《My "Stepfather"》Authors note


Sorry for the late update, personal stuff. But i'm going to get back on it. The last chapter wasn't rlly that good bc it was just clearing things up and setting a new plot. To clarify Treys dad threatened to kill Nya bc he feels like she would ruin his plan. Him being the person that he is decided that that was "the best way" to get her to back off (4 the ppl saying that doesn't make sense)

Also, i do not edit my chapters. After writing it out i don't feel like rereading it to edit it so yes little words are misplaced and shit. I also didn't expect to actually finish this book so i kinda don't kno where i'm going with it. I'm trying to figure out wat I should make the deal about that's making the dad so serious about it. And why Nya doesn't go by Zanya no more so if u have any suggestions leave a comment.

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