《A Villains Bright Side (IzukuxOchaco)》Ch.7 The Plan


POV 3rd


Today Deku villain gang is making a plan on how to tick off the hero's and how to get someone from UA to join their crew. They only want someone from UA because the current plan is to ruin UA's reputation. If the villains ruin UA's reputation, then no more good hero's are going to be made from UA due to nobody wanting to go there. Sure there is other schools and all that, but UA is the main focus right now. Once people sees how strong they are, taking down the #1 hero school and all the heroes in there, then they will take over the world. Nobody will be able to stop them.

"Why not Shoto Todoroki? He's Endeavor's son. And plus he can make a good villain, he's strong and from what I have heard, he has a grudge against his own father!" Kurgiri exclaims, cleaning a glass cup. "No, he is strong, but he is going to be a little hard to catch." Shigiraki says in a matter of fact tone. "How about Katsuki Bakugou? He's strong, and acts like a villain. From what I've herd from his past, he used to be a bully. And so why be a hero if you're practically a villain?" Dabi asked, leaning back on the couch, eyes closed. "Hell. No" Izuku says, loud and clear. Izuku, for awhile, glares at Dabi for suggesting Bakugoat. He stares until Dabi apologies.

"Ok this is going nowhere but a dead end." Toga says. "MOMO! she's smart and strong. The only hard thing is getting her to join us!" Kurogiri says, happy that he put in someone strong. "No" Deku plainly says, lying down on the floor. "Why not?" Kurgiri sadly asks. "Because she would never join us." Deku says, looking over at Kurogiri. Kurogiri puts his attention back onto the glass.


"What about Hagakure? She's invisible, so when she goes on missions to kill people, she won't be detected by the target." Shigiraki asks, scratching his neck. "No, she may be useful, but she is loud." Deku looks at shigiraki. Everyone stays quiet, thinking of someone to throw into their little gang. Over some time Deku manages to get Ochako off his mind, that is until now. "How about, Ochako Uraraka?" Deku asks slowly. Everyone looks at him. "I mean, she's only a hero for money, and to help her parents. But if she was a villain, she can still see her parents. And she can still give them money. She is strong and has a powerful quirk. She can be great on the team." Deku said or more likely asked. Everyone stared at him. Then started considering his option.

"I don't know..." Shigiraki said, unsure if they should get Ochaco. "What ya got on her?" asked Dabi, staring at Deku from the couch. "Information?" asked Izuku, looking up at Dabi from the floor. "Yes" Dabi simply states. "ok well. I got her quirk. And her UA file...you guys have that." stated Deku, staring at the roof. Normally when Deku starts to think or talk about Ochaco, his mind goes blank and the only thought in his mind is her.

"ok." Dabi quietly said. It all of a sudden got awkward. "ok, well, how are we going to capture her? We need a plan." Kurogiri said, putting down the very very clean glass. Deku leans against the couch. "Leave that to me......and Kurogiri." Said Deku with a smirk.


The plan on how to capture Ochaco depends on when she decides to walk home alone. In witch she does everyday, when her and Iida part ways. Recently her and Iida have been getting along. And so the 2 always walk home together, or at least to when they need to part ways. Or when Ochaco wants to walk alone. So Deku decided to get her when the next time she wants to walk alone.


It was the day that they planned to kidnap Ochaco and now Deku hopes and hopes that Ochaco walks alone that day. In witch the universe is not on his side that day and he sees her with Iida. The original idea was to just go back to the hideout if she was with someone. But hey, why wait? So Deku just stalks them until they part ways.

They sure do seem happy together. Deku remembers back to the 2 or 3 days that him and Uraraka new each other and were friends. It kind of made him want to go up and talk to her. But he new he couldn't. Not with Iida there at least. But when Iida left, Deku wasn't ready. And started panicking. He doesn't know how to kidnap her. He doesn't want to hurt her. He doesn't have a tranquilizer. What does he do?

Then he has a idea. Something he has been wanting to do............

Talk to her.














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