《The Gray Brothers✔️ (Wattpad version)》Wedding invites


Okay, before you think anything crazy. No, I'm not getting married, and I turned eighteen, and Nash and I weren't at that point. Plus, I'm still in high school.

We got the invitation to Sarah and Mike's wedding. In case you forgot, Sarah is Nash's ex, who is marrying Bryson's big brother. It should be an exciting wedding.

"Do we have to go?" Nathan asked.

"Yes," Pat said.

"Why?" Noah asked.

"Because I said so and RSVPed for all of us."

"Who the hell goes to the wedding of the ex-girlfriend of someone? It's unnatural," Nixon said.

"Hey, if your mother is forcing me to go, so are you," Nate told them. Pat gave Nate a look. "What? You know I hate weddings."

"Look, I still talk to Sarah's mom. Plus, when she and Nash broke up, it wasn't on bad terms," she said.

They looked at her.

"Ma, she hooked up with his best friend while they were together and is now marrying the tool. Who I'll remind you is a bigger tool than Bryson himself."

"Tool or no tool, if your brother doesn't have a problem with it, then neither should you," she replied.

"Only because Nash doesn't know," Nathan said.

"What do you mean Nash doesn't know?" She questioned them.

The four of them looked at each other then looked around whistling.

"Nixon Richard Gray! What doesn't Nash know?"

"He doesn't know about Sarah cheating on him with Mike," he said.

"And how do you know this?" She inquired.

"Yeah, I'm curious myself," Nate said.


"What? I'm always out of the loop. Plus, I like gossip next to the next person."

She rolled her eyes at him and turned her attention back to Nixon. "I'm waiting."

"Fine. We caught Mike and Sarah," Nixon said.


Nate and Pat looked at him and the others.

"Coming out of a hotel, and they weren't there visiting someone."

"What were you four doing at a hotel?" Nate questioned Nixon.

"That's not important," he answered.

Nate looked at Pat. "I don't think I want to know why our boys were at a hotel, do you?"

"Oh, God, no."

While the six of them were downstairs discussing the wedding, Nash and I were upstairs, busy doing other things.

"Oh, my God, Nash! Keep going!" I grabbed the sheets of his bed as he had his arms wrapped around my legs while he had his head between my legs. He was blaring his music so no one could hear us.

He went to town, and I couldn't control myself as pleasure ripped through my body.

"Why the hell is Nash blaring music?" Nate asked, looking at the ceiling.

The boys were trying not to laugh.

"He needs to turn it down. I swear that boy will wake the dead," she said.

Nate thought about it. "Where's Maggie?"

"Beats me." Nixon shrugged.

He looked at Pat, who looked at Nate, and both ran up the stairs while the boys burst out laughing. They reached Nash's door, and Nate pounded on it. "Nash! Open up!"

Nash opened the door. "What?"

They stuck their heads in to see me lying in my stomach, looking at a magazine, and I turned my head to look at them.

"Why's your music so loud?" Nate asked him.

"Oh, that? I wanted to get the feel of this new album I had bought. I'll turn it down," he said, walking over to his stereo and turning it down.

"Well, next time, try not to play it so loud."

"No problem." Nash shrugged. They left, and Nash walked back over and crawled into bed next to me.


"That was close," I sighed.

"Well, I wouldn't have to play my music so loud if you weren't so loud." He smirked.

I gave him a playful smack.

"You're loud. So, note to self, make sure I buy you a gag." He chuckled, and I pushed him, then we ended up wrestling around until he pinned me by sitting on top of me.

I looked up at him. "Do you want to go to this wedding?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I don't know. I have a weird feeling about it."

"It'll be fine. The wedding is a month away, which gives us plenty of time to find something to wear."

"Easy for you to say. You guys get to throw on a suit and call it good. Us girls have to find a dress, shoes, accessories, makeup, and any other crap we can think of."

"Mags, even if you dressed in a burlap sack, you would look beautiful to me." He smiled at me. "Plus, it's a wedding. We'll go, eat, and dance. Then we can come home and move on with our lives."

That was the thing. I had a terrible feeling about this wedding. It wasn't because Bryson and Tiffany would be there, but something else would happen. I'm overthinking things.

Things were hectic at the house and school, with the wedding, Christmas, and New Year. Why must things get so crazy around this time of the year?

It's like people lose their minds over one day. In our case, it was a couple of days that was driving everyone crazy. In the process of everything, I found out when Nash's birthday was. Turning twenty-one was a big deal.

I know Pat and Nate would have something for him, but I wanted to do something special.

Around midnight on his birthday, I was the first one to wish him a happy birthday. I pulled a single cupcake from a package I had picked up and placed a candle in it. Then I opened my door.

I knew everyone would be asleep until I saw Nash's light underneath the door. Perfect. He was still up, and I knocked on his door and opened it. He turned and looked up from the book he was reading. "Mags, I figured you would be asleep."

I walked in. "Well, I wanted to be the first one to wish you a happy birthday. So, happy birthday." I pulled the cupcake from behind my back and lit the candle.

He sat up and took the cupcake from me. "I know it's not a lot, but I thought, hey, it's the thought counts, right?"

He looked at me.

"Make a wish and blow out the candle."

"I don't need to make a wish."

I gave him a look. "Why not?"

"Because I already have you standing in front of me."

I couldn't help but smile.

He blew out the candle. "Sleep with me."

I gave him a weird look.

"Not that. I want to cuddle with you. Sleep with me."

"As long as you don't knock me up." I pointed my finger at him. He rolled his eyes and pulled me to him. We climbed into bed and covered up. He pulled me close, and I snuggled into him as I drifted off to sleep.

Nate came to check on us and saw me in bed with Nash.

Pat walked up. "What's taking you so long?"

"That." He pointed to us, sleeping next to each other, and he looked at Pat. "I give up. He's twenty-one, and if he knocks her up, then it's on him."

Pat laughed as Nash and I slept.

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