《Close friends》Hard life


Bullets are flying and mommas are crying it's not the first that it was a drive by in this neighborhood. I mean come on we live in a gang influenced area so this is normal.

By this time my parents were shot and killed in action while I was on the side of the road selling dope. I was just chilling on the block when this what seemed to be a lady walked up to me.

"Sean you got the stuff"she said while looking around hesitantly "that's if you gots the money"I said getting up as she gave me the money and I gave her the crack.

"Th-Tha-Thanks S-S-Sean"she said before running off. I watched her with utter disgust because she looked like she had a good life why she doing drugs? I thought about it and shook my head.

"I can't say shit I sold it to her"I said before my bosses car pulled up and I walked to it. "Sean you sold it all?"he asked and I threw the bag at him with the money in it. "Well done see this why you my favorite because you don't smoke all my shit like Reggie and Red"he says counting the money.

"Ion smoke like that so I try not to"I said lying because I know damn well I be smoking Reggie's shit. "You done for the day here yo cut"he said handing me 4 bands then saying "now get yo punk ass out my car you smell like outside"he says and I mug him.

"Mmhmm ok"I said catching myself but getting out and started walking home. I thought about a lot of life choices during that walk like why I do this shit even tho I hate it?wait easy money. Why do I put up with this shit?because I'm all about that paper.


If I wouldn't have shot at that drug lord would I still be in this shit?nah I probably would, just to get out the house. I was thinking so much that by the time I arrived to my house with 12 and the ambulance.

I saw my parents covered up as they carried them into the hospital van. "Such a sad time they got shot in the head during a drive by"one of the officers said to me.

"Wow"was all I could say "they were waiting on there son?daughter?idk whoever to come home until they were shot and killed by the way who are you"he said just realizing who he was talking to.

"I'm there 2nd child Sean Ranes"I said and he looked liked he seen a ghost "oh well um sorry for your loss"he said awkwardly before walking off and driving away with the other cops.

Once again I was alone. Did I care my parents died? A little bit but not to much after all they only cared about my sister so why should I care. I started packing my stuff before they put something up on this house.

When I was done I called my sister and told her what happened and she bursted into tears on the phone saying she's on her way. People were looking at me I could hear what they were saying they were all like "it's that child's fault that they were outside"

"Excuse me granny but mind yo business"I said before lighting a blunt and started smoking while I waited. After a good 20 minutes my sister arrived snatching me up and throwing the blunt on the ground.

"That's bad for you stop smoking"she said pulling my things in the car "whatever"I said while sitting back in the seat. "So May I ask where were you"she said while stopping at a stop light.


See I'm known around these parts for starting gang violence hell I've been in 100 street fights and have not lost one... may have gotten stabbed but still won. My sister might've assumed that I set them up.

"I was at Reggie's why you jumping to conclusions"I lied y'all all know where I was 🤫 she kept on driving and was like "you expect me to believe that when you paid your goons to scare me,threatened my husbands life over money,and let's not forget you street fight"she says not taking her eyes off the road.

"Hey hey stop making me look like the bad guy Ian pay them fools they asked me if I wanted to since you was yelling at me, your husband owed me for whooping him in call of duty, and don't even bring that last part up"I said but she just rolled her eyes.

"This has to stop Sean it's different problems with you every week"she says looking on the verge of tears "look on the bright side I'm not dead"I said but she just grew silent.

I'm used to it throughout my family I'm looked as a disappointment because of my choices but I could honestly care less what they have to think of me.

We pulled up to her mansion because her husband is a rich bastard. I get out and take my things to one of the rooms that I usually sleep in when I come here. I change out of my clothes and put on a black track suit then headed downstairs.

I spot the asshole and my sister cuddling on the couch. I look at them with disgust before sitting down saying "What we watching" they both looked at me and then I seen my auntie and uncle walk in and they was all looking at me.

"Oh this a intervention I'm out"I said getting up only to be pushed back down by my sisters husband Randall I glared at him. "Yes its an intervention we think that you should just stay out these streets"my sister says as everyone agrees.

I started laughing "why is that"I said wiping a tear away from all my laughter . "Look at you! you! you just look like a killer and very intimidating and hello them streets you love killed your parents"my auntie says.

"Look I get it y'all upset that there dead but that has nothing to do with me"I said feeling really confident until I was handed a note. "Read it out loud"my uncle says so I flipped it open.

"Dear Sean you think your slick huh that street fight you had where you stabbed that person to death with that knife was my brother and I'm coming for your ass and your family. I killed your parents but you had no emotion you heartless being. I'll make sure that you and your family are gone so don't get to happy that it wasn't you sincerely anonymous"I said ending it off.

My auntie and uncle were on the verge of crying along with my sister while Randall's ass was worried about being killed. "Just trust me y'all they ain't gon touch the untouchable"I said before going back upstairs and drifting off to sleep.

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