《Our Destiny ( Hyungkyun Fanfic )》Part 1.


I.M was studying in his room quietly, his roommate Jooheon was listening to music wearing headphones.

Jooheon:'' I heard you applied for job? So, got any?''

I.M:'' Nope. Still looking.''

His eyes still on the book.

Jooheon:'' I know a cafe in downtown, they need some helping hand, the payment is also good. So?''

I.M looked up to see Jooheon.

I.M:'' I guess, I'll go there in the evening.''

Then he went back to study. Jooheon shrugged and continued listening to music.


I.M wore a jacket and left the dorm. He looked at the time in the watch and it was 5pm. After 15 minutes he entered the cafe, and bowed to the owner.

I.M:'' I heard there was need of helping hands in here.''

Owner:'' Oh? You here for Job?''

I.M nodded.

Owner:'' You know how to make coffee and tea?''

I.M:'' Yes. I can even make different kind of breads.''

Owner:'' That is wonderful, I'll hire you then.''

I.M:'' Really?''

There was slight smile on I.M's lips.

Owner:'' How about you start working from today?''

I.M:'' Sure!''

The cafe owner instructed and helped I.M on his first day. Around 9pm, it was time for cafe to be closed. He cleaned the tables. When he heard bell ring, meaning opening of cafe door.

I.M:'' Sorry, but we are closed.''

I.M leaned back to look at the figure. There stood a tall handsome guy. Their eyes met.

????:'' Oh? Thee was open sign board outside. So, I thought..''

I.M:'' No, sorry but we are closed for today. Please visit again.''


?????:'' You are new here?''

I.M:'' Yes...How did you know?''

?????:'' I am a regular customer here. My name is Chae Hyungwon.''

I.M bowed slightly.

I.M:'' My name is Im Changkyun. But, others call me I.M''

Hyungwon smiled slightly and exited the cafe. I.M just shrugged and continued his cleaning. After his work was down, he left the cafe and walked in the empty street. At this hour, people are mostly home. I.M increased his walking speed and his path was blocked by a bunch of man wearing black.

Man 1:'' He boy! Where are you going so late at night?''

I.M tried to ignore them, walking past them, but they blocked his way again.

Man2:'' That is rude boy, you shouldn't ignore your elders.''

I.M:'' Please excuse me...''

Man3:'' Boy looks so pure, boy have you ever fucked?''

I.M slowly stepped back, and when it was the right opportunity he ran as fast as he can. He stopped and hide behind a wall, huffing.

Man:'' Where did he go?''

Man3:'' That guy would be so good to use.''

I.M clenched his fist. When his mouth was covered by someone's hand. His eyes widened to see the same man from the cafe.

Hyungwon:'' Don't speak a word.''

After sometime the people finally disappeared and I.M sighed in relief.

I.M:'' Why are you here, Mr.?''

Hyungwon:'' Mr.? I remember telling my name.''

I.M:'' Oh ye-Fuc-''

I.M moved back as soon as he saw blood in Hyungwon's hand.

Hyungwon:'' Listen don't get me wrong-''

I.M knew that place was not safe, so he ran in the direction of his collage.

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