《Cinderella》Not Part of the Story, But Still Worth Reading


I am sure I have disappointed someone with this note instead of part of the story. Sorry whoever you are.

Now disappointment aside, I finally remembered what I've been trying to tell you guys for the last few author's notes. To everyone who doesn't read the author's notes, too bad you're just going to have to be confused about what I'm referring to or you can go back and read them.

So, I am planning on starting another story, probably. It'll most likely be up in a day or so, maybe. It's kind of sad that it took me two days to remember that I was planning to write another story.

This story won't be a fairytale remake and yeah, that's it. I'm planning on calling it The Agency, for lack of a better title. Here's what I have so far. Please let me know your opinions and tell me if it's worth writing or not.

I was running across the rooftops, hoping I didn't fall. My newest outfit was no help. My hair was black, short, and swept to one side, its edges streaked with purple. I was wearing a tight crop top with a cropped black jacket over it. I wore black shorts with gun holsters on each leg and of course guns. I had fishnet stockings and black fingerless gloves. Along with that were my black high heeled boots with purple heels. There were also way too many secret gadgets hidden away. Not the best outfit to run along rooftops in. It was all part of my uniform for work. I was a secret agent.

Tell me what you think or don't. Like I said, I'm still debating continuing with it, so it may or may not become a real thing.

Also, , if you skipped all that then I'm disappointed in you.

Anyways, sorry for delaying the story and by the story I mean Cinderella. So to everyone I disappointed/one maybe two people, the next part will be up by the end of the hour. Thanks

P.S. Maybe I won't mention pandas in the author's notes of the mew story if I write it. Who am I kidding? I'll still mention them

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