《Close friends》Dead like Roses


Today was the day that finally some justice would be served. I made my way downstairs and bumped right into Roberta and Antonio "I just wanted to see my sister on her big day nothing more nothing less"Roberta said and I just shrugged it off and continued walking until I saw Romeo and Katherine.

"Sean what took your 3rd degree pregnant ass so long?!"Romeo exclaim and Katherine glared at him "Nigga I'm not pregnant but I bet if your lonesome ass could get pregnant then you would know why your joke ain't funny"I snapped "Ok boo I see you got jokes now huh? Well come back to me as soon as you find your father-oh wait he dead"he gasps and Katherine slaps him.

"Don't be rude bitch!"she scolds and I roll my eyes "How long has it been since your parents kicked you out Romeo for not only being gay but marrying Micheals hoe ass?!"I asked and he turned red "You wanna go puta?"he asks while undoing his long braid "Oh so he is a hoe?"I smirked and he started charging at me "My cousin ain't a hoe but Romeo might be"Katherine interviene's.

"What is this just jump on Romeo week and hour like damn I'm ready to drag a bitches ass already and it hasn't even been time to kill a Rosas bitch a-"we covered his loud mouth before anyone heard our plan meanwhile he just glared at us.

"Focus on the mission dammit"Katherine hissed at Romeo and he just rolled his eyes in annoyance while walking towards Micheal.

It was a long mother fuckin night before the plan came into act at 11. My phone started ringing so I excused myself to answer it. "Speak"I snapped into the phone "Aye yo ma!"Ronnies stupid ass yelled into the phone.


"What the actual fuck do you want you fat daddy nostril ass nigga!!"I semi yelled and I heard him smack his lips on the other side.

"Put some respect on my name because I employed yo bitch ass since you was 8 my nigga, but where are you right now because it's loud ass shit?"Ronnie asks and I shhed his bitch ass "DONT shhh me"he yelled. "Damn Ron you really acting younger than me now! But what's up?"I asked him politely and he was fucking silent until he spoke up "Oh I can talk now ? See you told me to shut up so..."he started "TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT!!"I yelled a lil to loud but who the fuck cares right.

"Ok damn... Have you talked to Pimp?"he asked "No why?"I answered "how long is no Sean?"he asked "like yesterday was the last I talked to him because he came over at 12, why?"I questioned and he mumbled under his breath. "You at Antonio's right?"he asked just disregarding my question "yeah..."I slowly responded "Get out of there immediately and take some important people with you!!"he said it like he cared.

"Why what's going on?"I asked "just do what I tell you for once dammit because Pimp is lashing out because of Antonio's...proposition"he stated and I looked inside to see Antonio laughing and talking to people.

"What proposition?"I asked "I don't know I just know that he was ranting to Donnie and Red about it, I only seen him this mad once and it never ends well" Ronnie says really low, I'm guessing Donnie is sleeping in the room because the nigga Ronnie in the hospital for a allergic reaction he had to seafood.

"I'm guessing Yo lil boyfriend there"I joked and he got all defensive and shit "Mane shut you dick riding ass up! Stupid bitch!"he snapped "calm down sir"I laughed.


"But imma update chu when I leave so stay on the phone hoe"I stated "Yeah yeah just make sure you evacuate as much people possible"you could feel the eye roll in his voice. I walked in and started lying to people about they cars and shit and I only got 20 people out. Grandma wasn't here and Romeo and me were the only ones left out of the plan which is kinda fishy if you ask me.

"You seen Micheal?"Romeo asked "Nah fam-" just as I answered our phones went off and we got a text message, Romeo got one from Micheal telling him to leave immediately and I got one from Pimp, Dj, and Parker saying the exact fucking thing.

Antonio, Roberta, Rosa, and the other family members here so what the fuck am I missing and what's going on?!

"Sean it's coming"Ronnie whispered into the phone and I cocked my head.

But before I could answer that the door exploded open and Romeo dramatic ass gon scream, stop, drop, and roll and pulled me behind the table with him as bullets ranged throughout the area, and screams.

I made sure to put myself on mute so Ronnie doesn't ask a million questions and get a bitch shot.

I seen some shit and maybe it's because the joint I smoked earlier but... I saw some damn lightning come through this hoe. "Um what the fuck?"Romeo whispers as the room goes silent and we here walkie talkies coming towards us, and I had Romeo all the way fucked up because he pulled my ass under that table with him so quick and silent.

We saw some small feet, heels, and army boots "Miss Rouge it's done, shall we tell our new allies"a man asked the women who I guess are in heels "Yes and make sure this child goes back to the lab for her stabilizing medication"she orders and the man in boots walk off but 2 more appear beside the tiny feet.

"Mistress Rouge am I allowed to stay at the estate now? I killed them like you asked"she pleaded and the heels turns toward the tiny feet "Yes you can sweetheart and we are packing your things tonight because your performance was marvelous, now come let's get you some 'energy' to refill your stamina"the woman says as she walks away with a group of men around her and the child.

We waited about an hour until we came out from under the table and ran out the house because they started lighting shit on fire to burn evidence.

Romeo was still screaming like a dumbass even when we started driving away, all I know is that Pimp and the others got a lot of explaining to do.

But all I know is before we left Rosas body was not there...but Antonio and Roberta's were...

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