

"Cinderella!" My stepmother screeched. I was up in the attic getting dressed when I heard her. I quickly finished changing into a dress that was falling apart at the seams, but wasn't as destroyed as the rest of my dresses. I rushed down the stairs while putting my long, wavy blond hair into a bun. I almost tripped, but I managed to catch myself and I soon stood before my stepmother, trying to quietly catch my breath.

"Yes, ma'am?" I asked making sure to not look her directly in the eyes. She hated when I did that and I did not want to make her mad. One time I looked at them and it was like looking into a black hole. I never did it again. Making my stepmother mad would most certainly result in death and I didn't have a death wish. Instead of looking directly at her eyes, I stared at her black hair that was streaked with grey and pulled into a tight bun. Then I realized that was too close to her face, so I stared at her hot pink dress that certainly drew attention. Then I realized she wouldn't want me staring at her dress, so I stared at the ground.

"Where have you been? The chickens need washing and the dishes need feeding. The shoes need to be mucked out and the horses need to be shined. Sweep the front steps while you're at it. Clean the furnace. Do the washing. Scrub the windows. And for goodness sakes hurry up and serve breakfast already!" My stepmother yelled. I didn't bother to point out all the flaws in her list. She wasn't the brightest and hated to be reminded of that.

"Yes ma'am. I'll have breakfast out right away" I said staring at the floor and wondering how I was going to do everything within a day. I repressed a sigh. At least the list was shorter then yesterday. I watched my stepmother leave the room. As soon as she was gone, I ran to the kitchen in order to start preparing breakfast for the rest of the family.


Shortly after I left my stepmother, I ran into one of my two stepsisters, Leonora. She was much crueler then her sister. It was just my luck to have run into her so early. Especially since my stepmother was impatiently waiting for breakfast. I glanced at her. She looked so much like her mother. Her hair was dark black and it reminded me of a poodle. Her eyes, that were the color of dirt, always held an air of superiority as though everyone was beneath her. Her sense of style matched my stepmother's, along with her brain.

"Yes, Leonora?" I asked since she was blocking my path to the kitchen and she refused to move.

"What has mother said about using our names?" She snootily said. I repressed a sigh. My stepmother didn't want me to call her either stepmother or by her first name, which I didn't even know. She had never said anything about the rules applying to her daughters, but what Leonora said was law. Anything my stepmother's daughters or her said was law. If Leonora didn't want me to use her name, then I couldn't use it. Unless I wanted to face my stepmother's wrath.

"I'm sorry for offending you ma'am. Is there anything I can do for you, ma'am?" I asked casting my eyes towards the ground.

"Much better. Here's a list of all the chores I need you to take care of. Now hurry up with breakfast. I'm starving" Leonora said shoving a list into my hand and walking away. I glanced at the list and sighed. More work to do along with my stepmother's list. I continued walking towards the kitchen and soon came across my other stepsister.

"Hello, Delaney" I greeted her staring at her emerald eyes. She was the only one in my stepfamily that I could look at without repercussions. Compared to the rest of my stepfamily, she was beautiful. She had raven black hair that she let fall down her back in soft waves. Neither her sense of style, nor her intelligence had been inherited from my stepmother. Delaney was also nice, something that she hadn't learned from the rest of the family. When she first came, she had been as cruel. She may have been even crueler then Leonora. Now, she seems kind. Whenever it's just the two of us, it feels like she's regretful. The second my stepmother shows up or Leonora comes, Delaney becomes her old self. I'm not sure which is the act. The nice Delaney or the one I meet all those years ago.


"Good morning, Cinderella. I can see that you're in a hurry" Delaney commented. She could probably also see the giant list I was carrying, but I was always carrying a giant list of chores.

"Yes. I really must go prepare breakfast now. Do you need anything Delaney?" I asked. Right as I said this, Leonora chose to appear and gasp at my comment.

"She calls you by name?!" Leonora exclaimed. I looked at Delaney and saw as her posture and everything changed. Suddenly, instead of being somewhat friendly, she was back to looking like the master of a servant.

"Of course not. I was just about to reprimand her for using my name and for not taking my list when I first presented it to her" Delaney said in a haughty tone.

"I am sorry ma'am. It won't happen again. I would be delighted to do all the work on the list you have for me ma'am" I said once again dropping my gaze to the floor. The floor was safe. The floor didn't result in my stepmother or sisters becoming angry. Except when the floor was dirty. Which it was. I repressed a sigh once again. I would have to clean the floors before anyone noticed. Luckily, I was the only one who looked at the floor.

"Much better. Never speak to my so informally again" Delaney said handing me her list. Then the two stepsisters left. I looked at Delaney's list and was surprised to see hardly anything written and the few words on there were not about chores.

Sorry for everything, Annabella. You don't have to do anything for me now or in the future. You shouldn't even be a servant. You've never hated us despite how we treat. Thank you.


Laney was the name that everyone else in the family called Delaney. Did this mean that she considered me family? At that thought, I smiled. It was a small smile, but it was a smile. It had been a long time since I had genuinely smiled. I missed smiling. I missed being happy. Yet one small note caused me to smile. The chime of the clock as it struck the hour ripped me from my thoughts. Breakfast. My stepmother would kill me if I didn't have it ready in the next half hour. I took off running towards the kitchen.

Hey everyone! So I see people are actually reading this story. Kind of weird. I know it's not many people, but it's still super creepy. I only thought one person would read it and she's my friend and therefore forced to read it. Anyways thanks for being the first to vote! Also if you can't tell is the friend I keep mentioning and will continue to mention. Please remember to comment and vote. I look forward to hearing other people's thoughts on this story. Thanks!

P.S. Please tell me if you are also obsessed with pandas!

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