《Taking Over Me | Camille O'Connell》Chapter Two


 Antoinette lay stretched across her bed, staring up at her hand, which she was holding up in the air. It had stopped shaking on her way home, and Marcel had either not noticed it or pretended not to notice. She wasn't sure which it was, but either way, he said nothing.

 Marcel had mentioned the Mikaelson family to her several times (without anything very good to say about them), but this was the first time Antoinette had met Klaus Mikaelson in person. She didn't like the look of him, and got the feeling he was trouble. Now she couldn't help wondering just how much of a problem he actually was.

 But as for the woman who had introduced herself as Cami, she had practically the opposite feeling. She had gotten no negative vibes whatsoever while talking to her. It was the first time in a while that she'd had any actual conversation with anyone besides Marcel, Davina, or Josh, and Antoinette had liked it.

 Perhaps she wasn't as damaged as she had convinced herself she was.


 Antoinette stayed in bed longer than usual the next morning. She just didn't feel like getting out of bed. She had first woken up when the sun had started to rise, but she closed the curtains and closed her eyes again, trying to make it last longer.

 But soon Marcel came in and said, "All right, Nettie, I think we can agree you've stayed in bed long enough."

 "I'm exhausted from the party," she mumbled, keeping her eyes closed.

 "How can you be? You had half a glass of champagne and a short conversation with Cami. Aren't you hungry?" 

 "Maybe a little bit," she answered, and opened her eyes. "I'll have a few blood bags later. Don't you have anywhere important to be? That Klaus looked like trouble, so I'd keep an eye on him."


 Marcel sighed. "You have no idea. All right, I'll go. But please consider getting out of bed before noon, all right?" 

 He wished she would show an interest in feeding on something besides a plastic bag. To him, it would be showing normal vampire tendencies in her.


 When Marcel came back around noon, Antoinette was sitting on the sofa with a book, drinking from one of the blood bags.

 "I'm glad you're up," he said. "Any chance you're up for an outing?"

 "That depends," she answered. "What kind of outing are we talking about?" 

 "Just a walk to Rousseau's. Cami works there, and I thought I'd drop by. Any chance you'd want to come along?"

 Antoinette closed her book, and to Marcel's surprise she said, "Why not, then? I guess I could use some exercise."


 Rousseau's was quiet that afternoon, which Antoinette feel better. She wasn't sure she could handle it if the place was packed.

 "Do you want to get us a table?" Marcel asked her. "I'll get us a couple of drinks."

 "No, that's all right," Antoinette answered. "I think I'd rather come to the bar with you."

 Again, Marcel was surprised, but he wasn't about to protest.

 "Does Cami know about us?" she asked in a low voice. "You know...the vampires?"

 Marcel nodded. "Don't worry. She's already filled in on everything."

 Antoinette could see Cami behind the counter, and she smiled at them when they came up.

 "Hey, guys," she said. "You left the party pretty early last night."

 "Well, I had business to attend to," Marcel said. "I might have stayed longer, but the Mikaelsons and I are still on the rocks, so to speak, and I didn't want to take up too much of their time."


 As he said it, Antoinette knew just how much of a lie that was. He hadn't had any business to attend to; he'd just wanted to get away form Klaus.

 "I don't think Klaus would have minded if you'd stayed a little longer," Cami was saying.

 "And I know you would have put in a good word for me," Marcel returned with a smile. 

 Something about this conversation felt a little awkward to Antoinette. Marcel was being his smiling, charming self, and was obviously into Cami. And Cami was smiling and being polite, but she didn't seem interested in Marcel the way he was interested in her. To make things all the more awkward, she felt like the third wheel in all of this, like she shouldn't even be there.

 "Ah, Marcellus, and Ms. Deveraux. What a surprise."

 Antoinette swiveled around in her chair to find Klaus Mikaelson standing behind them.

 "What are you doing here?" Marcel asked bluntly.

 "For a drink, of course," Klaus answered. "Hello, Camille."

 "Hi, Klaus," Cami said with what was apparently her usual smile.

 "I think we should go," Marcel said abruptly. "I'll see you around, Cami. Come on, Nettie."

 Antoinette waited until they were away from Rousseau's to ask, "Do you mind telling me what that was about?"

 "It's Klaus, Nettie. Everything in this city was perfectly fine before he showed up again. You know, there are some times when I'm a little happy he's here, and then there's the times I wish he'd just go back to whatever hole he crawled out of."

 "He seems to like Cami," she pointed out. "Is that the problem?"

 He sighed. "Yeah, that's the other half of the problem. He knows I like her, so I don't get what his deal is, you know?"

 Antoinette didn't quite know, but she agreed, anyway. Cami seemed like a nice lady, and she wouldn't have expected to see her with someone like Klaus Mikaelson.

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