

The carriage pulled to a stop in front of the castle. I got out and noticed there was nobody around. I slowly walked up to the doors and found that they were open. Following the noise, laughter, and memories of my last visit, I slowly made my way to the ballroom.

When I reached the ballroom, the doors were closed. I knocked on the doors and they slowly began to open. The noise died down and when the doors were fully opened, I saw the ballroom. It had been beautiful when Anthony showed it to me, but all lit up and filled with people, it was an indescribable sight.

I slowly walked forward and began to descend down the stairs. For some reason, all eyes were on me. They tracked my every move. I stopped paying attention to the people and focused on not tripping. I suppose it would've been entertaining for the other guests to see me tumble down the stairs. On the other hand, I would've had to deal with a large amount of pain and embarrassment.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and nearly sighed in relief. I looked up and saw everyone was still staring at me. Suddenly, the crowd parted and Anthony walked up to me.

"May I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand to me. I stared at him in shock. He wanted to dance with me? While I stood there, I realized that the whole ball had stopped. There was no music, no dancing, nothing. Everyone was watching the two of us.

I studied everyone. Most of the woman looked envious and jealous. The men were mainly staring at me and paying no attention to Anthony. Then, I found my sisters and stepmother in the crowd. My stepmother looked as if she wanted to murder me. Not for being me, but for stealing the prince's attention. My sisters looked like they wanted to squeal, push the two of us together, and then ask how I had gotten a new dress and gotten here.


I suddenly realized that everyone was waiting for me to answer Anthony. I looked back at him and instantly knew my answer.

"You may" I said placing my hand on his. He pulled me out onto the dance floor and music begun to play.

"I suppose we don't have to dance to the song in our hearts this time" I said with a small smile.

"Yet I'm still dancing to it" he replied. We continued to dance both to the music playing aloud and in our hearts. All too quickly, the song came to an end. I moved to head off the dance floor, but Anthony pulled me back and we continued to dance as a new song began to play.

"I didn't think you would come. You arrived so late" Anthony admitted as he twirled me around.

"I ran into some trouble. I didn't think you would want me here" I confessed.

"Why not?" He asked.

"I never showed up at midnight" I said. I had stayed away to protect my mother's gravesite, but he didn't know that. How could he know that? I had asked Lacey and Lele to not say anything if they saw him. I don't know why I requested they do that, but I had and they followed my request.

"I didn't mind. I knew that if you stayed away then you must have had a good reason for doing so" he said. It was as if he had read my mind. Somehow, he knew that I hadn't stayed away because of him. He had believed in me.

"Thank you for believing in me" I quietly whispered. I didn't think he had heard me. I had said it so quietly that I had hardly heard myself. Yet, he somehow heard what I had said.

He looked at me and whispered his own barely audible reply. The volume of his voice did not stop me from hearing him as he whispered "I'll always believe in you".


Hey everyone! Anyone else think that was cute? I definitely did. Now, I only have a few parts left and then the story will be finished. I still can't believe it and I've typed it a lot. Within the past thirty minutes or so I still haven't come up with a new fantasy story idea. , this is your cue to help me with ideas. Well, since I doubt she'll help, I'll figure something out...hopefully. Anyways, please vote and comment. Next part will be out within the next hour at latest. Till next time

P.S. Maybe the pandas will give me a story idea

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