《bleeding love》Im a monster


"teddy, what are you doing here?"

"i... ur... guardian angel. Told me to come here. Whatever."

"Teddy..." Edward stood up. "Damien, if you're that disrespectful you bring her along to the service, don't come."

I gasped. "erm, no! I kinda just welcomed myself along!"

"well, go then. You're not welcome here."


"Not welcome here!"

I pouted at him. "why not?"

But he just turned away. "don't look at me like that. Go. Leave me alone."

I sighed. "do I get told NOTHING around here? It's quite lonely, you know. LONELY, Edward. Why are you even here, in MY garden? Edward, I will KILL YOU,"

"Teddy, it's OK, listen, IT'S OK..."

"Of course, I laughed. "of COURSE it's OK! its OK I was kidnapped! It's OK I'm having visions! CREEPY visions! It's OK I'm seeing angels! It's OK I'm a BLOODY VAMPIRE! Damien, IM A MONSTER!"

"you really put it that way? Even now you are one? Of all the things, I thought that would change. Teddy, why aren't you the happy, perky girl I watched for 5 years?"

I shook my head. "I'm like that when I'm HAPPY, Damien. Im sorry, but I'm just not happy here. I'm not. I can't and won't ever be."

Damien shook HIS head, which kind of brassed me off like it would a little kid who thought he'd copied. It just wasn't RIGHT.

"Teddy, I get it. I understand that. I just thought you'd be happy... now I was letting you go"

I growled. "so you're setting me free so I'd be happy, and you could WATCH that? That's sick, Damien!"

"no... not that... that's silly..."

"well isn't EVERYTHING silly? What I've become! What this world does, what PEOPLE do to get there own way! It's all silly! No one seems to get that they're not the only one in the world! At least I understand that fact! That, of all things, is the most important for you to understand about me, Damien! I don't give up! I know there are others out there, and we should all treat them as we'd want to be treated! But you don't understand that, do you, Damien? You don't understand there are things other than this HELLHOLE that will make me happy! You don't GET THAT! You think you're GOOD to me! You almost KILLED ME!!!"


Damien did what, I'll admit, I least expected. He ran from the area, on his way to his room. I couldn't see his face, but he looked like a scared little kid running from his mother. That scared, of me. That was creepy.

"you ought to pick your words more carefully," Edward muttered, still faced away from me. "do you understand how much time, how much money he put into this garden? How much ENERGY? He didn't allow anyone else to help him with it, it was all him. He wanted into to be purely from him, a gift from him to you."

I thought about that. Could Damien really of made this entire garden by himself? I'd thought he'd just ordered dozens of workers to make it, but all himself? That... that hurt, somehow. Like a hole in my chest. How could her put so much effort into me? Why would he? That was just... so painful. How much id hurt him.

"why'd he do that?" I asked, really quiet and sentimental. "why did he do it?!" I shouted at him this time. "I didn't want him to do that!".

Edward was pretty shocked, and I couldn't really blame him. I was shocked at myself. I just... didn't want Damien to try that hard with me. It seemed... wrong. Too wrong for my liking.

"he watched you for 5 years - isn't that enough to make you believe he really cares? He doesn't keep you here to torture you, Teddy! He keeps you here because he can't bare to be without you anymore! He's sick of seeing you unhappy though, and I really can't blame him! You're a rascal and have a heart outlined with stone!"

He turned away, and began to pick up his things. On his way out, he whispered to me: "you know why I fell in love with you? Because I knew beneath that shell of stone there was a heart of pure gold, and I thought I could unlock it. I was wrong - I am not right for you, Teddy. I realise that now. But you should at least give Damien a chance,"


I sighed. "what is your reason? Why should I give Damien a chance?"

Edward nodded to the headstone. "you know who you remind me of? Mazza. She was a determined and fiery girl. And that's why Damien worries so much, why he's always by your side. He wants to protect you. He accidentally killed her, you know. Before she became a proper vampire. And it's killing him inside. His own sister - and he hates himself for that. Teddy, just promise me this - give Damien a chance. I know you don't know her, but promise it to Mazza, too. Prove to me I was right. SHOW that heart of gold,"

As he left, I felt terrible. Downright TERRIBLE. For a second, I was angry with Damien. It showed how ruthless he was - he killed his own sister! But then I felt sorry for him. He had to live with that guilt. And I REMINDED him of her!

That was it. I needed Lucy's help - and I needed it FAST.


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