《Know It's Me: Poetry》S.A.H.D.


Clothing thrown across the floor,

My youngest bangs upon a door,

But I still try to keep my cool and not loose focus.

I feed them lunch but they want more,

They made a mess I clean the floor,

My anger boils I'm just trying to control it.

They know my nerves they play the cords,

And pull my strings when they are bored,

But I still love them like I've never loved another.

Through all the headaches and the stress,

I will always do my best,

You're daddies here and you will never have to wonder.

What it was like for me,

With no father figure to lead,

I'm just trying to be the Dad that I wanted...

I will love you til I die,

And I will never leave your side,

For my family I would swim across the ocean.

Daddy's tired and he's stressed,

But I still love you none the less,

I will be the sword and shield that you are holding.

I'll do a better job than my dad did,

Because my kids are gonna know me,

They're gonna tell me I'm the best dad...hopefully.

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