《The best mistake I ever made》Chapter 5



I wake up and open my blinds. jk I don't have any. remember? I live in the man cave there are no windows. so usually I just get up and get ready for school. today I decided to wear( in media) and curl my hair for tonight. tonight is Debbie's birthday party and all of 8th grade is invited. except henry. long story I'll tell you that later.

"maddie dear are you ready to go" Ray asked.

"Yup" I grab my phone and bag and run to the tubes.


I walk into school and someone pounces on me.

"Ahhhh" I scream. i jump around and see it was henry hart.

"Oh my god don't ever do that again or your dead or I can just zap you" I tell him.

"Really did you get a wiz watch too" he asked me.

"Yeah" I show him mine.

"Cool" he says.

"So how did your date with Chole go" I ask him. I was pretty interested.

"Jasper" and then he laughs.

I laugh too. his laugh is contagious.

"Hey guys" Charlotte says.

"Ready for tonight" I ask Charlotte.

"Ready as I can every be" she says.

"What's tonight" henry asks and we laugh.

"Nothing just the biggest party of 8th grade and your not invited" I laugh.

"Maddie" Charlotte scold me.

"Well it's true" I protest.

"What are you guys talking about Debbie's birthday party" Henry asked us.

"Unfortunately yes but you shouldn't be invited you knocked her off a roof and almost killed her" I say.

"I did not kill her you you know what forget it" he leaves muttering to himself.

Me and Charlotte start to laugh. suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. it was Debbie.

"Oh hey Debbie I can't wait for tonight" I squeal.

"Me too so you two coming" she points to us.


"Yup" Charlotte nods.

"Henry hart better not show up I hate him" she says.

"We should hang out more" and me and Debbie chuckle.

"Yeah I'll never invite him unless he has prove he didn't push me off the roof" Debbie tells me.

"He probably did he's a player" I smile.

"Yeah did you hear about him and Chole" she asks us.

"Uh duh" Charlotte laughs.

"He should just go out with her or wait Chloe's invited too" Debbie says.

"Yeah we better get to class" I laugh and hug both of them and I get to math class.


I ring the door bell and henrys house. we decided to come to his house to study for the big history test tomorrow. I was not really fond of coming here but Charlotte told me if I had to work with him I better get nice to him. which was a good point. I'm girl danger and he's kid danger. you know If I had any chance I would kill Henry hart. but you know I don't want to get into jail and stuff. The door opens and Henrys little sister piper opens it.


Then Henry walks up to piper and andpushs her aside. He looks at me and starts to blush.

"Hey maddie I thought you were the sushi guy" he says.

"You think I'm a guy" I ask him.

"No no I just never mind come In" he brings me inside and I quickly sit next to Charlotte.

"Ready to study" she asks me.

"Uh yeah" I was looking at Henry. why did he blush at me. does he like me? Wait no he likes Chole. and why do you care!

"Maddie maddie" Charlotte snaps her fingers at me.


"Oh uh sorry" I shake my head and we start to study.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

"That must be the sushi guy" Henry smirks at me and I give him a dirty look.

"Hey sushi delivery" the guy yells.

"Yah here's the money" Henry hands him the money.

"Hey guys are you coming to Debbie's party" jasper asked us.

Me and Charlotte look at jasper and give him a death stare.

"Oh sorry I forgot" he said.


He grabs the sushi from the guy and walks to the table.

"Dude we all know you did it don't be so darn rude" I tell him.

"Hey what did he do" the sushi guy asks us.

"He knocked our friend Debbie off roof wanna hear the story" I asked him.

"Sure thing" he plops down.

"Well it all started.......

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