《Cinderella》5.The Prince


I noticed horses approaching in the distance before I had finished sweeping all the stairs. I made quick work of the remaining stairs, hoping that they appeared to be clean, and put the broom away again. Then I ran out to meet the approaching group of men.

"Good morning gentleman. I will happily take your horses to the stable" I said when they both stopped in front of me. They both dismounted and the duke handed me his horse's reigns. The other man stood there holding his horse's reigns. I took a moment and studied both men. The duke had brown hair and blue eyes. It was easy to see why so many women fawned over him. His attire and everything about him showed that he was rich and powerful. The other man was dressed in plain clothing. He had jet black hair and dark blue eyes. He must have been the prince because there was no other man present, but he didn't act like it.

"Shall I take your horse as well?" I asked the mystery man.

"No need. If you will lead the way, I shall attend to him myself" the man said.

"Then follow me. The countess and her daughters will be with you shortly" I said to the duke. My father had been a count. By marrying him, my stepmother became a countess. Normally, the title and the land would go to his oldest child, meaning me. When we read his will, everything was left to my stepmother. My father had left me with nothing and my stepmother never let me forget it.

The duke gave a nod of acknowledgement and he walked towards the house. I started walking towards the stables and the other man followed me. I put the duke's horse into a stall and the man did the same with his horse. I started to feel dizzy again, but I ignored the darkness that was calling to me.


"What's your name?" The man suddenly asked.

"I am called Cinderella" I truthfully answered.

"Cinderella. It seems familiar" he commented.

"I don't believe we have ever met, but perhaps the duke has mentioned my name when recounting one of his visits to this house" I guessed.

"That seems likely. Aren't you curious to know my name?" The man asked.

"I hope you don't find this rude, but I assumed you were the prince. Are you not him?" I asked.

"Why would I find it rude to be thought of as a prince? My name is Anthony" he said.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Anthony. Yet I notice that you still have not answered my question" I commented.

"The pleasure is all mine. Which question do you refer to? I have had numerous questions asked of me today. If you asked to know of one who's beauty is more radiant than yours, I could truthfully reply that I have not and I doubt I ever will meet such a person" Anthony flirted.

"I see you must be the prince, for he is the only one with a reputation of flirting with each and every maiden that is unfortunate enough to cross paths with him" I replied.

"I know of no such reputation and what maiden would be unfortunate if she falls for one as handsome as me?" Anthony said.

"I see you have a conceited nature as well. Very well, you must be the prince" I concluded.

"And what logic is that to base your assumptions off of my ego and demeanor?" He asked.

"It is a justified conclusion when accounting for the rumors and stories that follow your every twist and turn" I said.

"Yet how do you know that I do not have a similar personality to the prince, rather you assume that I am him. Yet here I stand dressed in plain clothing, tending to my horse, and not leaving to talk to the countess and her daughters" he said.


"Yet here you are visiting this house with the duke when he has never brought a servant with him. The only company that he had ever brought to this house was supposed to be the prince and here before me stands the prince. The duke's companion that the duke brought to meet the women he is courting" I argued.

"I must ask, why are we talking so properly?" I suddenly asked.

"I'm not sure why" Anthony said with a laugh.

"I'll take you to the drawing room now. The others have been excitedly chattering about meeting you" I stated walking out of the stables.As I started walking, I nearly lost my balance due to the spinning room, but I caught myself before the prince could notice.

"Even the one meant to marry the duke?" Anthony asked following me.

"She is excited because meeting you is the next step in her relationship with the duke" I said.

"I see. It's horrible that she'll be disappointed" Anthony said.

"Why will she be disappointed? Does the duke not love her?" I asked.

"The duke adores her. It's just that I don't want to go inside when I can instead stand here talking to a lovely lady" Anthony said.

"I see you have not bothered to correct me when I use your name instead of the prince's. You admit to being the prince then" I commented.

"Yes, but please call me Anthony" he sighed.

"It's rather improper" I argued.

"And telling your prince that he's being to proper or improper isn't?" Anthony challenged. I averted my gaze.

"Sorry" I mumbled. I felt him staring at me and I slowly looked up.

"There's no need to be sorry. It's quite nice to be able to talk to someone without being treated like a prince" he said.

"I doubt your family treats you differently" I commented.

"No, but it's rather boring having to talk to the same people over and over again if I want to have a normal conversation" he replied.

"Is that why you're dressed like a commoner?" I asked.

"I just want a day to be normal. Which reminds me, if the owners of the house ask where I am, I got sick and couldn't make it" Anthony said.

"So you're masquerading as a servant?" I asked. He nodded in reply.

"Well then-" I started to say but was cut off by a yell.

"Cinderella!" My stepmother screamed at the top of her lungs.

"That is my cue to leave. Goodbye Anthony. I enjoyed talking to you" I said and then I turned towards the house and ran without waiting for his reply.

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