《My "Stepfather"》The Nightmares


*This is Nyas dream/nightmare*

Before i could finish the man started strangling me. I gasped for air thinking that rn is the last moments of my life. My eyes begin to close and i begin to let go.


I wake up screaming from my nightmare and begin panicking. My mom and Trey come running in and by the look on Treys face i could tell he knew what was wrong. My mom came over to me and tried to relax me but it wasn't working. I wanted Trey, no i needed Trey. She kept saying "Listen to my voice, breathe it's not real." It wasn't working her voice just wasn't soothing. It was funny trying to see her be a mom now. Trey couldn't make any movements without making us look suspect but he started rubbing my leg while my mom was concentrating on my breathing. His touch was soothing enough for me and i relaxed, catching my breathe.

A knock came at the front door nd Trey said "I'll get it". My mom started hugging me and said "Do u want to talk about it sweetie." I told her "No". She mentioned that Trey was very upset bc he views me as little sister(LITTLE SISTER WATTT i thought). I saw the way i face lit up talking about him and ik she actually liked him. Trey came in through the door saying "It's for you." I get up and go downstairs to see Jade. My eyes started getting watery and she ran to me giving me a hug.

We just stood there crying like big babies who miss their mommy. Jades life was kinda like mine, her father left too actually around the same time mines did. But her mom was a lowkey alcoholic, she kept smiles on her face around people but late nights she would drink herself to death and say hurtful stuff to her and James. But they still got to see their father.


We finally pull away from eachothers hug and wipe eachothers tears away. I see James standing in the doorway smiling at us, I ran to him hugging him too and he lifts me up spinning me around. I laughed and punched his arm playfully as he let me down. I look out the corner of my eye to see Trey with jealousy in his eyes. James left saying "I'm just dropping her off, i'm off to see dad" I said okay and hugged him again as he left. I dragged Jade to my room upstairs and she changed into her pjs. We put a movie on the tv and she fell asleep really quick next to me like she needed my comfort to fall asleep.

I walk downstairs not being able to sleep and go inside the freezer to get some ice cream. I sit on the couch and turn on spongebob and just miss being a kid, with my dad on one side of me and my mom on the other. And the thoughts of everything just hit me and i begin crying. I hear footsteps come downstairs and i look up with tears in my eyes to see Trey.

He comes to sit next to me and starts rubbing my back. I hop into his lap crying into his chest leaving tear stains on his t-shirt. He started playing in my hair whispering "Shh shh shh shh, it's okay. Do u wanna talk about it." I started playing with his chain and starting talking trying to hold back my tears. I said "I saw my life flash before my eyes Trey" Feeling my tears coming already i said quickly "I cried out for my dad, for my mom, for you, i cried ou" But before i could finish i just broke down crying. And crying and crying, i couldn't stop.


He still didn't let me go and i love that he didn't. I controlled my tears and begin speaking again. "Ik u get tensed up wen i talk about anotha mans hands on me but i need you to listen." He just nods. And i told him everything, from the moment i got the video to the moment i was almost raped to the moment where he saved me. He tensed up at parts and had his fist balled up. But he relaxed wen i ended with "My hero" referring to him.

I flashback to my moms happy moments with Trey and her face lighting up talking about him as i'm held in his arms. I realize that this would literally break my mom and as much as i blame her for my father leaving she doesn't deserve to hurt. So i pull away from Trey and he raises an eyebrow looking at me. I looked at him in his eyes and said "Trey" He said "Yes". I was hesitant at first but then i replied with "We can't do this no more, ur with my mom and if we get caught that's our ass. I can't just can't hurt her Trey i can't" I blurted out.

Trey said "Nya, i'm not leaving u alone i'm attached to you now. I'm with your mom bc i'm forced to by my dad, he keeps saying it's for "business" but idk wat exactly is going on" He said. I had a shocked look on my face and smacked him "So u mean to me ur just using my mom" i said getting up. He looked angry saying "It's not like that Nya". I rolled my eyes saying "Wateva fuck u Trey, this wateva this is, is done" and i tried to walk away.

He grabbed my arm pinning me up against the way saying "You can have your moments and u could be mad all u want. But smack me again and i will fuck you until you beg me to stop." I'm not gonna lie that turned me on a lot but i just couldn't anymore. It's not right and now idk if he's playing me or not. I get out of his grip bc i mean i did learn defense skills and i say "Fuck off Trey, i'm not playing leave me alone" and ran upstairs.

I started crying as soon as i laid down next to my bff. Dammit why does doing the right think hurt like a bitch. I literally can feel my heart crumpling, ughh why do u have to be my "stepfather" Trey. I cry myself to sleep knowing that we might actually be over. Nightmare number 2 the only difference is i can't wake up from this one.

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