《Badass Deku》New quirk discovery?


"Hey papa..." He turned around and saw me, and in a flash he was already hugging me.

It was nice to be back in his arms, even though he's my step dad.

"Hello Izuku how have you been!!" He looked like a puppy, he was sooo exited. It was kind of funny.

"I've been great and I'm really happy to see you again, and you!?!" I was really exited to hang out with my friends again, so I wanted to hurry this up.

That sounded so mean.

"I've been good hun, now hurry up, I think your friends are waiting for you!"

He laughed at my exited face.

"Okay, bye papa, see you later!" I ran down stairs and nearly tripped on the last one.

I ran over to Sangwoo, who was bickering with Harry. Them two and they're fucking bickering.

I snickerd as I heard Sangwoo call Harry an imp.

Agatha and Jeffery were trying to make them stop, but every effort was not of use.

"Oi, shut up!" I shouted, the two boys must of had a fright cause they stopped.

Agatha and Jeffery gave me a thanking look.

"When is school gonna start?"I was curious, no one told me when I was going to go.

"Tomorrow, so that's why we're going to the mall." Sangwoo started dragging me, the others wouldn't do that cause they know how close I am to Sangwoo, we're like brothers.

We arrived at the mall in about 10 minutes because we don't live that far from it.

When we go there, I had to go to the toilet, so I asked them to wait for me whilst I go to the loo.

As I was walking, I felt like I had a bad ass and head. I thought it was probably cause we walked, but I wasn't so sure.


As I went into the stall, I saw my shadow moveing, so I stopped moving and the shadow still moved.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously.

The mysterious voice asked. I started looking around only to se that there was nobody around except me and my shadow.

I turned around to look at it, and saw that the shadow had a big grin on his face. His eyes were white like his mouth, and he waved at me whilst snickering at my dumbfounded face.

I swear I saw his grin getting bigger when I waved back.

"So what and who are you?" I was really curious.

He looked at me and started to count down. When it landed on one, I felt a very bad pain on my head and my ass.

It told me like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

When I looked closer, I could now see that he had big cat ears and tail.

When he saw me looking at his ears and tail, he looked me right in the eyes.

A said serously. I know I've only met him for about 3 minutes, but looking at him serious is kinda scary.

I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I was about to scream when a shadow hand landed on my mouth to stop me from screaming.

When he saw that I was not gonna scream, he hesitantly took his hand of my mouth and looked at me.

I looked at him, then at the mirror, and I would be lying if I said he was wrong.

"Your right but i need to go back to my friends, could you transform back into my shadow?" He looked at me the nodded. He transformed back into my shadow.

A voice in my head said.

"You can talk to me in my mind?"

I ran out of the bathroom and ran to my friends...

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