《Close friends》Lights,Camera,Action


"Since your so smart I thought you would know"I hissed at Antonio and he smiles "I've heard and done my research and the rumors are true your mouth is foul to people with higher authority"Antonio bags and I roll my eyes. "Where's my damn son?"I asked and he clasped his hands together "see that's a question that I'll answer when you tell me where Kris is!!"Antonio raised his voice at me.

I'm bout 2,5,4 seconds away from going the fuck off because mother fuckers act like they can talk to me any kind of way.

"I DONT KNOW WHERE KRIS IS SO TELL ME WHERE DEVONTE IS!!!"I snapped and he laughed "Anger DOESNT look good on a women"Antonio rolls his eyes while sitting down his drink. His goon came in the room and whispered something in his ear and that made him infuriated "I'm going and you keep a watch on her"he hisses as he leaves the room.

The guy looks at me and I look at him and I walk over to him and grabbed a pen then stuck it in his neck and watched him bleed out as I took his key card, gun,keys, and passcodes to security around the house.

I called Pimp "Is it done?"he asks "Damn ain't no I'm glad your alive or how's it going"I exaggerated "Sean did it work?"he asks again and I can feel the eye roll "yeah it worked! I came up with the damn plan!"I semi yelled "whatever I'm on the roof right now and I have Parker" Pimp says as he bangs on the window and I hung up the phone to let him in.

As soon as I was about to open the window it was a loud slam that happened downstairs "PARKER!!WHERE ARE YOU!!!"Antonio yelled throughout the house coming towards the room I was in and I looked at Pimp and he looked at me with a 'You better fucking not' face as I closed the curtain and pushed the dead body under the couch and I here Pimp banging on the window "Sean!!"he yelled but I texted him to be quiet and as soon as I put my phone away Antonio came in.


"You come here"he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall of the big house and threw me into a room "you stay in here until I find my son"he says with a worried expression like I took the lil bastard of a kid.

When he closed the door and I heard his footsteps go downstairs and the door slams I left the room but like I was cautious I used the dude I killed pistol to shoot all the security cameras on the way to the room where Pimp was who was still banging on the window until I opened it and he threw the kid inside and hopped in.

"It's too damn cold for you to be leaving a nigga outside like that"Pimp says while locking the door "So did your trusting thing go well?"he asked "I guess you could say that but he is looking for you Kris just what in the flying fucks would he want you for?"I asked and he shrugs "I don't fucking know maybe to kill my ass on sight or some shit"Pimp jokingly answers.

"Did your goons get Devonte?"I asked and he nods "yep and Antonio hasn't checked that room in like 3 hours but De was sleep like I'm talking knocked the fuck out"Pimp goes in detail and I roll my eyes from that Friday reference.

"So we gon bounce?"Pimp asks and I all of a sudden I had a idea to make sure Antonio wouldn't try some shit in the future "I'll meet you at the car I have some unfinished business"I said with a grin and Pimp looks at me skeptically then jumps out the window.

I looked down at a peaceful sleeping Parker and picked him up and walked downstairs of the maze like house. I poured me a glass of wine and waited for Antonio to come back in and when he did he had a sigh of relief when he saw Parker.

Then he looked at me "You women in America are so rebellious"he groans "listen I want to strike a deal"I said ignoring that smart remark.


"Are you really in the place to be making deals and is that my fucking wine your drinking!!"Antonio hisses "Actually I am since you don't have my son anymore and Pimp did god knows what to your son and I brought him down here safely so unless you want this child to die...Let's.Make.A.Deal"I semi-yelled.

The look on his face shows me that he thinks that Kris poisoned him but little does he know that we just gave the mother fucka NyQuil 😂

He sits down and sighs "what do you want?"he asks "an allowance monthly probably like 2 million and one of your estates here in Florida and I want you to pay for all of my children to go to top notch schools for college..."the more I went on the more his mouth dropped "You said all children!? Your planning on having more!!"he yelled in surprise "yep now let a bitch finish because you Italian niggas don't listen"I joked and he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway where was I, oh yeah college and lastly imma need Parker to chill the fuck out because lil man crazy"I said "He gets it from his mother"Antonio grumbles and I looked at him like he was crazy because last time I checked he kidnapped a 3 day old baby for what reason but Parker's mom is crazy?! Mmhmm I'm definitely sure that this nigga is delusional.

"Lastly I want body guards around my son and if you try something you gin get cut got it?"I asked and he nods while rolling his eyes "now the antidote?"he asks and I made up some shut as I grabbed some juice out the fridge and gave it to the lil boy and what made it price less was that the lil boy woke up from it and Antonio looked relieved.

How much fucking NyQuil they give this child bc he was out ?

"Your free to go and I'll do whatever you say just leave me and my son alone"Antonio says as he hugs a confused Parker "what just happened?"Parker says as I walked out the door and made it to Pimps car see Devonte kicking in his car seat "you so extra! What did you do?"Pimp asks "nun of your business now drive nigga drive before Antonio changes his mind"I said and we zoomed out that hoe.

After that life's been good I guess minus the fact that Rays head was delivered to our doorstep and I had to hide it from Pimp before he start another war and ruined what I just accomplished.

Yeah life was good you know but sadly AINT no fucking happy ending here bitch bc little did we know a new problem risen again.


11 years later...(yes we time skipping bc well problems are occurring right now)

A women was smoking in front of Antonio while counting the money "Who is this Sean bitch Antonio"the women with a strong Italian accent questions Antonio "Nobody honey"Antonio groans as the 14 year old Parker ran in the room with Sean son, Devonte "Dad we need money to get on the bus to see Dj" Parker says "Valentine why would you do that when someone could drive you there?"she asks "Listen here bitch I wasn't talking to you and unlike you Devonte's mom has been raising me so leave me the hell alone!!"Parker shouts at his mother.

Parker storms out and Antonio goes after the hot headed boy and Devonte watches and shakes his head "this how you know this family white"he says below a whisper then goes after Parker.

The women snaps her cigar in half in frustration "Ok Sean! You wanna play mommy to my little Valentine well the gloves are coming off now!!"she hisses to herself in the mirror while flipping her blond hair and her blue eyes turned dark filled with anger as her she pulls her laptop out and began to search for Sean.

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