《Cocaine| c.g. [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]》


Carl was currently thinking about a way to apologize to Mariana for being a complete asshole. He just wanted to explain everything to her. About how he had feelings for her. But he couldn't. Not while he was still dating Dominique.

He looked for Ian and Lip. They'd know what to do, they've been through hell and back. He wanted advice, it's all he really needed. He opened the door to their bedroom. Inside was Ian and Lip smoking a joint.

"Hey Carl." Ian blew out smoke.

"I need advice guys."

"What's up?" Lip took the joint out of Ian's hand.

"I think I'm in love with Mariana."

"But aren't you with Dominique?"

"Yeah. But I love Mariana."

"Who do you love more?"

"I—I don't know. Dominique is hot. And that pussy is bomb. But Mari, she's gorgeous. And independent, but she needs me. And she has this stupid sense of humor that you can't not laugh at. She never gives up on her ambitions because she's just that talented. And she's always there for me when I need it. Mariana is always up for adventures and doing stupid shit with me. Mari knows everything about me there is to know. We grew up together."

"There you go, you answered that question. You had more to say about Mariana than Dominique."

"Uh, no Ian. Just because they grew up together doesn't mean they should be together."

"We all grew up with Mariana, I thought you liked her?"

"She's alright. I just think Carl would be better off with Dominique."

"What does Dominique have that is so special?"

"She has nice tits. Heard she's a C cup."

"You're acting like Mariana doesn't have tits. And at least Mariana has an ass. Dominique is flat as fuck."


"Mariana is only a B cup."


"Mariana is only fourteen, she's still a child. She's short as fuck too. She's like a kid."

"What does that have to do with anything Lip? Mariana is actually smart. As smart as you to be honest. She's kinder than anyone I've ever met. And have you seen her face? She's most beautiful fourteen year old I have ever seen. The list goes on."

"If she's so good then why don't you date her?"

"Maybe I will!" This struck Lip, knowing that Ian was gay and him saying this, he knew Ian couldn't lie.

"What?" Carl asked. He was confused as hell, he needed advice, not Ian to try and date Mariana. Everything was moving in fast motion. Carl's two older brother yelling at each other, Carl just didn't know what to do.

Ian stomped out of the room and slammed the door. Lip was heavily breathing from the intense argument. He looked at Carl and then looked down.

"What the hell Lip?!"

"It's not my fault."

"Well what do you think Ian is gonna do? You know he can't lie."

"He's not going to ask out Mariana, you're fine."

"You better be right Lip, or I'm going to shoot your dick off."

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