《My "Stepfather"》The Next Boy


It's been 2 weeks since Treys dad had that talk with me and Jade. I barely see her only at lunch and in our 3rd block. Reporting everything to Alex was annoying at first but i got use to it. He's actually kinda funny and if u think about it a great rebound. But i knew wat that would mean for Alex so i didn't do nothing. A spot a fine boy in the back of my last block class staring at me. He looks about 5'7, he has brown skin, brown eyes, luscious lips and waves. I felt bold so i gave a slight wave and he smirked. The bell rang and i started walking to go meet up with Alex. Until somebody tapped me on my shoulder.

I turn around and it's the same boy from my class and he says "Hey beautiful" I blush and he smirks . I clear my throat and reply saying "Wassup". He introduces himself and my phone vibrated about 15 times. I didn't pay attention i was deep in my conversation. "So" he said "Wat about that number." Before i could answer i hear a "No" behind me, i turn and he looks up to see Alex. I made a nervous giggle saying "Dont mind him, older brother, very protective" As Alex dragged me along, I yelled out "I didn't catch ur name" and he yelled back "Derrick".

I angrily get in the car and wait for Alex to get in so i can cuss him out. As soon as he stepped in i said "Wtf Alex, y'all just taking all my damn freedom away." He just sighed saying "Boss said no boys" and left it at that turning the music up. We pull up to the house seeing only Treys car and not my moms, i knew she was out so this was perfect. I slammed the door to the car close and walked up to the house climbing the 2 stairs while Alex was behind me.


I open the door with my keys yelling "TREYYYYY!! YOU GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO" Trey came running downstairs and said "What now? Alex wait upstairs bro" Alex laughs and walks away. I stare at him not knowing wat to say then i just blurted out "Ughh you are a bitch" but immediately regretted it. He tensed up saying "Excuse me?" As he being walking towards me. I gulped and begin walking backwards bumping into the door. As he came close to me he said "Repeat wat u just said Nya" I knew if i did things will turn sexual real fast so i didn't and he stepped back. I groaned saying "Ugh i hate youu" He sat down on the couch turning on the tv looking unbothered asf and said "Wats the issue".

I walked over to the tv and unplugged it and stood in front of it waiting for his eyes to reach mine. It finally did and i said "Why tf am i being told that "boss said no boys" like who tf are you." He looked shock like i wasn't suppose to kno and called Alex downstairs. Alex came and said "Wassup man" and Trey said "She was only suppose to be told if wat?" He asked and Alex replied "If she was going on a date or giving her number out which she was T" Trey tensed up i could tell for sure. Alex said "Imma just head out peace T" and left.

Trey sat back down and said "Name? Wats his name?" I was confused but responded with "Derrick" He looked up and said "I need first and last Nya" I shrugged my shoulders saying "Idk his last. Why does it matter?" He rolled his eyes and said "Ur bff got held captive by a man she met a party who she decided to have sex with. And if u plan on doing wateva tf with this Derrick kid then i needa do a background search."


I was mad that he was right and that he made sense, but i was hurt that that was the only reason why. Damn ig he rlly is over me, i sorta caught and attitude and replied sayin "Idk but wen i decide to scream his first and last name i'll lyk" And ran upstairs locking my door. He can smd and go to hell bc i am officially over his nonchalant ass. I took a shower and went back into my room to see Trey sitting on my bed.

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