《Normal is boring》7


We decide to sleep with all four of us in the living room. Two big mattresses are laying in the room. Ash, Ali and Alex lay on one, I have the other one for myself. Alex lays with Ash and Ali because she had a panic attack.

I don't know why, the only thing I know is that Ash had her arms in the air and my sister began panicking. I didn't know what was happening but Ali comforts me, Ash said she could handle Alex. I feel sorry for Alex, I don't know what to do. At some moments she just has a panic attack.

But she is with Ashlyn now, so it is all good. It's almost creepy how Ashlyn always knows what to do if Alex has something. They know each other like 17 hours, but they go together so well. After a few moments of thinking I fall asleep.


I wake up from something licking my face, another something is standing on my chest. It's actually really scary. When I open my eyes a little bit, I see that it are Logan and Vancouver. Ali and Ash are laughing, they are laying on the mattress with Alex in their arms. It's cute.

"Did you walk with them already?", I ask.

"Nope, we wake up a few minutes ago from that little scary monster there. Goodmorning to you too." With the little scary monster, she means Logan.

"Vancouver was laying at my feet. So yeah. Can you walk the dogs? I don't want to wake your sister up."

"Yeah, sure. Ash, do you have a shirt for me?" Ashlyn always wears men's clothes, so that's nice.

"Sure, in the closet in my and Ali's bedroom. Third door on your right hand." I walk to their bedroom, pick a t-shirt and soccer shorts, and get the leashes for the dogs.


While I'm walking with the dogs, I notice how crazy it is that we are staying or having a sleepover, how you want to call it, with the best soccer players in the world.

They are going for Ash's second, Ali's third, World Cup. Ash and Ali are one of the starters and they announced that it will be their last World Cup. After this they are going to retire, they said. They wanted kids, at least Ash. They didn't announce that they are a couple, but they don't hide it anymore. They live together, have a dog, they do everything together. Could they be less obvious? The way Ash looks at Ali, and vice versa, it's an 'I love you so freaking much, you deserve the world and more' look. It's not like they walk hand in hand or are kissing the whole time when they are together.

They are the best soccer players, and my and my sister idols. And we are just two kids from Florida, who had a different life than other people. Maybe that's why we can do this. Just doing the normal stuff with the soccer players for the USA and Orlando Pride.

When I walk back into the house, Alex is awake. She sits on the ground, looking out over the ocean. Ash is standing behind her. They are talking, I wonder where they are talking about, but I think I can better leave them alone. Ali is sitting in the kitchen, calling with somebody. I don't know who, but I decide it is best to go to play with the dogs. They just ate and Logan has some toys laying around in the house. I call their names and go outside with a soccer ball.

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