《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 10


Y/n's Point Of View.

I gave him a last peck, before unwrapping my legs around his waist. As I casually walked away from him, leaving him there dumbfounded.

That's why he got mad, and some gasoline appeared out of nowhere. That's why I'm home now, he probably hates it when I just left him hanging like that.

Well, he's not begging enough. He got to do better than that if he wants to rail me.

"Perfect timing, let's all have dinner together." Mr. Haitani greets us as soon as we entered the house. Rindou was next to him though.

My feet are quick as I walked towards him. Wrapping my arms around Mr. Haitani's arms before I gave Ran that look.. and pulling Mr. Haitani to the dining table to eat.

I noticed how Rindou and Ran looked at each other before following us.

"You're getting along with Ran, that's a good thing darling." Mr. Haitani is also tall, so he smiled at me as we both walked towards the dining area.

"It's great to have someone who has the same vibes as me. Although, I would prefer to spend some time with you though." I responded.

"Don't worry, I have a lot of free time this week. We can go wherever you want."

Anyway, Mr. Haitani sat on the middle while I sat on his left side. The Haitani brothers came after, sitting on his other side. Making Ran sitting on the opposite direction as me.

"I asked the maids to prepare your favorite foods. So dig in, darling." Not going to lie, Mr. Haitani's eyes are also dangerous.. sometimes it's much more dangerous than Ran's though.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, before I started to put some foods on my plate. They all did the same thing as me.

"You've been busy these days, how's work, dad?" Rindou asked while munching on his food. Ran was quietly eating.


I think Rindou is closer to Mr. Haitani more than Ran. Ran doesn't really talk to him as much as Rindou's.

"Managing a huge business is not easy, plus. The company needs more attention nowadays." He paused. "I do feel bad for not giving my fiancé much attention even though I was the one who asked her to move in."

"It's fine, you don have to feel bad about it." i said as He was rubbing my hand with his thumb. But I saw how his expression suddenly changed, even though he still have a smile on his face.. it's fake perhaps.

"Even if I'm busy, I just hope that none of you is making a move on her."

Me and Ran froze from eating, I don't wanna look at his direction because we might get suspicious. But the way he said that as if he knows something.

"Gosh, how can you say that? I wouldn't accept your proposal if I don't love you." I tried to make the tension less intense because Mr. Haitani is currently looking at Ran.

"I mean, our age gap is huge. And I wouldn't deny that my two son are players.. and you're a very attractive girl Y/n. I just don't want any shameless assholes tryna craw over my fiancé." His glance were still at Ran, while Ran stops eating as he was clenching his jaw.

My heart beat isn't normal at this point. I was nervous, because the way he said that shows me that he knows something.. I guess I have to stay away from Ran for awhile until the situation will be cool. I don't want my sugar baby days to be ruined.

"They're just being friendly to me Incase you're having the wrong assumptions.. and besides, they're not my type." I chuckled awkwardly, I badly wanted this to be over.

Not until Ran stood up from his chair, glaring at me. As he whipped his mouth with a napkin.


"I'm full, thanks for the meal.. dad." That's what he said before exiting the room. Leaving the three of us here.

I heard Rindou sigh, "These maids are really nosy. You really need to change them so they won't create such ridiculous rumors about us being close with her. And besides, Ran already has someone.. he wouldn't craw over your fiancé."

That sends ache to my heart.. Ran has someone else?

I mean, I don't know anything about him.. I barely known him. This is the time where many thoughts started to attack me, what if he's only using me for pleasure.

"I was just joking about that part, your older brother seem to take things way seriously." Mr. Haitani shakes his head. "Anyway, go on.. continue your meal."


The next morning came, I just found myself sitting on top of Mr. Haitani's lap as we working inside his office, here located in his house.

I never saw Ran after he left last night during dinner. I was wondering if he was in his room. But when I checked, he's not really there.

I'd like to think that he might just need some time to cool down. Because his anger last night was indescribable.

"Ran is closer to his mother." Mr. Haitani sighs, making me look at him.

Come to think of it, I never bother to asked about his ex-wife.. "Where's his mom?"

"I don't know, our marriage didn't work out so, we've been divorced before Ran turns 7." He responded as simple as that.

I've always thought that their mother already passed away. Turns out she's still alive. I assume that Ran doesn't like his dad because of the divorce... who knows?

"I feel like you should build a great relationship with him. He's still your son, even if he likes his mother more."

"I've been trying to, but he has such a cold heart and still blames me about the divorce. Although me and his mother agreed that it will be the best choice to go in separate ways." See? I was right, he's probably carrying that anger up until now.

"Anyway, I'm going to go get some snacks.. do you want some?" I asked after getting off his lap.

"I'm fine, just come back quick."

I nodded my head as I exit his office, he's a clingy guy but not in the way. That makes me feel uncomfortable. He's just a nice guy.

Anyway, as I was about to reach the fridge, out of nowhere I suddenly heard some of the servants whispering, no.. more like gossiping.

"It's crazy how sir Ran, and miss Y/n has been spending too much time together."

"You noticed that too? Remember when she went with sir Rindou and Ran to go to the bar.. but only sir Rindou came home. Then, last night sir Ran and miss Y/n returned home together."

"Wait, how is that possible? Have you forgotten about the pretty girl sir Ran keeps bringing home for the past months before miss Y/n came?"

The memory of Rindou saying that Ran has someone else flashed inside my mind as I heard that..

"Yeah, she's the only girl he brought here.."

I can't take this anymore, "Were you the one who started this rumor?"

They were shock to see me. "M-miss Y/n, we didn't mean to be this nosy."

"My fiancé will be hearing about this." I said, grabbing a snack in the fridge as I walked out.

These bitches do be gossiping about me. I wonder how will they feel if they were sent home right now. They're probably the ones who gave that idea to Mr. Haitani.

But.. Ran is bringing another girl in this house before I even came here? Who... who is that girl?

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