《Twisted Love》Chapter 14



I know she is following me. Just like she knows I lied.

I move around in circles in my car and lead through the traffic fast enough to make her lose me. It's not easy. It never is. Some days I don't know where I end and where she begins.

But I know villains and princesses never have a happy ending.

I won't save her. I will torture her enough till she is stuck in her nightmares. Till she is stuck in her dreams. And till she starts dreaming of me the way I dream of her.

I make my way as all the men around me stare at me in fear bowing down. They know what I am capable of. No matter if I am 10 years younger to them.

They know.

"Where the fuck is he?" I ask Kabir who looks at me amused.

"At least ask me about my bullet wound first asshole."

I don't have time for this bullshit. If chivalry met me in a dark alley I would probably beat it to death and then kill it's sister, generosity too.

We all live alone. Die alone. We live the same fucked life. Nobody deserves my sympathy as much as I don't deserve theirs.

Kabir leads me to the Hamid, tied up in chains as he stares up at me. I remember the day clearly. I have the scars to prove it. Alizeh has a scar I am obsessed with to prove it.

But he gave the scar to her. He marked her body with the scar before me.

So he was going to die.

But not before he told me why.

I tie a leash around his neck and pull making him sit on a chair.

"Who was behind it" I ask him casually.


"Me." the coward whispers, faking the loyalty he doesn't have an inch of.

I cut his thumb as he screeches in pain.

I am bored.

"Start barking quick. You are going to die anyway."

"I wanted to touch her you know, she was so beautiful, maybe fuck her and then you. But then you did it before me. We three could have had so much fun." he taunts smiling at me.

I clench my jaw. He was playing me. He was smarter than I thought.

"Did you both have fun that day? I had a lot of fun watching you two." He says.

I think of Alizeh as I count till ten. I think of her smile. But I keep getting flashbacks of us tied in ropes and her staring at me lifelessly as I stared back.

I shot his dick in a moment of weakness as he screams in pain. Devastation takes control of me. I unleash the monster I was hiding as I drill two bullets into his hands. The same hands that had touched her. They touched her naked breasts before I had a chance to. They gave her nightmares. The ones where I wasn't the antagonist.

I want to put bullets in his eyes too for what he saw me and Alizeh doing, when they forced us. He saw both of us naked. Vulnerable.

But I want him to see his end through his own eyes.

I look at him impassively "Any last words?"

"I-" he screams in pain as I poke his bullet wound with a knife.

"Kidding I don't give a fuck." I smile at him making sure he remembers my face as he goes to hell. The same face that had made him partially crippled with a bullet in his leg, five years back.

And then I shoot right into his brains so he doesn't have any memories of my Star with him.

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