《bleeding love》Brother


Sorry guys but I skipped a bit here we r now 20 days after the day Amelie came sorry! Enjoy anyway! P.S. she still hates Damien ;) now that Hans had died I thought we needed a new POV, but you'll have to read the chapter to find out who it is!



My plan is set. She will be mine by sundown. My foolish brother shall have to live without her, he has caused her too much pain. I will protect her. I will love her.

My love, I am coming.


It was a beautiful, ripe sunny morning, but I was in a rage.

"I cannot take it anymore!"

"sire, surely if you talked to her-"

"Dont you think I've TRIED that? No, she will not listen! I have made up my mind, Mary! If she will not love me of her own free will, I will MAKE her love me!"

Mary looked shocked at the idea, totally genuinely shocked.

"Surely - but she will HATE that master!"

"its her own fault!" i cried, pissed that Mary was helping her.

"but you love her!"

"and she will love me..."

I ran at double the speed of a human could, and Mary was left alone. I knocked on the door. "Teddy!" I shouted, heated. There came no reply, so I just barged into the room.

"she isn't here..." I muttered.

"CRAP! Mary, where IS she!"

"sir, she's not in the gardens!"




I woke up on a soft, powdery bed. This wasn't my room. It wasn't Damien's, either. It wasn't even the bed I'd been on the first time I came to the castle.

Where WAS I?


Suddenly, a young boy came in, around Damien's age, but he looked more like Hans than a Prince. My heart fell as I remembered Hans.

"Good morning. How are you?" he asked, clearly doing his best to be friendly.

"where am I?"

"You're at my castle, castle Drake. I took you away from my foolish brother, he wasn't treating you right."

"Damien's your brother? Won't he be mad?"

"if he finds out, he'll be mad. But what about you, Teddy? Are you happy to be away from him?"

I nodded, because I truly was. I didn't know this guy yet. Maybe he'd be a friend. Maybe he was nicer than Damien?

Damien went into tempers quite often. This guy... this guy has practically saved my life.

"I am happy to be away from Damien. He was horrible and scary. But... Are you horrible and scary?"

"listen, dear, I am running out of time, so I must quickly tell you this: I am as in love with you as Damien was. You are to fall in love with me, too. Otherwise I will send you back to Damien. Understood?"



Hey guys! So, I've got anouther contest! Comment if u r: Team Damien, Team Hans or Team Edward? P.S. Edward is the guy who has kidnapped Teddy. Soz guys, but I'm going to see Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 tonight and I might not be able to upload until around nighttime. Soz about that! But at least I don't leave it till late because I rarely get writes block! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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