《I Hated You [HyungWonho FanFic]》I Hate You!


When I got back to the park MinHyuk and Sarang were done talking. We bid our goodbyes and came to my house.

"So, how was it? Seeing your childhood friend?"

"It was so nice. I missed her sense of humour."

"Good, glad you had fun."

"And you? Did you get along well with MinHo?"

"Not really."


"He was mean. Even though I must be older than him he treated me like I was an annoying child. I hate him."

"Don't be like that! I'm sure he didn't meant to."

"Well, he did. He said he didn't want to know me, talk to me or anything like that. That guy is not friendly."

"As you wish."

"Did you have fun sis?"

"Yes! I remembered MinHyuk was fun but not this bright and lively. You and that handsome guy, Wonho, did you get along?"

"No, I didn't want to."


"Because he was trying to make a good impression, being kind and everything. He was being perfect without flaws. There's not even a human being like that. So I thought that he was being fake and didn't want to get along with him."

"HyungWonnie.. I heard that Wonho is just like that. He likes to be kind, to be reliable. When I talked with MinHyuk he talked so well about the guy that I thought that he couldn't be normal."

"Oh, well, to me he looked fake."

"Why don't you go talk to him?"

"No way, I hate him. That's my opinion."

"Oh, come on!"

"No. I'll go to the bakery, bye."

"Ya! HyungWon!"


"Good Morning!"

"Hey! Wonho!" - said my friend ChangKyun, who was a Junior at school and here at the Cakes Shop. "How are you?"

"Good thanks. Have you opened the shop?"

"No, we were waiting for you." - said JooHeon. "I'll do it now so go change!"


I entered the staff room to change into my cafe uniform to start my shift. I worked here as a part time job since my cousin asked me.

When I heard the door I quickly went over there to greet our clients.

"Good morning. Welcome to CakeLand!"


I looked up to see who spoke. MinHo. What was he doing here? I turned around and walked away.

"Shouldn't you be showing the seat to your costumers?" He asked. God, how I hated that guy.

"I'm sorry sir but that's not a rule here. The costumer must know how to sit on a table." Said ChangKyun.

I hold not to laugh..this kid, seriously.

"Oh, and I guess being nice is not a rule either?"

"I'm sorry but I wasn't rude to you. If someone here is rude it is you sir."


I couldn't hold it anymore. I started laughing and with me my co-workers. MinHo was there, glaring at us while we were having so much fun teasing each other laughter.

"Can I know why my employees are laughing instead of working?"

Oh no...my cousin..


"Wonho, can you explain?"

"Well..I'm sorry it was my fault."

MinHo was looking at YoungJae with an expression I thought I would never see in that guys face. He was admiring YoungJae.

"So, my sweet cousin is at fault?"

MinHo's jaw dropped as he heard we were cousins. He was staring at me, making me uncomfortable.

"No, he just started laughing because of me." - ChangKyun said.

"No, It was ok but then we started laughing too."

"So you are now building a wall of friendship."

"YoungJae, you know who it was and that they are just protecting me."

"Yeah, I know. Since we were little you were a troublemaker."

"Yes, indeed I was."

"People, start working again. I'll talk with Wonho and with this costumer that is looking at us with a surprised expression. Get to work!"


"Yes Sir!" Everyone said.

"Excuse me, what is you name?"

"Hyu-MinHo sir."

"Oh, beautiful name. Can you please come with us so that we can solve some problems?"


Solve problems? All we did was laugh! Okay, me and ChangKyun were a little rude but it was nothing much. He was the one who dispised me first.

We went to YoungJae's "office" and he started asking questions.

"Then, MinHo-ssi could you please tell me what happened?"


"Yes, please."

MinHo was blushing. He looked cute. Wait, did I just call him cute? Oh well, he is cute, what can I do?

"I..hum..Entered the bakery..then Wonho greeted me..and.."

Oh god, why am I nervous?

"Wait, you know Wonho?"

"Yes, we met before. You know, personal affairs." Wonho said before I could answer.

"Wonho you're so mean! You used to tell me everything! I miss my cutie Wonho."

"We were never that close and don't call me cute!"

They seemed like a couple arguing. I came here to tell what happened not to help people with their personal problems.

"Of course we were! People often thought that we were dating! I was really proud when they said that because you are so handsome."

"I guess we better just get to the point. We can discuss this later."

"Wonho! Don't give me the cold shoulder!"

"I'm not! The thing is MinHo is here and he has no need to listen to you babbling things like you're drunk. Geez, when we are in front of the others you look so mean but then you are just too cheesy."

"Hum..okay..I guess you're right."


"Then, MinHo, you were telling me..."

I told my version and Wonho told his. They were really similar since he was sincere about everything that happened.

"So, let me see if I understand. You are not friendly with each other, which caused you two to argue a little. Then that ChangKyun brat said rude things to MinHo and that made all my employees laugh like they were watching a comedy movie."

"That's right. But please don't blame ChangKyun!"

Wonho admited it all. I concluded that this ChangKyun guy was an important person to him.

"I won't blame anyone, but I have to do something. MinHo, you will have a month of free product from our bakery. You will be able to taste new cakes before any other and you will have a special prize. You will have a private employee."

"What? Are the cakes not enough?" Wonho asked. I thought so too but a private Employe?

"Wonho, you will be that employee. So, starting from today MinHo, you have Wonho as your private worker, from the time that you enter to the time where you go out he will be with all his attention in you. Ok?"

"WHAT????" Me and Wonho asked at the same time.

I was shocked. The guy I hate as my private employe? That's more like hell.

"Hum..the cakes are enough, really."

"Oh, I'm doing it for Wonho too. You said that you two don't have a good relationship. My cousin is an incredible person and whatever reason you hate him it is not right. This way, you will get to understand what I mean."

"And how is that good for me? I don't care about his approval."

"I know that. But I do. I noticed him and he's a regular costumer. Since you are in part time job you didn't notice. Now, I want you to work full time."

"Really? You'll let me?"

"Yeah, your co-workers like you, the costumers do too and I have to admit that your friend MinHyuk eats a lot every time he comes. So, if you want to.."

"YoungJae, of course I do!!"

"Then you are now one of our official full time employes and MinHo's private one."

"Ok. MinHo, I hope we will get along better. Maybe I'll stop hating you and you will stop hating me."

"Tch..you wish."

"Well, Wonho get to work! MinHo, hope you use your prize."

Oh, I will use it.

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