《Obey Me, Stepmom》Chapter 3


Since you're such an obedient girl when it comes to the guy you just met today. You decided to wear a not so revealing clothes because that's his order.

You're wearing a black jeans shorts, and a white tee that is an oversized to its basically covering your shorts. And some black boots, you also just let your hair down since it was tied earlier. You made sure you look good in every angle he sees you, even if you're just dressing up in a basic fit.

You normally wear some expensive and revealing clothing, but what Ran says.. you obey.

You're standing in front of the main door with your mini bag in your hand. You're waiting for him, you don't know where is he going to take you. But you're willing to come with him.

Knowing that Ran is a violent person, he could literally just dropped you somewhere else and just kill you so him and his younger brother can get all the inheritance.

But still, you're here waiting for him because you're head over heals for this man. The energy that he gives you made you go crazy for him in a short amount of time.

Your trains of thoughts were interrupted when you suddenly saw the garage door opening from your side eye. Your head turns to that direction, and after about a second.. you saw the same black Ferrari exiting the garage. You got alarmed that it's Ran so you fixed your posture and made sure your hair looks nice.

He parked the car in front of you, giving you the he's picking you up to go on a date vibes. The car window from the passenger seat rolled down and you saw him peeking while his one hand is on the wheel.

"I'm not opening the door for you, Get it." He said, you rolled your eyes since he can be a little nice though.

Anyway, you followed what he said and open the car door yourself. This is also the first time you've been inside his car, the scent was probably his cologne. The inside was black too but the color of the seats were white.

You hop in and closed the door after you, you put on your seatbelt thinking that Ran is going to start the car now. But he isn't.

"Did you left something?" You asked, after putting on your seatbelt.

He shakes his head, "You're actually obedient, aren't 'ya?... I like that."

"You said to obey you, now that I'm here you're complaining?" You said in a sarcastic way as you raised one brow on him.

"I'm not actually complaining, Slut.. it's just that I didn't expect you to actually come with me." He chuckled.

"When are you going to stop calling me that? I'm not even wearing any revealing clothes.. and for your information. Me wearing some scandalous outfits doesn't mean I'm a slut." You started to nag, defending yourself from the chosen nick name he got for you.



He started the car, while the guards open the gate for him. You have no idea on where is he planning to take you. You didn't bother to asked because you love surprises, and Incase he did ended up disposing you.. well at least he should let you sleep with him first before killing you.

"I wouldn't call this a mother and son bonding, stepmom. So don't even try to think that we'll grow that relationship.. father put my place in an awkward situation." He sighed while his eyes were fixed on the road.

He's actually looking so hot right now, one hand on the wheel while the other one was resting on his side of the window while his fingers are on his chin.

"Where's your brother?" You changed the topic to Rindou.

"Somewhere else."

"Aren't you with him when you left earlier?"

"He left by himself, I was inside this car all along. Until you came to sit on it." He responded, he usually has a cold tone when speaking.

"I already said I was sorry, what were you doing inside your car for hours?" You can't help not to get curious because he probably spends hours inside that car before you came.

"Stop being so nosy, stepmom. You don't have to know everything."

You just decided to shut your mouth as you lean back on the car seat. You just decided to put your attention on the view from the mirror. He didn't really speak that much and same goes for you.

You just let him take you to a place where you have zero idea of. If he killed you, that's your fault for being too horny for him.

Minutes passed, or even an hour passed. You finally saw him pulling over on a parking lot. You felt alive because it feels like he's been driving for a whole day. The whole car ride was silent, it was just the radio who keeps the car alive.

You look around you, and to your surprised you found yourself at an abandoned parking lot. Being at the parking lot wasn't the one who shocked you, it was the number of people in there.

Before you could even asked, you already saw Ran coming out of his car. And so you quickly remove your seatbelt and hop out of the car. You saw him approaching a guy with pink mullet.

"Where's your brother?" The guy asked.

"He's not coming to watch." Ran responded, meanwhile the guy he was talking to landed his gaze on you.

"You're with a chic?" He chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows and Ran already know what the means.

"She's off limits." This made the guy's shoulder dropped as Ran looked at you, signaling you to come follow him.


You felt some intense gaze from the rest of the people here. So you just lowered your head as you walked behind Ran, these people are scaring you so you wanted to stay as close to Ran.

But what if he's going to asked them to kill you? Later on, Ran sat down on one of the benches, putting his legs on top of the other as his arms rested on the back of the bench.

You sat down next to him, "What's going on here?"

"Gang fight." He said in a smirk, later on you saw the guy with pink mullet approaching your direction.

He gave you a wink before sitting on the other bench next to you. Your eyes landed back on the sight in front of you, this was the time you noticed how it seems like they're wearing a uniform.

"Why on earth would you bring me here?" You asked once again, you've never seen how a gang fight work before. Perhaps this is even your first time seeing many delinquents in one place.

"It's fun, just wait for it." It seems like watching boxing on the television is the same as watching a gang fight for Ran.

"If this is the kind of fun you're interested on, count me out. I'll just wait for you in the car." And as you were about to stand up to go to the direction of where he parked his car.

He harshly pull you down, causing for you to sit down again. But it hurts your butt since bench you're sitting on it obviously hard.

"Shut up, slut. Just wait until you see some blood on the ground right after the fight started. Like I said, it will be fun." He didn't let go of your wrist, and since your hands are on your lap. It made it seem like his hands were on your lap as well.

"How did you even know this place.." You whispered to yourself, but loud enough for him to hear.

"Can you keep a secret from your fiancé?" He asked, making you confused. "Rindou is at bonten's hideout right now.. he do these shits too, same goes for me. So shut your pretty little mouth and enjoy the show."

You wanted to complain more, but after finding out this information about him. He became instantly even hotter in your eyes, all you could do is bite your lower lip as you look at his hand on your lap.

You did what he said, which is to enjoy the show.

Later on, they seem to also have a referee who was the one who started the fight. Seeing two gangs crash to one another, receiving and giving multiple punches and kicks to the opposite member made Ran smirk in joy. He likes seeing this type of violence.

Your eyes wonder, you also spotted some other dudes that are wearing different type of clothing while sitting on some benches far away from you. This abandoned parking lot has a lot of benches, and most of them has people sitting on it.

You've seen some girls too, they're clinging on with their man. Some are even making out, this feels like as if you're in a bar or something. This made you look at Ran who is currently enjoying the show in front of him.

You started to fantasize over him while your eyes is fixed on the fight. But your mind is currently thinking of ways on how would Ran's lips would taste like, or how would he feel like.

You pressed your legs together while your fantasy grew wider. And because of your non stop day dreaming about getting in heat with Ran. You didn't even realize that, the fight is already over.

You didn't realize it, until Ran suddenly took up. Releasing your wrist as he put his hands inside his pockets.

"Let's go home." He said, not looking at you.

So you literally drove here for hours, just to watch a fight that only lasted for about 30 minutes. And now he wants to go home. How ironic.

You didn't have any choice of course, so you sighed and stood up and was ready to leave. But a fat dude approached the two of you. He has his eyes on you the moment he got in front of you and Ran.

"Any problem?" Ran asked the guy, while raising his one brows on him.

"Nothing really, I wanted to sit there." He pointed at the bench behind you.

Ran didn't respond, but instead started to walk away. So you immediately followed him since you don't want him to leave you here, but suddenly.. somebody slapped your ass..

"Hey-" you were cut off as you gasped, when you saw the fat dude on the ground. Unconscious, your hands were covering your mouth as you saw him laying unconscious on the ground.

Turns out Ran just knocked him off the moment you walked pass him, and him smacking your ass. You heard how loud he got knocked out and fell to the ground.

"She's off limits." Ran said, spitting on the guy as he suddenly snaked his arms around your shoulder.

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