《please notice [chris sturniolo]》019.









nick🥰: guys

come over tonight

we're watching it 1

and 2

sadie: me and talia are


lee🥰: is matt going to

be there

nick🥰: yeah?

lee🥰: good

i cant go

mattyb🫶: lee??????

i thought we were


lee🥰: we are

i just actually cant


i have a thing with

vinnie and those




lee🥰: yes

sadie: can i come

lee🥰: no

it's boy's night💪🏻

talia🥰: get over your

obsession with sunny


you made out once

sadie: thanks for exposing


mattyb🫶: sunny looks like



nick🥰: he literally


sadie: everyone shut


lee🥰: are we still going

to disney tmrw?

sadie: yes

sunny should come


lee🥰: what time

sadie: i was thinking 9?

chrispy: who tf is sunny

mattyb🫶: calm down

chrispy: who's sunny

lee🥰: suljic

mid90s kid

chrispy: we dont look alike


sadie: you kind of do

chrispy: no we dont

mattyb🫶: i know how

to end this


who's the better kisser

chrispy: matt wtf

sadie: neither

they both suck ass

talia🥰: you talked about one

of them for three hours straight

i know who sadie thinks is


nick🥰: matt why did you

bring this up

mattyb🫶: i like drama

sadie: i hate you

lee🥰: i kind of want to


sadie: no you don't lee


The door of Madi's house opens to reveal Chris. He's wearing baggy jeans, AF1's, a long sleeved black shirt and his silver chain. Sadie blushes.

"Hi." He smiles at her.

But the blonde can't speak. He just looks so handsome, her heart skips a beat when he leans into the door and crosses his arms over his chest. She's not used to being at loss for words, but the boy in front of her is simply too... pretty; she just wasn't expecting to be so taken aback by him.

Sadie understands the sudden feeling pressing on her chest. Or why her heart is beating as fast as it is. It's because she likes him, maybe more than she initially thought.



"Oh, sorry I-... zoned out." She laughs it off. Shaking the weird feeling that came over her.

"Something on your mind?" He frowns, concerned. It melts her heart.


"Are you okay?" He walks closer to her.

No, she hates the way she's feeling.


"Okay... come in, it's cold outside." He steps aside to let her in. Sadie finally moves and stops in front of him. "Hey." He whispers as he tucks in a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey." She almost wants to kiss him, but laughter coming from the patio remind her that there's people over. That makes her head turn towards the sun, but when she returns her haze towards Chris, her nose bumps into his chest. "What are you doing?" She immediately asks, placing her hands on the collar of his shirt.

"I want to kiss you so fucking bad." He admits, blushing a little. His voice soft.

"We can't. You know that." She whispers, grazing his lips with how close they are.

"Why not? I already accepted we can't be together." He nudges her nose with his. "C'mon."

"This will be the last time, then."

He frowns and steps back.

"What?" He seems confused.

"I know it hurts you when you kiss me. I don't want to do that anymore." Sadie explains sad, feeling their relationship shift. "I-" She can't say it. The words bubble up in her throat but nothing comes out.

Chris notices her struggle and his eyes soften, he steps closer once again and cups her face. He doesn't even hesitate to connect their lips. She sighs into the kiss, feeling calm and happy. She didn't know how much— how bad, she'd missed him until then.

"Oh, oops." Laura walks in, cheeks turning bright as the pair of teens separate with embarrassment all over their faces. "I didn't see a thing."

"I'm so sorry, Laura." Sadie says as she wipes her mouth.

"It's okay sweetie, I was young once too, you know." Her smile is almost nostalgic as she turns to open the fridge.


"I- uhm..." Chris scratches the back of his neck, trying to find the words to explain himself. He really hopes Laura won't tell his mom (but he knows their manager will, she updates Mary Lou quite often).

"You guys shouldn't keep your guests waiting, I'm pretty sure the girl you guys invited is waiting for you."

"Oh, is Talia already here?" Sadie asks excitedly

"Oh, yes, but I meant the other one. The Disney girl." Laura then goes to pour some juice on a glass.

Chris almost looks startled, as if he forgot Camila was there, so he says goodbye to Laura and starts walking outside. She looks down and follows him outside. Much to her surprise, Camila Garcia is there.

"Sadie!" The brunette wraps herself around the girl and hugs her a little too tight. "I almost forgot you were friends with the triplets." She says to her, Talia hears though, and her eyebrow shots up.

Talia Jackson never liked Camila (and never will, that's for sure).

"Yeah, well, I didn't even know you knew them, so..." Sadie says with the fakest smile ever. "It's so good to see you!"

Nick, who's standing maybe a couple inches away, frowns and mouths a "What was that?" when Camila walks back to Chris. Sadie approaches Matt and Nick after saying hi to Talia and Madi.

"It was nothing."

"That didn't look like nothing to me." Nick says.

"Is it about 'Driver's license'?" Matt asks and Sadie immediately cringes. "It is!"

"What? What about it? Tell me now!" The other boy almost whines and Sadie sighs.

"When she broke up with Josh, some paparazzi took our picture when I was getting lunch with him. I swear it was nothing, I wasn't even the person they broke up over for." She looks quickly at Camila, her heart stings when she sees Chris smiling at the brunette. "The original line was about a brown haired girl but she changed it to blonde girl so it fit with the narrative."

"Oh I remember those pictures, I thought you and Joshua Bassett had a thing."

"No. But Olivia let everyone think I was the reason they broke up because it was making her money. She apologized privately but the damage was done, half the internet thought I was a boyfriend-stealer when I was just getting lunch with my friend that just got dumped." She finishes her story and shrugs. "Guess that's normal in this industry, you do what you have to do to get your name out there."

"That's so... mean." Nick almost whispers to himself.

"But she comments on your posts so... nonchalantly."

"I guess she thinks that being friendly online is enough to make up for the fact that she didn't really did anything to stop the hate" The blonde girl looks quickly once more at Chris and almost jumps when she finds him already looking at her. "If your brother was worried about me breaking his heart, he should be terrified of Camila." She says to Matt when Nick goes back to the couch with the girls.

"Why?" He frowns

"She's... used to get what she wants. So... if she wants Chris, she'll get Chris." That makes her mad, almost.

"She doesn't like us, you know?" Matt says, drinking from his McDonald's cup.

"What?" Sadie turns to face him.

"She barely acknowledges us."

"Was she rude to you guys?" She rolls her eyes.

"I mean, no? Sort of. I don't know." He groans. "It was so weird, bro, she looked Nick and I up and down and then said hi and she immediately grabbed Chris and dragged him to a corner." He sounds hurt, which makes Sadie get even more mad. "And Chris just allowed it."

"Now she's definitely not my favorite person! That's rude!"

"So you get mad when other people are mean to us, but not when they're mean to you?" He smiles teasingly.

"Yes, you guys are my friends. Plus, it's just a matter of manners, she could at least have the decency of being nice if she's going to steal my- steal Chris." Her cheeks turn red immediately, she flinches at her words (or what she almost said) and hopes Matt didn't hear.

Of course he did.

"Who would have thought you were the possessive type, huh?"

"Shut up, Matt." She rolls her eyes at him.

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