《bleeding love》The Garden's


It had been 20 minutes and I still hadn't seen Damien or Hans. I was starting to get lonely, and, besides, I really needed to pee. Damien hadn't locked the door, so I could get out easily. If Hans hadn't been there, I'd of ran. But I just couldnt leave him here alone.

I didnt know where I was going, so I just walked down the crimson hallway, putting my ear to each door as I went. Eventually, I put my ear to a door and it opened. It was forceful, and I flew backwards. Damien appeared looking worried.

"are you OK?"

"Hell, am I OK."

"Sorry. Look, Teddy, I need to show you something."


"Hans is fine. Just come with me."

I followed him down the door, and it seemed to be forever before he opened a door and the sight before me made me gasp.

"I was planning your room, and i decided to make you this garden."

The scene before me was full of rose bushes, birds of paradise, beautiful bushes of which I can not begin to describe. The grass was a lush green, and as I stared at it a question popped into my head:

'my garden?'

"it's... beautiful, but how did you know I liked gardens? Why did you make me this?"

"I've been watching you for 5 years, Teddy. 5 years, watching and waiting, collecting information about what you liked and what you didnt. Collecting information about you," he told me. "I made the garden to make you happy."

I loved the garden, but even a thing as beautiful as this couldn't take Hans off my mind.

"What did you do to Hans?"

"nothing you should be bothered with. Trust me, Teddy, I wont do anything to make you upset."


Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. A beautiful, flowering idea. An idea that was already blowing my mind.

Time to get my flirt on.

"anything?" I asked, walking slowly around him, whispering in his ear. "ANYTHING to make me happy?"

Damien stared at me. "anything."

"could you give me Hans?" he shook his head. "that's the one thing I can't do, Teddy."

I was slightly disappointed, but I wasn't going to give up that easily.

"why not?"

"because you'll leave with him, silly. You won't be mine,"

"I'll be yours," I promised, not meaning it, but I had to pretend I did.

"I'll be yours for ever and ever, and I'll be committed to the job,"

"how can I trust you?"

"like this," I didnt want to do it, but I knew I had to. At least once in your life, you have to do something you don't want to do. In my case, it was kissing a jerk.

But I did it.

Once it was over, I pulled away, but I smiled for the sake of my act.

"do you believe me?"

His grin spread like a cold.

"I'm going to need more proof."


For those of you who like the mushy stuff, I'm sorry but I'm not writing about what happens after that. I haven't dedicated many chapters, sorry I keep forgetting! This chapters dedicated to my friend Emma, who is in fact sitting right next to me unaware I am writing this! Over to you, Hans! Enjoy, my little muffins!

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