《debut love ; kihyun ff》7


"sorry, this is not that important, but i feel bad if we have to walk to get our breakfast." shownu apologized. the other boys groaned because their leader made them scared.

"i am fine with just walking, it's not far from here." y/n said, slowly starting to walk away. she then realized what was happening when the boys looked at her with a worried look.

"is it because of my dad?" she asked. they nodded, making her sigh. "it's fine, you don't really have to listen to him. he is just nervous because it is my first time out with you guys. just act like we are all friends, and i will be alright, okay?"

shownu looked at her, slightly surprised. "but your dad-"

"who cares what my dad says. just ignore all the stress he gave you guys and let's eat! after all, that is the reason why you guys invited me, right?"

"you are right. let's go!" minhyuk said, quickly jogging to catch up. he linked both her and his arms together and skipped to the first stoplight. everyone else looked at shownu, who just shook his head.

"i don't want her to get hurt." he said. "it is hyungnim's daughter. what happens if something bad happens to her?"

"hyung, you are just overthinking." kihyun reassured him, putting his arm around his shoulders. "you heard her. all we have to do is to make sure she is safe. it is just a breakfast, after all."

"i guess you are right, thanks."

kihyun smiled and patted shownu's back reassuringly. kihyun, however, felt nervous for some reason. he could see why shownu felt bothered, but those thoughts left his mind when he turned to see minhyuk and y/n together. he smiled, seeing that nothing serious happened to both of them.


walking towards them, he overheard the two talking about the food at the restaurant they were going to.

"okay, that is also good, but their japchae? it is," y/n clicked her tongue, her fingers snapping at the same time. "amazing!"

"japchae is one of my favorite foods. maybe, i will give that a try." minhyuk replied and winked, making y/n laugh.

"stop getting ahead of us, i'm getting more hungry the more i try to catch up!" jooheon complained, as he and the others caught up to the two.

"we skipped, we did not run." minhyuk corrected, making jooheon roll his eyes.

the stoplight changed to green, and the six of them walked across the street. walking a couple more blocks, they finally arrived at the restaurant.

entering the place, a few waiters bowed to y/n, since they recognized her from the many times she ate there.

"y/n, welcome back!" one of the waitresses greeted, hugging her. "i see you are with your friends. table for six?"

"yes please!" her and the boys followed the waitress, as another waitress served all of them water and gave them menus as they sat.

"does your father know about them?" the first waitress asked.

y/n nodded. "yes. in fact, this is the other group from the two groups that are currently training."

"ohh, hello!" the first waitress bowed to the boys. the boys smiled and nodded back in response. "i will be back when you are ready to order, no hurry!"

"y/n said their japchae is amazing." minhyuk said as their waitress walked away from the table.

"what other food do you recommend from here?" changkyun asked.

"their dumplings and cold noodles are good as well," she replied. jooheon's eyes lit up when hearing dumplings; those are his favorite food.


"in that case, i will be ordering that!" jooheon said, closing his menu.

"how is the meat here?" kihyun asked.

"hmm," she thought about her answer. "i do not eat their meat, but my dad always orders their steak. he said that the steak is the best."

kihyun nodded, knowing he was ordering that. once the boys thought about what they were going to eat, y/n called the waitress over.

"so, what are you all having today?" she asked, having her pad and pen out.

"i will have one order of japchae with a small order of gimbap." y/n started.

"i'll also have one order of the japchae!" minhyuk continued.

"i will have an order of gimbap too." changkyun ordered.

"could i have a half order of steak?" kihyun asked.

"i will have the same as him." shownu pointed to kihyun.

"and three orders of dumplings!" jooheon finished, making a peace sign with his fingers, trying to act cute. the waitress blushed and quickly collected the menus, swiftly walking away. she came back with some kimchi as appetizers.

"i can tell you have good connections with the people who work here." jooheon said.

"yeah, but sometimes i do not come out as humble when these interactions happen," she replied.

"because your dad owns the biggest entertainment company in seoul, everyone knows you and your dad, right?" changkyun asked.

"y-yeah." y/n answered, a little embarrassed. changkyun, on the other hand, secretly pinched his hand, feeling that he interrupted the conversation.

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