

The day had been uneventful, aside from my exhaustion and there was a moment when I nearly passed out. My stepmother had given me a long list of chores, but my stepsisters had been nice to me, except for a few times when my stepmother was around.

I hadn't eaten and was ready to drop. I had work left and hardly any time to finish everything, but I knew midnight was soon to come. I stopped my work leaving the unfinished list in the kitchen. I took off my apron and quietly left the house. I was soon outside and I started walking towards the waterfall.

With each step I took, I wondered if he would show up this time. I wondered if he would kill the girl he'd brought back or keep her alive. I wasn't sure if that girl could survive being killed again. If she died, she would truly be gone for good.

I reached the waterfall and I stepped out with my eyes closed. I didn't want to open them. What if he hadn't come again? What if I truly was a meaningless, unmemorable person?

I heard the clock strike midnight and still I kept my eyes closed. Opening them could mean that my hope would be entirely crushed. Keeping them closed was safe. I wouldn't know if he was there and I couldn't be disappointed again.

"Cinderella. You an open your eyes. I'm here" a voice that sounded like Anthony said.

"How do I know you're really here? What if I have simply imagined you due to how much I want you to be here?" I asked the voice.

"You want me to be here?" He asked in a kind tone. I gave a small nod.

"You'll just have to trust me then" he said. I slowly opened my eyes and saw him standing there grinning at me.

"Hello Anthony" I greeted.


"Hello Cinderella" he replied. I sat down and he followed suit.

"How has your day been?" He asked.

"Tiring. For some reason, I was up all night and I didn't get any sleep" I said.

"Now what could have been so important that you stayed up all night?" He questioned his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"I'm not sure it was all that important" I teased.

"If you waited all night then he must have been" he said his eyes softening.

"I think he was worth it. Even if he didn't come, I still believe in him" I quietly said. We sat there, staring at each other. I never wanted to stop looking into his eyes. The only sound to be heard was the rushing water.

The moment was broken, when my stomach started growling. It was so loud that the sound overpowered the waterfall. I started blushing and I was sure I resembled a rose.

"Did you not eat either?" He asked.

"No" I bluntly stated.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Well, I kept dropping trays and so there wasn't any food left for me. I also didn't have enough time to stop working and eat" I quickly explained.

"Why do you stay there?" He asked.

"I have my own reasons for staying. They are personal and I do not wish to share them" I said.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked.

"I don't trust anyone with this. I can't. It's too important to me" I said.

"If you tell me, I can help you" he offered.

"Let's move on to other subjects" I said. He sighed in defeat.

"Do you have any family?" He asked.

"My mother died when I was young and my father is also gone. I have a stepmother and stepsisters. I consider my stepsisters to be like sisters to me" I answered.

"And you?" I asked.

"My mother is gone and my father's health is bad. I have no siblings, but Alexander is like a brother to me" he replied.


"I'm sorry about your father. Does he have long?" I asked.

"The doctors say that he has three months left at most" Anthony admitted.

"So he'll live to see you take the throne and chose your future queen" I observed.

"The only problem is even I don't know who she'll be" Anthony said.

"You'll know when you find her" I said.

"How?" He asked.

"You'll know because you'll smile every time you're around her. She'll stay by your side no matter what. She'll make you laugh. She'll cry with you. When you argue, you will immediately want to stop fighting with her. You'll do anything to make her happy. You'll know because she'll become your entire world" I said.

"Why do you know that?" He quietly asked.

"My father once told me that when I asked how he knew my mother was the one for him" I answered.

"Have you found your one yet?" He asked.

"I've met him, but he doesn't see me the same way I see him. I'm still falling for him though" I said. I had already met him. I had already met the man who gave me hope once more. The man who I could never be with. The one who I was slowly falling in love with. Too bad the man sitting next to me would never see me the same way.

"Did anything interesting happen to you today?" I asked attempting to change the subject. The only thing worse then falling for a man who would never love me back would be if he knew that he was the man.

"Actually, there was an attempted robbery" he said, thankfully letting the topic drop.

"Of the bank?" I asked.

"No, of the bakery" he corrected.

"Why would someone rob a bakery?" I asked.

"I heard that their bread is delicious" he said.

"That's no reason to steal from a bakery" I argued.

"Who was the culprit?" I asked.

"A crazy man who kept mumbling about bread" Anthony said.

"Which bakery was this?" I asked.

"Sugar, Flour, and Butter. It's small and owned by a young woman" Anthony replied.

"Oh no. That's Martha's bakery. I do hope she's okay" I exclaimed.

"You know her?" Anthony asked.

"Oh yes. She used to work here. She taught me how to make bread" I told him.

"You can make the infamous bread?" Anthony asked. I gave a small laugh.

"I suppose I can" I said still laughing a little.

We continued to talk about many things and no matter the topic, I found that all I wanted was to here his voice. I soon noticed that it was getting lighter and lighter. Then, I remembered that I still had chores to finish before my stepfamily awoke.

"Anthony" I said interrupting him.

"Yes?" He asked.

"It's almost morning. I must head back now" I said. He looked around finally noticing the morning light.

"I must get back too. Until midnight" he said.

"Until midnight" I replied. I ran off and quickly reached the house. Luckily, my stepfamily were all still asleep. I finished my chores, cooked breakfast, and realize that another night had passed where I hadn't slept at all.

Hey everyone! First things first, reminded me of a forgotten enemy. She was with me and then she brought out...the fruit cup. We still have no idea how t ended up in her bag. Now, on to more important things....I forgot what they were. Well then, vote and comment. Till next note

P.S. Maybe pandas can protect me from the return of the fruit cup

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