《Normal is boring》25


Mama said I, Jax and Coach are going to district mom after dinner. So that's what we are going to do at the moment. We are sitting in the hotel lobby, chilling on or in, what you wanna call it, the couches.

"Mom, do you want to explore a little of the city with Jax and Jill? A little get to know with the coach and us. Could be nice." I ask her. She nods. "Looks and seems like a fun plan. Just us, four people?" She questions me.

"Yep, mama is doing a little recovery with Dawn. And it's a family and coach trip." Jax answers before I can speak. I'm kind of bad at lying, my brother is better at it. Luckily.

"Sure, I want to change in something comfortable and we can go exploring after that." Mom says.

"So, we go in like half an hour?" I ask her, with knowing how long it takes before she is ready.


"Ok, let's meet here, in the lobby." Tells Jax us. We all agree to his option.

"Sure." She gives me and Jax a kiss on the head and she walks out the hotel lobby.

I whisper 'ok, here we go baby'. Jax laughs and the rest of the team has no idea what's happening.

After the kids, coach and Ali are gone, I decide to bring all the girls together in our, well, the hotel's, meeting room.

"Hi, I hope we have the whole team, without Ali and coach. Otherwise they miss a little announcement from me." I say to the team. It looks like everyone is present. Nice.

"Uhm... As the most of you know, Ali and I are a long, long time together." I begin my kind of speech.


"We were best friends before that, because we both were too scared to potentially ruin our friendship, lame I know." I chuckle, I hear some people laugh.

"You were so damn obvious Ash." Yells Pinoe thought the room.

"I know... Where was I? Uhm... Sooo, I have been wanting to do this for a long time, and I think, know, I'm going to put a ring on it." I say with a big smile on my face.

The team is happy, I hear.

"It's about damn time Harris." I hear Becky say. Never thought my captain would say that. Kelley, Pinoe or Mal would be more logical.

"And I need your help for a bit when it's time. My kids help too, sooo. Who wants to help me?" Everyone yells or has their hand in the air to give me a signal they want to help me.

"So, that's the whole team. We have about, two hours before Ali, Jax, Alex and Jill are back. LEt me tell you what I thought was cute." I say. "I want in the last game we play here, hopefully the final, give her a shirt with 'Harris-Krieger?' instead of Krieger. Probably she doesn't see it first, I hope. Would be more fun." I laugh. "Uhm... In the end of the match, Jax and Alex will play our favorite song on their guitars and sing for a bit, they can sing I swear." The team laughs. I'm funny, I know. "After that we will play a little highlight with Al's best moments on the field with club and country and after that I will propose, I think. That's the plan for now. I want you to make it perfect, so any ideas or questions?"


"What will you do when we are gonna leave the tournament earlier than we want?" Allie asks me.

"That's a good question. I have a kind of back up plan. If we are gonna leave in the semi-finals, we can kind of pull a trick, because it's her 150th game. We can honor her and I can do something with the shirt, because I love that idea, and propose then." I answer her question. "If we are going earlier I am gonna do something on the field after the game."

"Why do you want to do it publicly? You aren't out as a couple." Alyssa asks me.

"You are asking me smart questions today, team. Didn't know you had it in you, proud goalie here." I joke. The team laughs.

"Well, Al, and I, obviously, wants to be public as a couple, not hide anything, and we had some conversations about it. But we don't want to pull all the attention on us, instead of the team, you know. But, if it's our last game here, it's after the game, I thought we could do it. Plus, I wanted something that she will always remember and is special." Some people 'aw', they think we are cute. Thanks tho.

"What song are Jax and Alex going to play and do people know who they are at the time?" Asks Tobs me.

"Uhm... They are going to play a song we love as a family, it's more like a song that Alex likes, but we are kind of addicted as it because she listens it so much. It's one of her favorites. It's Home Again by Kensington. We all love it at the time so much, we are always jamming on it." I chuckle. "And the crowd won't know who they are, because we want all the attention on the team, same as our relationship."

"Seems reasonable." Kling answers.

"So, if I can get your help with her name on the back. Just don't pay attention to it, pretend like it isn't there. The ring will be at Jill's, but if one of you can get it for me and give it to me later, would be nice."

"Sure, I will do it." Answers Carli.

"Thanks Carlos. Uhm... At the games Abby, Christie, Lauren, and some others will be there to surprise her. She doesn't know, they don't know I'm gonna put a ring on it or her, so don't tell or ask them about it please. It's a little surprise for our G.O.A.T.s." I think about how they would react, I smirk when I only think about it. "So, if there aren't any questions, you can go back to your rooms, or where you wanna go. I don't care. As long as there isn't drugs or alcohol involved." I joke at the end. There is a little bit of laughing, not as much as I hoped. Bad for me.

Everyone goes to their rooms after that. Tobin, Alex, Christen and Allie come to me. We have a little conversation about how proud they are and how far I and Ali have come. I love my team. I love my people.

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