《bleeding love》Gone


Heya, guys! My sister has just notified me that me calling you 'my little muffins' is just creepy. Oh and OMG!!!!!! 27 reads! How could this HAPPEN? And one VOTE!! Oh my god I love you guys! All that I'm waiting for now is a comment and fan! Thnx so much for supporting me guys, and I do need to tell you now that I don't intend on continuing sold, so for those of you who read it. Soz! Anyways, enough from me - on to the story!


(Unknown POV)

How could this happen? And right under my nose, too. He didnt know I was watching him. He didn't know I wanted her, too. To him, I was a loyal little puppy. At first I thought he was being too soft, but then he killed her lover. He should of waited. I've watched her. She's going to be heartbroken - and now my job is to get her with me, get her away from my fool of a brother.

And I already had a plan to do that.

Look out, Teddy. Here I come.


After the 5th day in a row, I could take it no longer. I wanted Hans. I was GOING to make Damien hand him over, if it was the last thing I did. I wasn't going to be his puppet anymore. We made a deal. Now he had to live up to his end of the bargain.

"Teddy, you're up early again. It's not good for you,"

Mrs Jenson came in, all powdered up in her blue maid outfit and her trolly with my breakfast on it. She always insisted on calling her Mary. She was my personal maid, and I was glad Damien had given her the job. I adored her.

"I couldn't help it, Mary," I sighed, sitting up. "I was thinking. When do you think Damien will let me see Hans?"


Mary sighed. "Miss Teddy, I really dont like lying to the master and the rest of the staff. They all believe you accept Damien, and have forgotten all about Hans. I really think you ought to, miss."

I growled and rolled over.

"I don't WANT to love him, Mary! I don't WANT to give up on Hans! He is my one true love, and whatever Damien and the staff think I could never forget him or love anyone else! I thought you understood that Mary!"

"miss, I'm sorry, you're just always in a grump!"

"I won't be once I have Hans!"

Mary looked down. "but the master will be so upset."

"screw him," I told her. "he kidnapped me, tried to get me to live him all the while keeping me away from my one true love! Do you really think I give a DAMN if he cares or not?!"

Mary sighed. "miss I must go. I have to file some papers. Here is your breakfast. I will talk to you later," she started to leave, but just as she was closing the door she said quietly "and please, think about what I've said."

As the door closed, I thought of Hans. I thought of seeing his smiling face again. It made me so happy. Today would be the day. I and Hans would escape. And we would be able to live a free life together.


Suddenly, the door opened, revealing Damien. He shattered my thoughts and made me feel all dark inside.

"Teddy, I have something to tell you."

"Actually, I have something to ask you, Damien."

"OK then."

I waited for him, as he usually butts in and makes me listen first, but he seemed reluctant to say what he had to say, so I began.


"Well, erm, Damien, I was wondering... when I'd get to see Hans?"

A look of hurt and upset crossed his face. I thought it was because he'd thought I'd forgotten all about Hans, but I was totally wrong.

"Well, you see, Teddy, that kind of links in with what I was going to tell you... my sister... she was trying to get the boy to forget about you and... when he said he could never love her she... she... she flew into a rage and... and killed him..."

Everything went black, from my memorys of him and the visions I'd hoped to be of the future. All gone.

-she killed him-

"she killed him."

I spoke it casually, as if I didn't care one bit.

"She... yes, she killed him."

"go. Prepair her. Get her ready. Because I'm going to go to her. And when I get to her, I'm going to kill her."


Ooh!! Poor Teddy! She's getting fierce! Will she really have the heart to kill Lucy? Find out next tine! Night, guys.

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