《The best mistake I ever made》Chapter 22



i look behind me and see piper standing with her little friends. i was about to yell 'PIPER WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE' but i realized that I'm girl danger and unfortanly not maddie. i shake my head and grab tiffany. well i basically jump on her, but anyway henry quickly pressed the button and she fell to the floor. the crowed cheered and we smiled.

"THANK YOU KID DANGER!" someone yelled. it sounded a lot like bianca.

"come on maddie lets go" henry whispered in my ear and i nodded.

i wave at everyone who was waving and yelling at us and left the building. once we were out we dropped tiffany on the floor.

"wow she's heavy!" i exclaim.

"yeah i better call ray to pick her up" he chuckled.

"okay ill just wait here" i leaned against the building wall.

"you know you can just go back inside?" he peered down at me.

"i know but its fine ill just wait with you" i swear i felt myself blush.

"Whatever maddie" he laughs.

While he's calling Ray I kick the rocks on the ground with my foot.

"You seem, tense." Henry says.

"I'm not Henry, it's just..being the niece of captain man is a lot of work" I sigh.

"What do you have to do?" He asks.

"Everything, I have to help keep the man cave clean, be a superhero and other stuff and still pass with a C- in math class!" I explain.

"Oh" that's all he said.

I laugh. "I'm sorry.." I say.

"No no it's fine" he smiles.

We sit there in silence which felt like forever.

"So...is Ray coming?" I ask.

"Yeah-and there he is!" He points to the sky.

His helicopter was in the sky. he was waving to us. we loaded Tiffany onto the helicopter.


"Hey maddie want to go home?" Ray asked me.

"Uh.." I say.

"You can if you want" Henry says.

"Naw I'll stay here" I tell ray.

"Ok maddie, Henry remember to bring her back home! Have a great night you two!" He waves back at us and leaves.

"What do you mean by..." and then he left.

"Come on people are gone start to get suspicious lets go" he takes my hand and we go inside the building dressed like normal again.

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