaz, he will drop you.' He said. Anaya's eyes widened for a second before she fixed her expressions.

'No, sir. I will be fine. Besides, if I come with Maaz sir then people might think wrongly of us.' She reasoned and lowered her head.

'So? And stop calling me and Maaz, sir. At least in the house.' He said and then chuckled. Anaya forced a smile.

A moment later, his smile faded, and he inquired about breakfast.

'I had my breakfast.' Anaya lied and before he could question her further, she hurried out. Rashid smiled as he watched her go.

'What a lovely kid?' – he sighed, - 'I hope she will be able to bring some sense into my nonsense son.' He sounded hopeful.


This wasn't the first time, Anaya was dreading Maaz's entry to the office. The fact that he was her husband wasn't as much awkward as the incident that happened last night. The memory still made her shiver. She couldn't understand why she was so tensed.

As usual, Anaya entered Maaz's cabin. She opened the curtain letting bright sunlight illuminate the cabin. As she arranged his desk, she had an urge to check his desk. She looked up at the closed door, bent, pushed strands of her hair and hesitantly opened the desk. She had just opened it slightly when she was startled by the sound of a car horn. She quickly straightened pushed the desk close with her knee and hurried out of the cabin.

Anaya stood at the entrance of the hotel and watched a black Landrover enter through the gates. She held the notepad tightly against her chest as looked at the driver open the backdoor and Maaz stepped out. He looked at Anaya's direction and she stood still looking back at him. He walked up to her and stopped beside her. Slowly, Anaya looked at him. He removed his sunglasses and glared at her. She gulped and looked away. He kept looking at her for a few more seconds and then looked away.

'Get my beer, urgently.' He ordered. Anaya looked at him and Maaz looked at her. She nodded and he walked away. She turned and watched him go.

Anaya entered Maaz's cabin and found him working on his laptop. Strange! She ignored him and silently placed the glass of beer near his laptop. She moved but froze as he grabbed her hand, he held her wrist tightly. She winced looking at him.

'Why didn't you wake me up? Because of you, Dad scolded me.' He said seriously. Anaya felt annoyed and jerked her hand free from his grip.

'Why is everything only about you?' She asked. Maaz was taken aback by her response. He had expected her to be a timid girl.

'Listen, Ambika—'

'Please sir, can we just discuss work?' She interrupted him. Maaz was left speechless with his mouth hanging open and his index finger in the air. Anaya shook her head and turned her attention to her notepad. Maaz composed himself, adjusted his coat and leaned against the chair.

For the next few minutes, he pretended to listen to her. When she was done and asked for his leave, he simply nodded and said, - 'Leave the note-pad here.' Anaya nodded and placed her notes in front of him. Maaz shifted to hold her hand but this time she pulled away. He clenched his fingers. Anaya ignored him and took his leave once again. Without another word, she walked out. Maaz stared at the closing door and clenched the paperweight.

'No one messes with Maaz Nawab Ali and goes away unpunished.' He thought out loud.

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