《Nurses Office (Kuroo x Reader)》19


November 30, 2012

Friday 5:38 PM

(Y/N) stared at the stack of papers next to the printer, again she had stayed late. She had finally got the copies for the art contest that the Art club had put together.

I have to put these up.

Grabbing the tape, she walked out of her clubroom. She glanced around the hallway, nervously, relieved to see that it was empty. Slowly, she made her way to the bulletin board, she placed two flyers on it near the center where people could see it.

That should do it.

Smoothing the piece of paper out, she stared at it for a while. The art club had put this contest together, the winner would a random gift card. You could submit anything according to the flyer, physical paintings, digital drawings, clay models, or even photos.

She retracted her hand and began waking to the classrooms. She began tapping the flyers near classrooms and where students frequented the most. Eventually she covered majority of the school, having to walk up and down the stairs, multiple times.

Walking down back to the first floor, to grab her stuff, she didn't notice the volleyball team exiting the locker rooms. But a couple of them noticed her.

"(Y/N)!" Lev called out, making her turn around.

"O-Oh, hey." (Y/N) greeted the team, giving them a small wave.

"H-Hi, (L/N)-san." Yamamoto stammered, Yaku smack his back.

"Loosen up." Yaku snickered.

"Go get your stuff, we'll meet you by the entrance." Kai exclaimed.

"H-Huh?" (Y/N) stared at him confused.

"Come on, walk with us, (Y/N)." Lev pleaded, his eyes sparkling.

"Um, okay-"

"Help her get her stuff!" Lev excitedly replied, shoving Kuroo forward. Not expecting this, Kuroo stumbled towards (Y/N), almost falling but being caught by (Y/N).


"C-Careful." (Y/N) stammered, helping him regain his balance.

"Thanks." Kuroo exclaimed, standing up straight. He turned back to glare at Lev who was shuffling everyone away from the two third years.

"God....Lev." Kuroo muttered, sighing. Awkward silence filled up the space, the two third years. Both of them didn't know what to do with their feelings.

"Let's go get your stuff, (Y/N)." Kuroo finally said, breaking the silence. (Y/N) nodded her head and the two made their way to her clubroom. None of them spoke along the way, tensions were high and the atmosphere was very uncomfortable.

They arrived at the clubroom and Kuroo leaned against the wall, while (Y/N) went to collect her stuff. Some of her stuff was still spread out on the table, so she quickly began packing up. Kuroo stared at the girl, his heart fluttering every now and then.

"Yeah, take your chance."

"Hey, (Y/N)." Kuroo called out.

"Yes?" (Y N) mumbled.

"I, uh," Kuroo paused, his nerves suddenly getting to him,"Can I ask you something?" Kuroo blurted out. (Y/N) looked over at him and nodded her head, waiting for him to speak.

"Do you like anyone?" Kuroo asked, he watched as (Y/N)'s face turn red.

"W-What?" She stammered.

"N-Never mind, lets just go met with the others." Kuroo shrugged off, chickening out. (Y/N) nodded her head, her cheeks still red. She stuffed everything into her bag and threw her coat on. The two exited the room, (Y/N) having to lock it.

Kuroo awkwardly stood there, trying to build up confidence to confess or do something. Meanwhile, as (Y/N) slid the door completely closed her thoughts began to wander.

"Really? I thought he liked you, (Y/N)."

"...do you like someone?" (Y/N) asked, turning around to met his eyes.


"(Y/N), I, um" Kuroo began tripping over his words.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." (Y/N) exclaimed, panicking.

"It's fine-"

"Just ignore what I said-"

"No, uh-"


The two talked over each other and then they both completely stopped. They stared at each other confused, before Kuroo let out a small laugh, making (Y/N) relax.

"(Y/N)....I do like someone." Kuroo explained,"Why did you ask?" He continued, his curiosity peaking. (Y/N) fiddled with her fingers and looked up to him.

"How did you know?" She asked, trying to figure out her own feelings.

"She makes me happy." Kuroo replied, sheepishly.

"But don't your friends make you happy?" (Y/N) mumbled, still confused.

"It's a.....a different type of happy." Kuroo explained, he watched as (Y/N)'s face morphed into even more confusion making him laugh a bit.

"Sorry, I'm not good at explaining these things. I don't really know why either." Kuroo muttered, scratching the back of his head.

"So, you like someone too?" Kuroo asked, his happy expression falling a bit.

"I...I don't know." (Y/N) admitted,"Thats why I asked you." (Y/N) explained, letting out a small sad laugh. Kuroo glanced out the window, the sky had turned pretty dark.

Now or never, right?

"It's you." Kuroo confessed.

"W-What?" (Y/N) asked, not sure if she heard him correctly.

"I like you, (Y/N), a lot."


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