《Camp Wisahickon》Chapter Twenty Eight
Georgina came over two hours before we were expected at Wes' house. She had just showed up at my door unannounced, and my mom frowned at her from the doorway instead of inviting her in. I was upstairs finishing my homework on my bed when I heard my mom call my name tentatively from downstairs.
I hopped down the stairs two at a time when I saw my mother frowning at Georgina like she was a bear sized bug on her front step. To be fair, I'm sure Georgina is the last person she expected to see at our house here for me. She was wearing ripped skinny jeans and a faded Rolling Stones tee shirt with her converse, and looked back at my mom just as strangely as my mom looked at her.
"Hey Georgina," I greet with a smile, and then reach out to grab her arm and drag her inside. "Come upstairs."
As I'm passing my mom, however, I see the look she's giving me, and I stop out of habit. Although she had been a lot easier on me these past few weeks, I still knew that I shouldn't push it. Instead of running upstairs and locking myself in my room with my friend, I turned back toward her and gave a forced smile.
"Mom, this is Georgina," I greet shortly.
My mom smoothes out her white blouse and smiles tightly at Georgina. "Hello, Georgina."
Georgina looks like she wants to roll her eyes at the formality, but she surprisingly just smiles back. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. S."
Before the uncomfortable interaction can get more awkward, I clap my hands together and announce, "Mom, we will be in my room for a little bit just hanging out before we go-" I stop when I realize I was about to tell her where we were really going, and cover it up with a cough before I continue, "to the movies."
Georgina smirks at my obvious cover up, but my mom is oblivious, and just continues nodding with the tight smile on her face. "Okay. Don't lock your bedroom door."
I hurry up the stairs and neither of us say anything before my door is shut and locked. "Your mom seems... nice."
I turn and give Georgina a blank look. "If nice is a synonym for controlling monster, then yes, she's very nice." She laughs as I fall back to sit on my bed and look at her curiously. "So, what brings you here?"
Georgina sobers up too and pulls my desk chair in front of me, then sits on it backwards, her arms crossed and leaning against the back of the seat. She looks at me pointedly as she says, "I do believe you owe me an explanation for earlier."
I nod my head. Right. I was finally going to tell her everything that happened between Carter and I before school started.
"Brace yourself," I murmur, giving her a wary look. "It's a long story."
So I told her everything. I told her about how Carter was the new kid at camp, and that every girl loved him, that he fell into the troublemaker crowd with the twins, that he infuriated me to no end in the beginning, and that eventually we forged a prank war. I even showed her the picture on my phone of him cuddling some kid because his bed was covered in shaving cream.
I told her about the night we got locked in the freezer, and I couldn't even help my smile when I told her about the night I played piano, and we kissed for the first time. My smile was quickly wiped away when I recounted the events the morning after we had sex for the first time, when I stood up to my mother and then he suddenly told me he didn't like me.
By the time it was over, I was willing away tears that burned my eyes, and trying to look at Georgina evenly. "And then I came to school and he was here. He beat up Jake on the first day back and ever since, he's been trying to talk to me."
Her mouth, which had been turned in a frown ever since I repeated the words he said to me at the end of the summer, suddenly formed an 'o'. "So that day at your locker when we went to lunch, you were trying to avoid him, and I totally ruined that." I nodded hesitantly, and she frowned again. "Fuck, Amelia, I'm sorry. I had no idea."
I give her a sad smile. "I know you didn't. How could you? I didn't want to remember everything that happened, I just wanted to get through the year and forget about it."
Georgina sighs and shakes her head. "It doesn't make sense," She murmurs. "I've seen the way he looks at you. He clearly likes you. But why would he be such an asshole about everything the morning after you had sex?"
I shrug, feeling helplessness wash over me. "I guess it's just an act so he can do it again. Hurt me again."
Even I could hear how ridiculous the words sounded coming out of my mouth. Carter Miller was a lot of things- arrogant, narcissistic, and a plain old asshole- but I didn't think he was manipulative, or heartless enough, for that matter. But then again, he did it once already, so maybe I was a bad judge of character.
Georgina shakes her head, looking deep in thought, as she looks at me again. "You said things were fine after you told your mom off, and then he suddenly changed his attitude?"
I nod slowly. "He disappeared to go get his phone and then came back to tell me he was using me for sex."
"It just doesn't make sense," She says again.
I stay silent, mostly because I agree, and I'm afraid if I keep talking, I'll start crying. Wheels were clearly turning in Georgina's head as she thought over the situation, but I was sure she wouldn't find anything that I hadn't before. It was as bizarre to me as it was to her, considering the way he acted around me. Like he was being genuine. And yet, I knew someone so genuine wouldn't actually be as heartless as he had been.
After a few moments of being fairly certain I wasn't going to cry, I spoke again. "I didn't want to go to the party because I didn't want to see Carter."
"I figured," She sighs. "I'm so sorry, Amelia. I wouldn't have asked you to go."
I shrug again. "Don't apologize. It's inevitable that I'm going to spend time with him, especially ever since we became friends with Wes and Joey. I just have to accept it and learn how to keep my guard up around him."
Georgina frowns at me for another moment before she lets out a breath and stands up. "Alright, enough with this sad shit. Let's make you look hot so Carter knows what he's missing."
And that's how we ended up here, standing in front of Wes' house. I was dressed in a black v-neck crop top and high waisted ripped blue jeans, with my favorite black Converse on my feet. I narrowly talked Georgina out of making me wear a tight dress, assuring her that I would look completely out of place, and was in the safety of jeans.
She had curled my hair at the ends to make it look nice, and even did my makeup so I had winged eyeliner and mascara. I almost couldn't believe the girl looking back at me in the mirror when she had showed me my reflection was me, considering I never wore more makeup than mascara and practically forgot to brush my hair every day.
And yet here I was, getting cat called and eyed up by the boys who had never spared me a glance before as we walked into the house. The stench of liquor hit me like a truck, and the music was louder than most of the conversation in the room. Georgina held my hand as we squeezed through the people, but before we could get into the kitchen, I felt a hand grip my wrist.
I came to a stop and looked behind me to see Jake staring at me, eyes wide as he took in my outfit. His eyes met mine as he breathed, "Amelia, you look-"
I shrug my hand out of his grasp and yell over the music, "Don't touch or talk to me, Jake. I'm not in the mood."
With that, I turned around and followed Georgina's retreating figure into the kitchen, where we could finally stand without being squished between multiple bodies. When we got into the kitchen, I immediately saw him. Carter was standing with Wes and Joey, laughing at something they had said, and I took his distracted state to give him a once over. He was wearing jeans and a simple grey tee shirt, and yet he looked incredibly hot.
I look away quickly, before he notices me staring, and see Wes turn his head to make eye contact with me. When he sees Georgina and I, he grins and waves us over. "Hello, ladies!"
As we approach, I can see Carter's gaze snap to me, and it takes everything I have in me not to look back at him. Instead, I stand beside Georgina and smile at Wes and Joey, who give us both hugs in hello.
"You girls look amazing tonight," Joey compliments with a sly smirk and a wink.
Wes snakes an arm around Georgina's waist and pulls her closer to him as he nods vigorously in agreement. "You got that right."
I notice the way Georgina's cheeks warm at Wes' touch, and hide my own smirk. Instead, my resolve breaks, and I glance over at Carter to see his eyes glued to me. His eyes were still wide as they scanned my body, finally making their way up until his gaze met mine, and the wind was knocked out of me when I saw the pure lust in his eyes.
"What do you say, Amelia? You in?" Joey asks from beside me.
I snap my gaze away from Carter's and look at him, my brow furrowing as I ask, "What?"
He rolls his eyes. "I said," Joey stresses. "Do you want to play a game of pong? I need a partner."
"Yeah, sure," I agree, still dazed from the intensity of Carter's stare.
We walk over to the table set up in the other room, everyone moving away so Wes could play instead. Wes and Georgina were on one end of the table while Joey and I were on the other, and Carter leaned against the wall beside other spectators to watch.
And while we played beer pong, I actually managed to have fun. It reminded me of camp- playing drinking games with my friends. Even though I still disliked most of the people here, I still had Wes, Joey, and Georgina. And Carter, my conscious added begrudgingly, but I tried not to think about him.
When I got my fifth shot in, Joey wrapped an arm around my shoulder and drawled, "Pretty and good at pong, huh?"
Knowing he was joking, I just laughed and leaned into him a little. "You picked yourself a good partner."
Joey grins at me cheekily. "Tonight's my lucky night, I guess."
Georgina and Wes both missed their shots, and one of the balls rolled over toward the wall, by Carter's feet. I glance over at him to see his jaw clenched and eyes narrowed at Joey, who still had an arm around my shoulder.
"Can you pass me the ball?" I ask Carter slowly, confused as to why he looked so mad.
He didn't look at me, but instead kept looking at Joey, who was joking around with Wes on the other side of the table. I narrowed my eyes at Carter and stepped out from under Joey's arm. Carter's eyes snapped to me and softened considerably, but I was beyond impatient.
"Carter," I practically snap. "Ball?"
He looks at me in confusion before realization dawns on him, and his gaze shifts to the ground to find the ball. When he stands up, instead of handing the ball to me, his eyes slide back over to Joey and narrow again.
"I think I should be your partner now," Carter says suddenly, his icy glare set on Joey.
I frowned at him again. Why the hell was he acting so jealous just because I was playing a game with Joey? He wasn't my boyfriend, nor was he my anything. He had no right to be jealous.
"If you want to play so bad, fine," I snap. "Take my place. I'm going to get another drink."
With that, I turn on my heel and disappear into the bundles of people, feeling heated at the way Carter was acting. He was the one who ended things at the end of the summer. He was the one who said he didn't care about me. And now he was acting like a jealous boyfriend who couldn't stand the thought of some other guy's arm around me.
I didn't understand and, for now, I didn't want to. I just wanted to drink enough to forget Carter's name. I squeezed my way into the kitchen and let out a breath of relief when I only saw a few other people hanging around in contrast to the crowds of people in other rooms. I went straight for the counter and scoured the bottles until I found vodka.
Without another thought other than wanting to get inebriated enough to forget Carter Miller even existed, I brought the bottle to my lips and took a large swig. The contents burned my throat as it trickled down, but I ignored it and kept drinking. I didn't stop until I couldn't take a step without stumbling, and when I forgot the reason I was drinking in the first place.
Nearly half the of the bottle later, I stumbled out of the kitchen in search of another distraction. I made my way into the living room, where the speakers were set up and blaring music, and felt myself begin to sway. I wasn't sure if I was swaying to the music or just swaying because I couldn't stand still, but either way, I began dancing.
After a little, I felt someone's hands slither around my waist and pull me into their chest, and I ignored the feeling for a moment. I just kept dancing. And then, after the song ended, I turned around to see who my mysterious dancing partner had been, and felt my heart drop when I saw Jake's face.
"Get off of me," I manage to splutter, and push against his chest, but I stumble back a few steps instead.
Jake smirked at me as he reaches out to balance me. "You seemed to be enjoying yourself a few minutes ago."
"That was before I saw your ugly face," I retort without thinking.
His smirk falls and his face twists into a scowl, but before he can retaliate, I push past him and into another room. The air was beginning to feel too sticky and hot, thanks to the close proximity of all the party goers, and I struggled to squeeze my way through the house to find the back door.
When I finally make my escape and feel the cool night air slide over my skin, I let out a breath of relief. My head was spinning from the drinks I'd consumed and I could hardly walk straight. I stumbled over to a seat outside and fell onto it, then shut my eyes tightly, willing the spinning to stop.
"Jesus, Amelia," I hear a familiar voice say roughly. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
I refuse to open my eyes and instead mumble, "Well here I am! You caught me."
The voice, which had sounded irritated before, just chuckles at my slur of a sentence. I can't quite put my finger on who it was, but I was drawn to the voice. It sounded comfortable. Safe. Familiar.
"Are you wasted?" The voice asks in amusement.
"No," I say quickly, and then feel giggles erupt from my mouth at the blatant lie, and ultimately admit, "Maybe a little."
"You can't go home like this," The voice says quietly, as if he were talking to himself.
"I don't want to go home," I say fiercely, tilting my head upwards even though my eyes were still shut. "I don't like it there."
Silence follows my outburst, and then: "You can crash here, then. Wes won't mind."
I just nod. "Here. Sleep. Yes."
"Come on," The voice sounds amused again. "I'll help you upstairs."
Finally, I open my eyes, and see Carter standing in front of me with his hand outstretched toward me. He has a small smile on his lips and he looks amused at my current state.
"Carter?" I ask in awe. "You're the voice?"
The back door flies open as a kid comes stumbling out, and kneels by a flower pot before puking. My face contorts in disgust at the sound, and before I think too much about it, I grab Carter's hand and let him pull me up.
"Let's get out of pukey town," I mutter, insanely grossed out.
His laughter fades as he opens the door and I'm consumed in the hot, loud party all over again. I stumble through the strings of people as Carter keeps a tight hold on my hand, pulling me away from the party. When we get to the stairs, he makes everyone move so we can get up easily.
We walk down a hallway knocking on doors until we find one that's empty. When we do, he opens the door and ushers me inside, helping me until he sits me down on the bed. Carter gets up and locks the door, and I look at him with a frown.
"Why'd you lock it?" I ask, and then fear begins to creep in. "Are you gonna hurt me?"
Carter frowns at me too. "I don't want anyone walking in." His frown deepens as he studies me. "I would never hurt you, Mina."
"Too late for that," In my drunken state, I still manage to hold a grudge.
I can feel his eyes burning a hole through me with the intensity of his stare before he says quietly, "I never wanted to hurt you. I thought I was doing the right thing."
Because of my lack of filter, I just keep speaking without thinking. "The right thing was to love me back." I fall back onto the bed and shut my eyes in an attempt to stop the room from spinning. After a moment of silence, I murmur, "I hate that I still love you."
"You still love me?" Carter perks up at this, and I feel the bed dip beside me a moment later.
I nod quickly, and it ends up hurting my head even more. "Yeah, but don't tell Carter. I'm trying really hard to make it seem like I don't like him anymore."
I hear a breathless laugh from beside me. "It was working."
My head finally stopped spinning and was instead replaced with haziness as I felt myself grow more tired. I turn on my side and curl onto the bed, feeling my knees hit Carter's side while I did so, and basked in the warmth coming from his body.
"Get some sleep, princess," His soft voice murmurs from beside me. "I'll be here if you need me."
I nod wordlessly, feeling myself succumb to sleep. And then, right before I totally fell head first into the deep slumber that was gnawing at the corners of my mind, I hear him speak one more time.
"I still love you, too."
- In Serial7 Chapters
Transmigrated as the Second Male Lead's Twin Brother [BL Harem] (BXBXBXBXB)
My younger sister was an avid reader of romance novels. On her birthday, she begged me to read a novel named, "The Dark Catastrophe: The Holy Saintess Saves the World." What I didn't expect was that after reading the novel, I would get hit by a truck and die! When I woke up, I found out that I transmigrated as the second male lead's younger twin brother, Cash Reran! Cash was the second-born son of Duke Reran. To make matters worse, Cash Reran has a terminal illness and was fated to die in the first chapter of the novel! Although he was only mentioned during the first sentence of the novel, he played a very crucial role. He was the sole reason for the novel to exist because the novel plot only began after Cash dies from a mysterious illness. After being transmigrated a year before the novel's main plot, I decided to be a lazy bum and watch things from the sidelines. During my observations, I found out the villainess is a shy and misunderstood girl while the heroine is actually a green tea bitch.Furthermore, how come I didn't even do anything yet the main characters of the novel are always following me wanting my attention!? It seems like I somehow changed the novel's genre from straight romance to BL!!![Short Chapters]
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Scream (Billy Loomis x Reader)
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A miracle for demons .
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I Just Want to Transmigrate! (BL)
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